What is offline and online online?

Published by B. Useful advice
23 Feb 2019.

The article will tell you what is online and offline on the Internet.

Each Internet user understands well, which means such terms as " offline" or " online" These words can be heard quite often because they are directly related to how successful you are connected to the worldwide web.

What is the difference between offline and online online?

What is the difference between offline and online online?

But for new users, such concepts remain unclear and even in certain circumstances cause some difficulties. In today's review we will discuss what is offline and online on the Internet. This question is very simple, understandable and will not cause any difficulties in the future.

What do the concepts of offline and online on the Internet?

Term " online"I came from English (" online"), And it means literally" be on line" This is a conditional expression that implies that the user is as if connected to the Internet line.

Accordingly, the word " offline»Also translated from English (" offline"), as " outside the line"Or outside the network. It is not very difficult to understand that this designation implies a disconnection from the Internet.

True, for the first time the above-mentioned terms began to be used even before the Internet spread across the entire planet. The fact is that the first computers had their internal network and connected to each other through the modem of the time. In principle, such communication can be called the first Internet.

What is the difference between offline and online online?

What is the difference between offline and online online?

Thus, with the help of computers connected to each other, it was possible, for example, to contact certain companies, or rather, read ads. It was also possible to read comments from various users, and this was called online mode. On offline mode, communication ended and the connection was discharged. Nowadays, everything happens on the same principle what it will be discussed below.

Online mode on the Internet

To date, we often and everywhere face the concept of "online" on the Internet. As we have already found out, this word means that some users are available to communicate with other users. In online mode, you can freely communicate not only with people who overlook the Internet, but also with various services, organizations, companies and other instances.

As a rule, the online regime is associated with such messengers as " Skype" or " Telegram"Also with social networks:" In contact with», « Odnoklassniki.», « Facebook" and others. If you are online, then you can not only read posts, but also view video, photos, play online games.

By the way, in the latter case, watching a video or photo is available not only online. The fact is that when you play a multimedia file (including audio), it is downloaded to your computer in the cache. This means that after such an injection, you will be able to use this file even if you turn off the Internet (that is, find yourself in the offline mode).

Offline mode on the Internet

In Offline mode, you are disconnected from the Internet, and the further use of the World Wide Web becomes impossible for you. We mentioned above, in what cases you can watch, for example, a video clip even on offline, but you can view new videos or audio (not to mention everything else) you are the ultimate, you can not.

Term " offline»It can also be used in other cases. For example, if we are talking about newspapers or magazines that are not on the Internet, the expression " offline Media" In general, everything that is outside the Internet is all falling under the offline category.

What is the difference between offline and online online?

What is the difference between offline and online online?

As another example, many computer programs can be brought, including games. Games know well that one or another game can be simply installed on the computer and freely use it without accessing the Internet. In the same way, you can use some browsers if you first download all the necessary information to the cache: Pages, etc.

But many programs, for example, mail agents have to be used only in online mode, since you simply cannot send an email if you do not connect to the worldwide network.

Video: How to sit offline in VKontakte?

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