Video and music in YouTube for smartphones in iOS: how to add? How to view a video, paid content, look for music in the YouTube application in the iPone, iPad?

Published in iOS / Useful tips
July 24, 2016

Description of YouTube Applications for iOS and instructions for solving problems with video playback

Many iPhone smartphones know that with the release of the IOS 6 operating system, Apple decided to stop supporting the built -in application from the YouTube hosting video. Nobody knows what caused such a decision, but Google had not been tenders on this subject, which belongs to the popular YouTube video hosting, I did not think for a long time and released its IOS operating system.
For a very short period of time, the application flew to the top in the store App Store And it was fixed there tightly. Such popularity is associated not only with the lack of a worthy competitor in the market, but also with the simplicity of using the application.
A convenient and understandable interface, the possibility of creating playlists, sorting videos and music by topics and performers. All this caused a large number of downloads.

This article presents a brief guide to use the application YouTube, as well as a solution to possible problems when watching a video


YouTube app for iOS

How to view the video through the YouTube application on iOS devices?

  • The application interface is extremely simple and understandable. After the launch, you will get to the main page of the application, which shows the most popular and gaining popularity videos
  • To watch them, just slip through one of the video, after which the page with the video and comments to it will open
  • To view the video in full screen mode, click on the corresponding icon in the lower right corner of the screen or turn the device into a horizontal position
  • The quality of the video depends on the speed of your Internet and is usually adjusted automatically. But if you use Wi-Fi connection, you can set quality manually. To do this, open the player menu by clicking on the corresponding icon, and in the tab "Settings" Set the desired quality
  • Also in the menu you can find other useful functions for viewing, such as subtitles. Subtitles can only be included in those videos in which the author of the video provided such an opportunity

Watch the video through the YouTube application on iOS

View paid content through the YouTube application on iOS devices

  • It is worth saying right away that purchases through the application on iOS devices cannot be made. To purchase paid films, television shows and subscriptions, you must go to your YouTube account through a computer or use a mobile browser (version for PC)
  • To watch purchased films and television shows, you need to go to the tab "Account" And open the section "Purchases". All acquired in advance content will appear in front of you
  • To view the video from paid channels, to which a subscription was made in advance, you must go to the tab "Subscriptions" And choose the channel you are interested in. If it is not displayed on the tab, you need to open a full list of channels by clicking on the arrow
  • Viewing direct broadcasts is carried out through the tab "Now on the air" On the channel page

How to add a video through the YouTube application on iOS devices?

  • To download the video, you must go to the desired channel and click on the main page on the camera icon
  • You will be invited to record a video or upload it from the device. After recording or choosing a video from the list, you can apply various effects to the video
  • Next, you need to specify the video title and click "Loading". Wait for the completion of the process and approval of the video by the administration
  • You can download the video both on a mobile network and a Wi-Fi network. To select a network, go to the menu and open the settings. In chapter "Loading" Select the desired network

Paid content in the YouTube application on iOS

Music in the YouTube application on iOS devices

  • In addition to the video, the application provides an opportunity to listen to the compositions of your favorite performers. For your convenience, it is possible to sort music by genre, performer, album, as well as create your own playlists who will lose the compositions in the order you have established
  • Search for music is carried out according to the same principle as the search for video. Also on the tab "Music" The compositions and performers recommended by you will be displayed taking into account your preferences

View video via YouTube app to iOS 2

What to do if the YouTube application on iOS does not play video?

  • The reasons for the problems with playing the video can be very different. This may be due to the poor Internet connection, with the slow operation of your device, with connecting a large number of devices to your account at the same time and even with the roller itself
  • As mentioned above, the quality of the video is adjusted automatically. However, sometimes malfunctions occur and the application is trying to reproduce the video in high resolution at poor Internet speed. Try to set the video resolution manually through the settings menu
  • You can also try to restart the video. To close the video, you should run a finger down the screen from top to bottom so that the video curls, and then run a finger along the rolled roller from left to right to close it. Take the video again and play it
  • Another way to fix the problem is to force the application and restart the device
  • If any way has helped you, make sure that your device has the latest version of the iOS operating system. It should be remembered that the YouTube application only works on iOS 6 versions and above. If your device has an earlier version of the operating system, you can use a video hosting through a mobile browser at Enjoy watching!

Video: New YouTube for iOS - Review

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