YouTube: How to register, how to create your own channel right now for free?

Published in Useful tips
13 Apr 2017

Step -by -step instructions for registering in the Google system and creating your own channel on YouTube video hosting.

With the advent of the Internet and video hosting YouTube For many people, television has faded into the background. In addition to the fact that this resource is filled with all kinds of videos, films and programs for every taste, it also enables its users to create their own channel, where you can upload unique content, collect millions of spectators and make good money on this.

If you have ever thought about trying yourself as a video blogger or a leading Internet show, then in this article you will find a step-by-step instructions to create your own channel on a popular video hosting YouTube.

Registration and creation of a channel on the video hosting YouTube

Registration and creation of a channel on the video hosting YouTube

How to register in the Google system?

Because YouTube is the company's service Google, then before proceeding to the creation of your own channel, the first thing is to create an account Google+. Through it, access to all services of the company is made, which include and YouTube.

If you already have an account Google+, you can skip the section with registration in the system and move directly to the creation of the channel. In order to register in the system Google Take the following steps:

  • Step 1. Go to the main page video hosting YouTube And in the upper right corner, click on the button " To come in».
Figure 1. How to register in the Google system?

Figure 1. How to register in the Google system?

  • Step 2. On the page opened, click the button " Create an account". You will open a form of registration in the system where you need to indicate your name and surname, email address, date of birth, gender and mobile phone number for the safety of your future account.
  • The system will automatically offer you to create a new mailbox on hosting GmailHowever, it is not necessary to do this at all. It is quite possible to enter the address that you already have an email at any other hosting. For example, on Mail.Ru or Yandex.
  • A small recommendation for age. If you are not yet 18 years old, it is still recommended to indicate the age of 18 or higher. Otherwise, access to some videos that may not even contain any prohibited personnel may be closed to you.
Figure 2. How to register in the Google system?

Figure 2. How to register in the Google system?

  • Step 3. After filling out all the fields, click the button " Further"And accept the agreement with the Privacy Policy. Then enter the mailbox indicated during registration and open the letter sent to you. Follow the link indicated in it to confirm registration in the system Google.
Figure 3. How to register in the Google system?

Figure 3. How to register in the Google system?

Congratulations! Now you are the user of the system Google And you have full access to her services. Now you can proceed directly to the creation of the channel to YouTube.

How to create your own YouTube channel right now?

As you could notice, registration in the system Google Pretty simple and does not take much time. Creation of your own channel on YouTube It happens even easier. It is worth saying that many beginners are interested in the cost of creating a channel. We hasten to reassure you. Creating your own channel takes place absolutely free and in the process of its development they will not demand any money from you. To make your own channel on YouTube Take the following steps:

  • Step 1. Go to the main page video hosting YouTube And in the upper right corner, click on the image of your account to call the context menu. In the drop -down list, click on the gear icon For the transition to the settings.
Figure 1. How to create your own channel on YouTube right now?

Figure 1. How to create your own channel on YouTube right now?

  • Step 2. On the page opened in the tab " general information»Click the button" Create a channel". Next in the pop -up window, enter the name of your future channel. If you want to make a personal video blog, you can leave your name and surname. If you plan to develop any thematic project, it is recommended to come up with a beautiful memorable name in which there are keywords for the search. If anything, the name of the channel can always be changed in the settings. After entering the name, press the button again Create a channel».
Figure 2. How to create your own channel on YouTube right now?

Figure 2. How to create your own channel on YouTube right now?

  • Step 3. Congratulations! You have just created your own channel on YouTubeWhere you can post your own videos or add existing on hosting. On the page you can upload the channel design and add an avatar by pressing pencils located in the upper corners of the cap.
Figure 3. How to create your own channel on YouTube right now?

Figure 3. How to create your own channel on YouTube right now?

How to work with your YouTube channel?

Adding a video

  • Now that the channel is created, it will not hurt to get acquainted with its control a little. There are a lot of nuances in this matter, but we will consider the most basic ones. Let's start by adding a video. The video download button is located in the upper right corner next to the profile image and it is displayed on each page YouTube.
Figure 1. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 1. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

  • If you press it, the video download window will open, where you can select the file from the computer from the list or just drag it to the specified page area. Also, in the drop -down list from below, you can set the confidentiality settings for the added video. On the right side is a menu with direct broadcasts, a video from other services Google And the creation of a slide show from photos.
Figure 2. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 2. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Control Panel

  • As already understood from the name, the control panel serves to administer the channel on YouTube. From it you can track the number of your subscribers, likes, views, add advertising as videos and much more. To go to the control panel, click in the upper right corner to the image of your profile and in the drop -down window click on the button " Creative studio».
Figure 3. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 3. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

  • On the opened page, the main information about the channel is displayed. The right column contains views statistics, where, in addition to subscribers and the number of views themselves, the total time that people spent on your channel are also displayed. The central block displays all videos and comments on them. If you press the button " Add a widget»In the upper right corner, it will be possible to set additional page display parameters.
Figure 4. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 4. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Video manager

  • If in the left menu go to the tab " Video manager", Then on it you can see the weight list of added videos. From here you can control your videos and create playlists from them. To create a new playlist, select the corresponding tab on the left and after click " New playlist". In the window that opens, enter its name, set the confidentiality settings and click " Create". Next, the page will be updated, and you can add videos to the playlist just created.
Figure 5. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 5. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Direct broadcasts

  • The next in the list is the tab " Direct broadcasts". On it you can lead a live broadcast from your own apartment and answer the question of real-time subscribers in online chat mode. As a rule, direct broadcasts are used for streams of video games, but if you have other ideas for using this function, you can try to embody them.
Figure 6. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 6. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

  • It is worth emphasizing that conducting a direct broadcast is possible only from the confirmed channel. This is necessary so that the site administration makes sure that you are not a bot. If on the tab " Direct broadcasts"Click the button" Begin", Then the number you specified when registering will be sent SMS message With the confirmation code that will need to be entered in the corresponding field. After confirming your "humanity" you can lead direct broadcasts.


  • On the tab " Community»Comments to the video are managed. Here you can install settings to add them, delete, add comments and block unwanted users. In addition, through this tab, communication with subscribers and partners of the channel is carried out. On the tab " Indication in the credits»Videos or channels in which you were awarded their creators will be displayed.
Figure 7. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 7. How to work with your channel on YouTube?


  • In this section, you can set the main settings for your channel. On the main page of the section, your status of "decency" is displayed. If in the process of developing the channel you will violate copyright using someone else's content without permission and reference to authorship, then your rating will fall. In addition, for violation of video hosting rules, the rating also decreases. If it falls to zero, then in the search your channel will stop appearing.
Figure 8. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 8. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

  • In subcategories " Download video" And " Form style»Settings of downloading videos and channel design are set, and on the tab" Additionally»You can install keywords for finding your videos. For example, if your channel is entertaining, you can add keywords for searching for “entertainment, humor”, etc. ... Users who will enter these words in the search will fall into your channel.
Figure 9. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 9. How to work with your channel on YouTube?


  • Section "" YouTube Analytics" And " Localization and subtitles»We miss, as they are very large and require a separate topic for discussion. If you go to section " Create", Then the first thing you can see a page with music, which can be downloaded for free and used in your videos or clips. The list of works and performers there is simply huge. For simplicity of search, you can sort tracks by genre, duration, artist, tool and even mood. To load your favorite song, you need to click on the arrow on the right side of it. In addition to music, a variety of sound effects are available for downloading, which can also be inserted into videos for introducing highlights in them.
Figure 10. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 10. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

  • Go to the tab " Video editor". Here you can process uploaded videos or create them from scratch using pictures and sound effects. Video editor YouTube Very similar to most professional editors in their interface. It contains two paths, one of which will display a time scale of the video, on the other audio. There is also a block with preliminary viewing of the video. The possibilities of a video editor YouTube Very large. In addition to cutting video and audio, the editor allows you to impose multiple special effects on the image, make a black-and-white video, insert an image into it and much more. In the process of developing the channel, we recommend that you get acquainted with this section.
Figure 11. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Figure 11. How to work with your channel on YouTube?

Video: How to create a channel on YouTube?

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  • blah blah blah

  • create a YouTube channel for me and 1 more question is your real name or not

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