How to connect external music columns to a laptop via bluetheus and USB? How to connect a column and a microphone to the laptop at the same time?

Published in Useful tips
April 7, 2017

The article describes how to connect speakers to a laptop.

It is no longer a secret that the huge army of users uses laptops, which is explained by their convenience and the ability to use at any right time. Laptops, of course, have a lot of advantages that we will not describe in this article, but we will talk about some nuances in working with mobile computers.

For example, laptops have native built -in speakers, which can hardly be characterized as a gift to music lovers or lovers of home theaters. Such speakers, of course, will be useful only for preliminary listening to music (other sounds) or communication on Skype.


How to connect external music columns to a laptop via bluetheus and USB how to connect a column and a microphone to a laptop at the same time

For better listening to music from the laptop, external music columns will be needed, which can be connected to laptops through the port USB Or bluetheus. The better the speakers, the, respectively, the sound is better. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What outer speakers can be connected to a laptop?


How to connect external music columns to a laptop via bluetheus and USB how to connect a column and a microphone to a laptop at the same time

Before we begin to understand the question of how to connect active speakers to laptops, we will first meet which audio columns can be selected in this case.

Audio columns for laptops can differ in design, in power, quality and many other parameters. In addition, the connection itself can be as wired (through the cable USB), and wireless (through Bluetooth).

External audio columns for laptops are:

  • Portable
  • Stationary

Portable speakers, as can be seen from the name, can be carried with you along with a laptop. This will be convenient for those users who are constantly moving from place to place and do not have special increased requirements to the sound (but the speakers built into the laptop also do not quite suit him). Portable columns can eat electricity from USB Right from the laptop.


How to connect external music columns to a laptop via bluetheus and USB how to connect a column and a microphone to a laptop at the same time

Stationary speakers, respectively, differ in large dimensions, which indicates their high -quality sound. Such columns, as a rule, are stored at home, and are waiting for the arrival of their master. Stationary speakers require a network connection, which is not a special problem. In addition, you can listen to music from both a laptop and a regular personal computer.

How to connect speakers to a laptop?

It is not difficult to connect external music speakers to the laptop, you just need to figure out which type of these columns you want to use. Recall that you can connect external devices to the laptop through USB, Bluetooth, and also through the headphone nest.

First, find out which connectors are available on your laptop. As a rule, on the side on the laptop there are the necessary connectors for connecting headphones and a microphone. If you need to listen to music from external active speakers that are equipped with a cable mini-jack, then you can safely connect (both when turned on and with a laptop turned off) it in a nest for headphones on a laptop:


How to connect external music columns to a laptop via bluetheus and USB how to connect a column and a microphone to a laptop at the same time

Some laptop models have a connector mini-jack, in which you can stick a microphone and headphones. If you want to connect a microphone and speakers to the laptop at the same time, then use the appropriate adapter:


How to connect external music columns to a laptop via bluetheus and USB how to connect a column and a microphone to a laptop at the same time

If your columns are equipped with a cable USB, then, accordingly, you can stick it into a nest intended for him on a laptop. You can connect any speakers to the laptop under the control " Windows 7" or " Windows 10"(Below we will describe how it is done programmatically).

If you are a lover of wireless equipment and use Bluetooth speakers, then in this case you will not have any problems. Connecting the speakers using Bluetooth technology is no different from connecting any other device. Just activate Bluetooth on the laptop and wait for the system to find everything Bluetooth Devices located nearby. In this list (if it is), find your speakers and connect them by pressing the mouse. No more additional actions will have to take any more additional actions.

We connect the speakers to the laptop in the operating system

We talked above how to include a column physically in the laptop. Now we will find out how it looks programmatical.

Go to the sound settings " Windows» ( Control panel - equipment and sound), as shown in the screenshot, and click on " Volume settings". The window is opened in which you can adjust the sound volume. This is all you need to do.


How to connect external music columns to a laptop via bluetheus and USB how to connect a column and a microphone to a laptop at the same time

The opening window is a volume mixer. It will have a list of all devices and programs requiring sound adjustments. Here you can configure the volume of your speakers, also the volume of system sounds and, if necessary, various audio and video players. Try to make the volume control always below one hundred percent.

If your columns require the installation of any additional driver, then install it. All other drivers (for a sound card) have already been set by default. You can, of course, also download and install your favorite audio player on the laptop.

Video: How to connect speakers to a laptop?

Video: Bluetooth columns Beatbox by Dr. Dre Mini S10 and Hyundai i80

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