How to use 3D Touch on old iPhone?
Many users have heard about 3D Touch technology, but not all models have it. How to try its use on the old iPhone model?
One of the main “chips” of the iPhone 6s is the 3D Touch function, which works due to the special execution of the display. The screen can recognize several degrees of clicks, so that it is much easier to use standard and third -party applications.
While the owners of the new model are using this new function, users of old gadgets also want to try the potential of new sensors thanks to Jalebreak-Twiks, which have iOS 8 and 9 support.
How to choose options for the application before starting it?

- Launch the Cydia application and find Force through the search
- Install this Twik key at the right on the right, and then restart Springboard
- Go to the main working screen
- Make a swipe up the application icon
- A small vibration will arise and additional options will be highlighted. For example, if you call notes, you will be offered to make a new one or choose an existing
Twik allows the use of this option with only a few standard applications, but the developers are always trying to expand the functionality of the program.
How to use 3D Touch in old iPhone versions?

3D Touch on the old iPhone
- In Cydia, open the “sources”, go to the edit and then “add”
- Write http://repo.ioscreatix.com
- Wait for the repository to be added, and then find Universalforce in the search
- Install a TV and reboot Springboard
- Now go to any standard application, for example, photo
- Click on any picture and pull it to the right
- When you see an arrow up at the top, then pull the photo there and select the desired option
Of course, not all applications work here either. In addition, to work with a function, you need a habit, since it will not be very convenient to use it for the first time.
These tweaks allow you to get only a general idea of \u200b\u200b3D Touch and does not allow you to completely feel the convenience of technology. They are useful only for familiarization.