In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it: information about YouTube

Published in Useful tips
Jun 2, 2017

The article tells about the history of the creation of "YouTube".

Website " YouTube»It is the most popular video resource on the Internet today. It was created in 2005 in the United States with three friends, who then did not even assume that their brainchild awaited grand success and world fame. Their undertaking turned the Internet and opened new opportunities. In this review, we will talk about the history of the creation of the project " YouTube».


In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it information about YouTube

The occurrence of "YouTube"

Thanks to " YouTube»On the Internet it became possible to quickly spread videos, while at the same time anywhere in the globe. " YouTube»Often called hosting, which stores tens of millions of video files pumped by users of the Internet.

But it all just began in 2005. Three friends (Javid Karim, Chad Herli, Steve Chen) who previously worked in the payment system " PayPal", Gathered together in the California city of San Bruno to discuss issues of creating their own business.

In general, on this occasion there are different stories that journalists promote. According to one of them, the need to create a video resource is ripening at Steve Chen, who with his second friend was at the party held by the company " PayPal". There was no third friend with them, so they just wanted to send him a video from the party, which cost them a lot of labors.

As a result of this, at first there was an annoyance from the fact that there is no special easily accessible service, on which you can simply upload videos for your comrades, and then the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating "was born" YouTube". True, the creators themselves " YouTube"Such a journalistic version was denied, but, apparently, it was it that turned out to be the most pretty in the information space.

Initial "YouTube"


In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it information about YouTube

When was first created " YouTube", He was slightly different from his late version, which we can use now. Initially, in 2005, the creators of the video resource focused on other sites on which users could upload their files. Mostly friends took an example from a popular site " Hotornot».

On this resource, users first registered, and then pumped their photos on it. One of the features of the site was that other users voted for these photos, that is, to like, thereby making them popular and rated.

But appearing on the Internet " YouTube»Differed from the mentioned site in that it could not be posted on it not a photo, but a video. " YouTube"Was like" Hotornot“Only with their design, for which three friends of the creators later began to be accused of plagiarism. But in general, in terms of functionality " YouTube"Still, he was not likened to other similar resources, remaining an original video hosting.

Chad Herli, who previously worked as a designer in " PayPal"(And, by the way, he came up with a logo for this company), was responsible for the development of a new site. With the help of some of his colleagues, he came up with what should be " YouTube", And Steve and Javid supported this idea. The work has begun.

In mid -February 2005 " YouTube" was launched. By this time, friends no longer worked in " PayPal", Having made the main bet on your new business, and, in the end, did not lose.

The first testing "YouTube"


In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it information about YouTube

It is worth noting that initially " YouTubee ”was conceived as a dating site with the ability to pump a personal video on it. As a sign of this, the site was opened on the day of all lovers - February 14. In March, some work was carried out to adjust the site, and in April 2005 on " YouTube»The first video was filled.

In the video, one of the creators - Javid Karim - was shot in a zoo against the background of elephants. The video was very short and did not carry any important information. Nevertheless, it turned out to be the first testing " YouTube", Corrected by success. The video itself hangs on " YouTube" still (" Me at the zoo»).

Change of policy "YouTube"


In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it information about YouTube

Creators " YouTube»They admit that they advertised their site with the help of it among friends. Javid, Chad and Steve simply did not have enough money for more serious advertising. It was necessary to attract new users almost with the help of rumors. But nonetheless " YouTube»Schools his audience.

But when new users began to visit " YouTube", Which, as we have already said, was originally conceived as a dating site, they began to use it for completely different purposes. Instead of hanging out only their personal videos in order to get to know each other better, users began to upload videos of completely different characters from music clips to any videos that can be shot on camera/phone.

But this did not puzzle the creators. On the contrary, the idea arose to position " YouTube»As a video resource in principle. In the same 2005, three friends changed their website policy, abandoning its original direction - an Internet resource for dating.

Victory over competitors


In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it information about YouTube

So why the site " YouTube»Has he quickly gained popularity and turned into one of the most famous video resources in America? How did the creators can advance their brainchild without professional advertising?

The fact is that all similar sites at that time did not offer such amenities and opportunities as the newly -minted " YouTube". On other resources in order for users to watch video videos, it was necessary to register first. It is clear that this forced users of the Internet to spend extra time and perform additional actions that not everyone liked.

In addition, sites competing with " YouTube", Limited the video in time and in the number of filled rollers. Three friends took this into account and went along a completely different path, which did " YouTube»A more profitable resource than its analogues.

Other sites did not offer to watch the video online, users had to download videos from the Internet on their computers and other devices. And to watch video recordings also required appropriate video players. All this added unnecessary problems to Internet users, especially if they visited such resources for the first time.

« YouTube"In this regard, it was a pleasant exception. The user needed only a link to the video. He helped to go through it and for free without registering online watch any video on any topic. Such Lafa began to attract a huge audience and made it possible to push away all the competitors possible at that time.

The growth of users "YouTube"


In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it information about YouTube

As a result, new politics " YouTube»Gave her fruits. The creators of the hosting video included many useful functions in their site. On the site it became possible to classify video Content for headings, users were invited to put tags to their videos, and the content systematization of content was earned.

« YouTube"Began to turn into a whole community. The resource was visited by users not only for watching a video of their friends, but also in order to find one or another necessary video, for example, a concert of their favorite rock band or a clip of a modern popular artist. In addition, a series of similar videos was also offered, so users could be on the site for a long time.

Financing the YouTube project

Now Steve, Javid and Chad could afford and advertisements better. " YouTube"Began to spin on the Internet at a quick pace, links to it appeared in various social networks, thereby giving the opportunity to enter and evaluate it to millions of users. On " YouTube"There were people who have never heard about this resource.

Soon " YouTube»Banned the attention of investors. The project began to be financed, bringing benefits to both its creators and investors. Already in 2006, the video resource rose to the tenth place among the most visited sites in America. The company signed contracts with other companies that could upload their video content on certain conditions.

World fame "YouTube"


In what year and in which country Yutub was created, who created it information about YouTube

At the end of 2006, the company " Google"Busy" YouTube»For the unheard of $ 1.6 billion and was not mistaken in her choice. " YouTube»Got world fame, it was visited by users from different countries. In 2007 " YouTube"Appeared in Russia, at that time he was already one of the most popular sites in the world's Internet space.

Users from Russia, in turn, not only began to massively visit the new hosting video, but also created their community, which today is listed as one of the largest.

Now we can on " YouTube»See almost any videos: political, humorous, musical, news, private, popular films and so on. In addition, on the site you can create your own video blog and upload your video, attract an army of subscribers, receive awards and even earn money.

Video: How did YouTube appear? The story of YouTube

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