What can be removed on YouTube: ideas for beginners and beginners - a list. What can be removed on YouTube with a friend and one thing: ideas

Published in Useful tips
Jun 2, 2017

To become describes several ideas, which video can be shot and poured on YouTube.

The most popular video resource " YouTube»Gives not only to view the videos for every taste, but also to create their own video blogs on which users can download videos. And many have a question, and what videos can be shot in this case to make your channel on " YouTube»Popular?


What can be removed on YouTube ideas for beginners and beginners is a list. What can be removed on YouTube with a friend and one idea

For " YouTube»You can shoot various videos: yourself or with a girlfriend, with friends or acquaintances, against a background of nature or with pets. What genre attracts the largest audience? In this review, we will consider several successful ideas that will allow you to promote your channel on " YouTube».

Your video should be “viral” and interesting

To understand whether your video will be popular on " YouTube", You just think, would you like to share it with your friends, acquaintances, friends or would you be shy to do it? The video can be recorded on any topic, the main thing is that the presentation is as successful as possible. The popularity of the video depends on this presentation.


What can be removed on YouTube ideas for beginners and beginners is a list. What can be removed on YouTube with a friend and one idea

First, watch what videos on " YouTube»They have the largest number of views. Pay special attention to how these videos were photographed - it often happens that the video material is shot on an unprofessional camera (on the phone, etc.).

Many users cannot decide for a long time exactly what to shoot and which genre to choose. What bothers the viewer most of all? The theme for the video often comes unexpectedly and unplanned. It often happens that an unplanned video is gaining on " YouTube»A large number of views.

If you have not yet decided what exactly you will shoot on camera, we will list a list of ideas that can inspire you to shoot chitic videos.

Six ideas on how to make a successful video for YouTube


What can be removed on YouTube ideas for beginners and beginners is a list. What can be removed on YouTube with a friend and one idea

So, we list six ideas about which videos are worth filling on " YouTube"To achieve popularity:

  • Read quotes of famous people. It seems to be somehow trite, but in fact it gives a good result. If you put a voice correctly, select good pictures and read out quite smart (useful, interesting, etc.) thoughts of authoritative authors (celebrities, artists, musicians, philosophers ...), the number of your subscribers will only increase.
  • Use keywords. Please note, the video on which topic are most popular on " YouTube»At the moment, and remove the video on the same topic, use the most popular keywords on the site.
  • Videos about earnings on the Internet. About how to make money effectively, you can withdraw forever. A huge part of the population suffers from this particular problem. And if there is an opportunity to make good money on the Internet, then it will be very interesting to learn enough for many users. The main thing is that you are well versed in this topic (first study it) and submit it correctly.
  • Declaration. There are quite a few videos where video bloggers set themselves the goal, which they should achieve at a certain time. For example, earn a million in six months, reset 40 kilograms in three months, dial 100,000 subscribers in one week, and so on. Such videos are gaining a large audience, because she will be curious whether you will achieve the intended goal? Many will want to take an example from you.
  • Reviews for popular news in the media. It is not strange, but a person sitting in front of the camera discussing one or another topic can attract just a huge audience. But of course, in this case you need to have certain talents. If, for example, you are well versed in politics, then you need to correctly analyze modern political problems so that it is not banal and useless.
  • Promotion of the theme. Here you will also need your talent. Find out which videos on " YouTube»Are of small popularity. You must understand the topic that are covered in these rollers well. If you can submit this topic more successfully than other users, then you simply will not have competition. And a well -presented topic is half the success.

Video: ? Life hack - how to record 25 videos in 2 hours - video copiraiting (Andrey Merkulov)

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