What is Yandex.Metrica, how to use it? Yandex.Metrica: entrance to your personal account, setting targets

Published in Useful tips
May 20, 2017

An article about the functions and capabilities of Yandex. Metrics.

Yandex.Metrica - a specialized program reading the number of site visits that provides a systemic analysis of visitors flow, a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe audience. The program was created for further promotion and optimization of the site being studied.


The scheme of the Yandex system. Metrics

All operations proposed by the program are free.

What Yandex offers. Metrics?

  • the counter information meter
  • details of site attendance: number, visitors' parameters, real -time calls, reporting
  • setting up the Internet - commerce and much more

Yandex.Metrica - certification

This service was created to certify masters in the field of virtual marketing, analysts. Having checked your knowledge in real time, you can get a document confirming your production skills in this area.
The certificate test includes theory and practical tasks based on your experience in the field of reporting and maintaining advertising projects of the company.
Testing rules for receiving a certificate:

  • 1 question is 1 or several answers
  • limited examination time
  • a certain number of answers is effective for passing tests
  • inadvertently closed test page, can be open again to continue testing
  • document-the certificate will be issued, in your opinion, in Yandex. Passport

Entrance to Yandex. The passport

  • repeated retaid of the dough is possible after a week, and then every three months, with unsuccessful attempts

Yandex.Metrica - statistics

Consider a practical scheme for checking the statistics of the site page.

Checking scheme:

  • It is required to find out the following characteristics of the site: attendance, the time of staying visitors on the site, the resources from which visitors come, the number of people, the actions of people
  • we will copy the address address of the site, whose statistics information is required to find out


    We will copy the address address of the site, whose statistics information is required to find out

  • we enter Yandex. Metrics
  • we open the tool for reporting
    We activate the sign on the open page " a plus" On the option " Visits ... "


    We open the tools for segmentation of the reporting, activate the plus sign on the Open Page on the Options "Visits ..."

  • open the function "Behavior", then "View"
  • we activate the section "View url"

We activate the "View URL" section

  • in the address bar we introduce URL- a page of the page, whose statistics we want to view
  • press the key "Apply"
  • look at the statistics of the indicated page, whose address is indicated in the segment sector
  • if desired, save statistics by pressing the key "Save as"

Save statistical data by pressing the "Save as" key

What are refusals to Yandex.Metrica, direct visits, internal transitions, other terms?

AT Yandex. Metrics There are rules, laws and definitions. Let's try to understand each of them.
The most difficult definitions can be found in the section "Sources."


  • direct entrances
  • internal transitions
  • visits
  • returned users
  • views
  • visitors
  • conversion
  • the parameter of the failure

Direct entrances

Under this name hides the inputs of users made directly to the site, transitions from Skype, Vaiber On the computer using expelled links.

The more direct visits, the better the fame of the site, the block. Users who entered contextual advertising can also popularize the site.

Internal transitions

Registration of transitions is underway if the user leaves the site for a while, more than half an hour.


Internal transitions on the reporting page to Yandex. Metrics

A special editing page with a counter shows the absence of a visitor.

The duration of time should be increased when watching movies, namely, in this case, the person is inaction. Watching films can occupy several hours, especially if it is a television series.


Visits, this is the viewing of the site user.

If in 30 minutes, the user did not look at one page, the reporting stops. Visit, the main reporting parameter for Yandex.

Returned users

This term implies the reporting of the system at the entrance to the site of returning visitors.


Reporting page for returned visitors to Yandex. Metrics

Returned are those users who returned to the site in the reporting period. Their input, according to reporting, is one of the first entry to the resource.

Views and visitors

The term denotes the number of views of the page for the period of reporting, returning to the page. Viewing is a visit to 15 seconds. Parameter views, depth. Depth is the expansion of the site in blogs, portals or reducing the site to the level of a virtual store.


Views and visitors to Yandex. Metric

Visitors, these are users who leave a visit on the site during the reporting period. Reporting is on new, old, repeated users.

Conversion and targeted visit

Conversion, the term explaining the percentage of achieving the goal provided for by the site. The term includes: buying goods, telephone calls, feedback letters, subscription to the email address, using the card online, loading the page with prices for services.


Reporting page page

Purpose of the visit, has the name speaking for itself. Visitin which it was achieved goal, provided for by the site. The service is paid.


Purpose of the visit


Refusal, this is a visit in which only one page was visible. Parameter "The exact indicator of failures", in the switching mode, imposes a limit for viewing within 15 seconds. The number of clicks by advertising is considered refusals.


Reporting page on Yandex failures. Metric. Opas option option

Use Yandex. Metric

  • enter the system by link here
  • put in the search line “Yandex. Metrics"
  • click "Find"
  • open the program “Yandex. Metrics"

Open the Yandex program. Metrics"

  • autominate at the entrance

Authorization page

  • enter the system
  • press the key "Cross"
  • activate the option "Tune"

System settings page

  • select the desired type of setting element
  • copy the command command in HTML- Code of the desired site
  • put a special program "Yandex.Metrica", in the case of the site in WordPress
  • upon request, set up filters

Use Yandex. Metrics! Let your site be the most advanced online!

Video: Yandex. Metrics. Settings and installation

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