How to cancel an order on the website of the online store connected?

Published by B. Svyaznoy
20 Jan 2017.

We cancel the online order in the "connected" - a few minutes and the question is resolved.

Faced with the choice and acquisition of technology, today every second resident of the Russian Federation commits a purchase in the largest online retail "connected". For more than 20 years, the company is actively developing in the market and offers thousands of goods from budget categories, to the most expensive world new products and innovations. Today you can buy goods in " Connected"Do not leaving them at home around the clock, it is enough to go to the site and choose the desired product.

For those who first plan to create an order on the "Svyaznoy" site we created a special article.In which step by step tells how to create an order properly and quickly pay, as well as raised issues of delivery of goods.

The same article is devoted to the issue: how to cancel the order on the site "Svyaznoy".

How to cancel an order on the website of the online store connected?

How to cancel an order on the website of the online store connected?

Remote purchase acquisition has both a number of advantages and disadvantages. Impulsive orders made via the Internet have already caught up, and possibly overtakes offline sales.

The simplicity of order decor bribes, and are often not taken into account by many factors. From banal "I want", until there is currently funds to pay for the order. But sometimes there are more good reasons as a sudden departure from the city and, accordingly, the inability to get a parcel. In all cases, only one will need - cancel the order.

We cancel the order in the "connected" within a few hours after ordering

In order to make a failure you will need in your personal account or on E-Maile view the order number. After that call back to the free hotline 8 (800) 700-43-43 And report need to cancel the order. Many canceled the order (and this really happens extremely rarely) for the first time a certain discomfort arises: what to say? What if there will be aggression from the manager? And sometimes "what will think" and "Will I be able to execute orders afterwards?".

Note, for the store " Svyaznoy"It is important that the client is comfortable at any stage of the order. Therefore, no extra questions are set, only about the cause of cancellation and then only to try to help the client solve the problem. For example, transfer an order for another period, or recommend favorable interest-free installments.

For those who first cancel the order in the telephone mode, we give an example of a conversation.

Good day! I recently made an order № ХХ on your site and is forced to cancel it and not send it to me. Thank you!

In case you have paid for the goods, then in the telephone mode, you will tell you what a letter and where to send, for registration of funds.

Please note that this rule is valid exclusively for orders created by no more than a few hours ago.

We cancel the order in the "connected" in the case when the order has already been sent

As soon as you leave and confirm the order on the site, the fast and painstaking process on checking, packaging, transfer to the courier service and subsequent shipment, and delivery of goods are launched. Accordingly, if more than an hour has passed, and you made a decision to cancel the parcel, check with the operator, calling back on the hotline 8 (800) 700-43-43 Order status and the ability to cancel it.

How to cancel the order on the website of the online store connected if the order is sent

How to cancel the order on the website of the online store connected if the order is sent

If the order has not yet been sent, then the prepayment amount is returned completely. If the goods are already on the way, then the amount returns after receiving the returning goods and the difference in courier expenses. For example, you made an order for 10,000 rubles, the cost of delivery in both directions is 500 rubles (in both directions, as the store will need to pay the courier service delivery to your city and then back). Total return will be 500 rubles.

We hope our article helped understand the intricacies of online cancellation of orders in " Connected"And the cancellation process has taken just a few minutes. Excellent shopping for you!

Video: Svyaznoy: What you need to know when buying via the Internet!

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  • I refuse to order

    • Call the hot line 8 (800) 700-43-43 and cancel the order.

    • I cancel the order

  • Please cancel an order in the online store "Svyaznoy" number 72328758

  • Please cancel an order in the online store connected number85170299

  • Mark order 86972719

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