What is repost in VKontakte, what does it look like, what does it mean? Repost in contact: how to make in a new version?

Published in Useful tips
April 4, 2017

An article on how to make repost from VKontakte to other social networks: facebook, classmates, Instagram. Options of reposts.

We remind you that the repost is hidden under the English word. The term means message, announcement, repeated publication of the text on one resource, in this case, on social networks.


Social networks, an integral part of our life

The user sets a photo in the album of one of the social networks, publishes the same photo on the wall, including the text.
What is the purpose of repost? Attraction to the topic, to the project, to the text, to the photo, a large number of users.

Repost installation scheme on social networks

Walking over the network VKontakt, on the pages of friends and not only, you can see unique photos, interesting text, video. How to make a repost photo, text, how to put them on our page, we will tell you below.Instructions:

  • we enter a social network, for example, in In contact with
  • find an interesting entry or photo
  • press the icon "Share" or " Tell friends",which is located under the record or badge icon for a photo that means "I like it"

We note the icon "share" or "tell friends" or "I liked it"

  • we activate the option "Choose an audience"

Option "Select the audience", the "Share record" key

  • we write text, comment
  • next, we activate the key " Share a record "
  • repost made

For viewing, we go to our account, consider the repost that has arisen.


View the created repost


  • click the option "Friends and subscribers", For transfer to wall in In contact with
  • we activate the option "Community subscribers", to transfer the message to the group, in the same place
  • click the option "Send a personal message" For correspondence with a friend

A video, file, photo, text document, a timer with the date of publication are added to the message.

Transfer of links using repost

  • we make a message: text, video, photo
  • we introduce the right mouse key on the date of publication of the post ( in Vkontakte)

We introduce the right mouse key on the date of publication of the post (in VKontakte)

  • we open the option "Copy the link address"
  • we make a repost (text, records, photos and so on), where you need

Repost in VKontakte using the phone

  • we enter VKontakt Through your phone

We enter VKontakt through a mobile phone

  • click on the Ruper icon, below

Click on the Ruper icon

  • we find the option "Share a record"or "Tell friends"

Find the option "Share a record" or "tell friends"

  • we note the line " On my wall "
  • press the key "OK"
  • we enter our page
  • we look at the repost
  • press the key "Fix"

Automatic repost from VKontakte on Facebook, classmates, Instagram

Automatic repost or crossbreeding, this is copying the text, links (the same), in automatic or manual mode, for forums, in personal correspondence, on the topics of social networks.
How to do this from In contact with To other social networks?
Option No. 1 for advanced users

  • use the program WordPress

Option No. 2

  • put on the site in In contact with position "Share"by handing a manually link to Facebook, Classmates, Instagram

Option No. 3

  • use the program RSStranslator For crossbreeding your video, test or blog in Facebook, Classmates, Instagram
  • download the service, according to the link here

Variat No. 4

  • use the program Sociate.TarGeting to manage advertising, for advertising, for crossbreeding In social networks in automatic mode

Groups on social networks, a good platform for advertising. Advertising can be done on all social networks using service programs.Instructions:

  • we enter VKontakt

We enter VKontakt

  • we draw up a group on the subject so that it is given in the search bar Yandex, Google

Group indexation in Yandex, Google

  • choosing a service program for automatic exhibition reposts, for example, a program New pressallowing to make automatic reposts in Facebook, classmates, Instagram from In contact with

Choosing a service - a new press for automatic repost on social networks

  • this service places your groups, reposts in automatic mode in famous social networks

Service new press and social networks

  • we log in to the service Novopress Through your profile in In contact with
  • press the key "Social media",

add accounts on social networks


Press the “Social Networks” key, add accounts on social networks

  • press the key "My projects"where information will be posted in automatic mode

Key "My Projects" in the service of the new press

  • we activate the key "Create a project", giving a name to the project

Project creation, project name

  • we go to the option "All notes"

Tab "All records"

  • press the key "Add group", choosing a group from their account

Select an account from which we will add groups

  • we make a list of groups for accommodation in different networks
    Next, we place a repost that will be automatically in all networks in automatic mode. This will be maximum repost in automatic mode

The plot of this video will tell you very well.
We examined how to place ordinary repost in In contact withHow to put it on the wall, how to do it from your phone, how to make an automatic repost.
Successful communication on social networks!

Video: Autoposts on Facebook groups, classmates, Instagram

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