The computer is slowly working, Windows 7 laptop, slows down: what to do?

Published in Useful tips
May 7, 2017

The main reasons for the slow operation of a computer or laptop. Diagnosis and prevention of problems.

Users of stationary computers and laptops with the operating system Windows 7 Quite often, they are faced with the problem of the performance of their devices. At some point, a computer or laptop begins to frankly “dull” or “slow down”. This is clearly expressed in the fact that the operating system begins to load much slower, folders and files on the computer open with a large delay, and indeed all the user actions do not receive an instant response, as it should be. Ultimately, the computer either freezes or reboots, and sometimes completely stops working.

Such "brakes" can occur for a huge series of reasons that can be divided into two main groups: "" software" and " technical". Each of the problems is solved in a certain way. In our article we will consider the most common of them and tell you how to solve them.

The computer is slowly working, the Windows 7 laptop: software reasons

Lack of free space on a hard disk

  • The most common reason for the appearance of “brakes” and “lags” on computers is associated with a small amount of free memory on a hard drive. As you know, to install the operating system Windows 7 A minimum required 20 GB free space on a hard disk. However, for comfortable operation of this volume, it will not be enough. In order for the system to work without delays, you must have a reserve of memory approximately in 20 - 40 GB, which will be used to store temporary files, data cache, installed drivers and other important system software.
Figure 1. Lack of free space on a hard disk

Figure 1. Lack of free space on a hard disk

  • As a rule, a separate section is created under the installation of the operating system on a hard disk, which is most often assigned the letter “ C.". In ignorance, inexperienced users install games and other third -party programs in this section, which take place necessary for the correct operation of the operating system itself.
  • In order to avoid the appearance of “brakes” and “lags” while working on a computer, take a rule to contain the system section of the disk clean. Remove or move all extra files, games and programs from it, clean the desktop from unnecessary shortcuts, clean the basket and folder " Downloads". Make sure the disk has enough free space ( 20 - 40 GB) and try to maintain this level.

Register errors due to incorrect removal of programs and handling a computer

  • While working on a computer in the operating system, a huge number of various processes occurs. Since the computer works strictly according to the algorithm prescribed by a person, the incorrect completion of any of these processes leads to failures/errors in the file system (registry). They are damaged files with the data incorrectly prescribed in them that cllate the file system and lead to a decrease in the computer's performance.
Figure 1. Register errors due to incorrect removal of programs and handling a computer

Figure 1. Register errors due to incorrect removal of programs and handling a computer

  • Most of these registry errors are formed when the user incorrectly completes the computer, turning it off using the power button. Also, not a small part of errors arises from improper deletion of programs. Many users simply remove the folder with installed games and applications from the hard disk, without caring that they are harmful to the computer with their actions.
  • To avoid the appearance of such errors, you should correctly complete the operation of the system, going to the menu " Start"And choosing the item" Completion of work».
    Programs should be deleted through " Control Panel"And section" Programs and components».
Figure 2. Register errors due to incorrect removal of programs and handling a computer

Figure 2. Register errors due to incorrect removal of programs and handling a computer

  • But it also happens that errors in the register are not the fault of the user. During the long -term use of the computer in the system they are formed a lot and sooner or later there is a need to correct them. For this purpose, there are a lot of specialized programs, but the most popular of them is CCleaner. Also, with the help of this utility, you can easily get rid of unnecessary files and garbage. About how to clean a computer and fix the registry errors using CCleaner You can read in our article " Programs for cleaning a computer from garbage and unnecessary files».

Damage to system files or infection of their viruses

Quite often it happens that during the use of a computer, some important system files can be damaged. Most often, they are infected with viruses, and sometimes inexperienced users can simply remove them out of ignorance. This can cause “brakes”, the appearance of critical errors and other problems of the operating system. The standard function can help in solving this problem Windows « System Restore". To use it, take the following steps:

  • Step 1. Open the menu " Start", Open" All programs", Go to the folder" Standard"And in it in the folder" Service". Click on the item " System Restore».
Figure 1. Damage to system files or infection of their viruses

Figure 1. Damage to system files or infection of their viruses

  • Step 2. Wait for the system restoration manager and click " Further". Remember that this procedure does not affect the user's personal files, including images, music, games and software. It checks and restores exclusively system data and, if necessary, loads the missing from the Internet or disk.
Figure 2. Damage to system files or infection of their viruses

Figure 2. Damage to system files or infection of their viruses

  • Step 3. After starting the manager, select the control point (the date you want to roll back the system). If the desired control point is not in the list, put a checkplace opposite " Show other recovery points", Then click" Further».
Figure 3. Damage to system files or infection of their viruses

Figure 3. Damage to system files or infection of their viruses

  • Step 4. The recovery process will begin, which can take a lot of time. After completion, the computer will be rebooted and a window with the results of recovery will appear on the screen. If, after this procedure, the computer did not stop “slowing down”, then the only way out of the situation will be a complete reinstallation of the operating system.

Incorrectly installed Windows 7 updates

As you know, in versions of the operating system Windows 7 And above there is a function of automatic updating of the system and its components. Often, certain problems arise with these updates. For example, during the update loading, the Internet is recovering and in this regard, some components of the update package may be damaged or not loaded. The installation of a “broken” update on the computer can cause tangible “brakes”, malfunctions of system services and many other errors. To correct this problem, it is necessary to remove the last established update, and then re -download and install it. To do this, take the following steps:

  • Step 1. Through the menu " Start"Open" Control Panel". Find in the window opened section " Programs and components"And go to him.
Figure 1. Invalibly installed Windows 7 updates

Figure 1. Invalibly installed Windows 7 updates

  • Step 2. In the window with a list of installed programs, it is necessary to find section on the left side " View the installed updates"And go into it.
Figure 2. Inviceably installed Windows 7 updates

Figure 2. Inviceably installed Windows 7 updates

  • Step 3. In the window that opens, a list of all installed updates for the operating system and standard programs will be displayed. You need to find in the list the last installed package of updates (as a rule, it goes the first on the list), highlight it with the left mouse button and press the button " Delete" or " Change". Next, you should wait for the completion of the removal process and restart the computer.
Figure 3. Invarrely installed Windows 7 updates

Figure 3. Invarrely installed Windows 7 updates

  • Step 4. After removing the package of updates, it must be re -loaded. Previously, see the stability of your Internet connection. Open " Control Panel"And go to section" Windows update center».
Figure 4. incorrectly installed Windows 7 updates

Figure 4. incorrectly installed Windows 7 updates

  • Step 5. In the window that opens, click the button " checking for updates" or " Search for updates"And wait for the end of the process. After new updates are found, click the button " Download updates" and after " Install updates».
Figure 5. incorrectly installed Windows 7 updates

Figure 5. incorrectly installed Windows 7 updates

In the event that updates were not installed again correctly, it is recommended to download with official site Microsoft full distribution of your operating system with all the latest updates and reinstall Windows.

A computer is slowly working, Windows 7 laptop: Technical reasons

A malfunction of a hard disk

  • If you are sure that everything is in order with the software on the computer, then the problem is almost certainly lies in the “iron” breakdown. The speed of a computer or laptop is most affected by a hard drive that has the property of wear over time, which leads in the end to the “brakes” and “lags” while working on a computer.
Figure 1. Hard disk malfunction

Figure 1. Hard disk malfunction

  • A hard drive is divided into many sectors that serve to store information. Over time, they become unusable and the system marks them as “broken”. If, in the process of reading data from a hard disk, the computer gets into the “broken” sector, a failure occurs in the system, which leads to the “brakes” and freezing of the device. Reading broken sectors is usually accompanied by a characteristic crackling of a system unit or laptop.
  • It is impossible to avoid this problem and over time any hard drive has to be changed, but you can extend it with a service life using a special program to restore a hard disk HD Tune Prowhich can be downloaded by this link.
Figure 2. Faulty hard disk

Figure 2. Faulty hard disk

  • In addition, it is recommended to defragment the hard disk at least once a month. To do this, open the menu " Start", Find the folder" Standard", Then open the folder" Service", And in it, select" " Disk Defragmenter».

Malfunction in the cooling system and overheating of the device

  • Another common cause of “brakes” and “lags” of computers and laptops is their overheating. This problem can be identified by eye. After turning on, the computer works at a good speed, but after a few minutes its performance begins to decline quickly. Also, an indicator of overheating is an arbitrary shutdown of the computer, the noise of the fan or its complete absence and temperature of the laptop body. Sometimes laptops heat up to such an extent that having touched the body, you can get a burn.
Figure 1. Fault in the cooling system and overheating of the device

Figure 1. Fault in the cooling system and overheating of the device

  • As a rule, the standard cleaning of the components or laptop from dust helps to solve the overheating problem. Inexperienced users are strongly not recommended to independently open the device body and clean. It is best to seek help from acquaintances or in a computer repair service.
Figure 2. Fault in the cooling system and overheating of the device

Figure 2. Fault in the cooling system and overheating of the device

  • In the event that the cleaning from dust did not help, then the thermal paste, which is located between the coaller and the device processor, should be replaced. You need to do this only as a last resort and only by the hands of a professional.


What to do if a computer or a laptop brakes?

What to do if a computer or a laptop brakes?

Any of the above reasons for the appearance of “brakes” when working on a computer does not appear on its own. In order to prevent their appearance, it is necessary to carefully handle your computer or laptop, do not drop or beat it, clean it from dust and not fill it with water, as well as from time to time to perform some procedures that will help to significantly extend your life:

  • Monitor a sufficient volume of free space on a hard disk
  • Correctly delete and sort the games and programs installed on the computer
  • Carry out the diagnosis of the registry
  • At least once a month, launch disks defragmentation
  • Clean the computer from unnecessary files and garbage
  • Provide the computer constant protection against viruses and from time to time to scan the system for their presence with one of the antivirus.

Video: 7 reasons why the computer slows down

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