MegaFon: How to report fraud?

Published by B. Megaphone
24 Jul 2016.

How to protect yourself from scams when using MegaFon services? How to inform the operator that you have become a victim of fraudsters?

Many of us, at least once in life, lost money due to the action of fraudsters. This situation is always unpleasant. Unfortunately, with the development of technologies, fraudsters invent new ways to invade our life and illegally assign other people's money. MegaFon network users also become victims of unauthorized actions.

To protect yourself from actions of criminals, it is useful to find out what way they can deceive you.

What are the types of megaphone fraud?

Viral phone

Viruses are special files by which scammers are implementing malicious programs into your phone. With viral programs, you can write down money from your phone without your knowledge.

How do scam viruses fall on a megaphone subscriber phone?

Usually, viruses are disguised as harmless links to which you stumble on websites, or they come in the television messages that are disguised as sms from people from your list of contacts or strangers, "by mistake" sending you by Messiage. The text may be harmless, for example, "see our last pictures", but as soon as you follow the link, you download the infected file to your phone.

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

Sometimes viral files enter the phone by connecting Bluetooth when exchanging information with an infected device. Or to your phone comes a message about the need to update the software - go to some link (remember that licensed programs on the phone are updated without your participation and transition to the links)

Introduced into your device, the malicious program will not only steal your money, but also send from your behalf infected SMS to other subscribers from among your contacts, attracting even more potential victims in the network. Such programs are customary called Troyan.

How can a viral program of fraudsters harm megaphone subscribers?

  • Send SMS on paid scam services and write money from your account
  • Get the data of your bank card and send them to fraudsters
  • Saw out your passwords from mobile application management accounts, electronic wallet and other cash
  • Read SMS messages with important information, including closed you send to other subscribers
MegaFon: How to report fraud?

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

How to understand that fraudsters infected your phone with a viral program?

Quickly determine that your phone introduced malicious software, it is not easy, but there are several signs that you should alert:

  • The main sign - from your account, the megaphone is written off more money than usual. If you have not changed the tariff lately and did not add paid subscriptions, you may write off the scammers
  • You have discovered the write-off of funds from your card account or with a web man's account, which you did not produce (even if it is small, but regular sums), usually in the comments to the payment it is indicated that the tools are written off from a mobile application on your phone
  • You have become unexpectedly calling relatives and friends, or they send answers to the messages you did not send
  • Your phone began to work too slowly, to reboot and climb while performing the most common operations.

How to delete the program of fraudsters from your phone and protect yourself from viruses?

To remove malicious files from the phone, you must install anti-virus software and scan the device. Antivirus itself recognizes the scam files and blocks their action on your phone.

In the future, the antivirus program will independently scan your phone with a certain periodicity and follow the appearance of new viruses. It is very important that your antivirus is regularly updated (usually loading new versions of the antivirus occurs automatically, but on some phone models it is necessary to manually allow the update), since the developers constantly add new ways to protect.

Download Antivirus program from megaphone here. The program is produced in two versions: basic (free) and extended (surcharge). Moreover, if you purchase a paid version of the program, megaphone will allow you to install it on two devices, such as on your phone and tablet.

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

Calls and SMS from fraudsters on a mobile phone in a network megaphone

About the "divorce" according to the scheme "Your relative got into trouble" heard all. Recently, fraudsters took a new way: you receive a call from an unfamiliar number as soon as you take off the phone, the line is broken. The calculation is made that you consider breaking the connection with random and call back yourself. The call to this number will be paid, and while you will listen to an answering machine or a vague snatch in the tube, a commemorative payment will be charged from your account.

Another option: SMS, in the cat you inform you that you have become the winner of the draw on some site. To clarify the conditions for obtaining a prize, you are offered to call for a certain number. As you guessed, the call will be paid, you will not get a prize, and lose money. According to the same scheme, the SMS "from the bank" is working that your card is blocked, you need to call the number to remove the lock.

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

Among fraudulent SMS more than others are common messages from a friend or relative with a request to urgently throw money on the phone. You especially should alert requests to send a payment to a foreign number, for example "Mom, throw off 300 rubles to the number of Masha +790322233322, I have a problem, in the evening I will tell you everything." Before sending money, call your loved ones and make sure the message is really from it.

Fraudulent schemes when connected to the Internet from megaphone

The most common options when working with the Internet network:

When you try to go to any site, a message about hacking your account on social networks appears on the screen. To correct the situation, you are offered to send from the phone SMS to "Special Number" or enter the code from your phone in the "Special Window". As soon as you send a message or enter the code, money will be written off from your room.

While working with the site floats the message that your browser is outdated and again it is proposed to go through a dubious link to download the new version of the program.

You comes SMS or a message appears in a browser with a very tempting offer, for example, "you are approved a loan in the amount of 100 thousand rubles", then it is proposed to send an SMS to a short number or call the usual mobile number. Related messages Scammers are sent on behalf of major trading networks about the presentation of gifts or conducting the drawing.

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

Often scammers play on your feeling of jealousy or security. Can offer to establish a "magic" program of surveillance for moving your child or a loved one. Remember that there are no such programs, and in addition there are laws on the protection of private information (if it is about adult, even if you are close to you).

Another option of deception appeared not so long ago. Fraudsters track ads on the popular bulletin boards, for example, Avito or job search sites, and then send the tagging ads of the type "to your product to your product" or "An excellent vacancy is found for you." To find out the details you will be offered to send SMS or call the number. Remember that serious resources do not send such messages ever.

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

MegaFon: How to report fraud?

How to report fraud in MegaFon?

If you suspect that they became an object of action of fraudsters, be sure to report it to MegaFon. The MegaFon Security Service is mandatoryly monitors all received signals and takes the necessary actions to protect their subscribers from fraudsters.

  • Leave a report about the fraudster on the megaphone website, the form for sending a message can you find here
  • Call the complimentary rooms MegaFon 8-800-550-0500 or +7-926-1110500 and let the operator of the Call Center on Fraud
  • Write a message on one of the MegaFon page on social networks: Facebook., In contact with, Odnoklassniki., LiveJournal, Habrahabr.

Video. Fraud with fake SMS

Video. Fraud with fake e-mail messages

Video. Attempt by fraudsters to make money from a customer card

comments 7. Add a comment

  • January 26, 2018, at 13.10, after receiving a login password in Sberbank to enter the personal account to a new retirement card, which only issued (replaced the old retirement to a new one), 200 rubles were filmed from my card to pay someone else's phone 8 926 46 62. At night, 200 rubles shot on the same number. In the MegaFon service, I was answered that I should contact the Sberbank service.
    Sberbank service has discovered an unauthorized connection.
    I was blocked by the map again. Again, after a few days, to turn to the branch of Sberbank, get a new card, make all these operations.

    The phone that is removed from my card money for payment MegaFon (926) 46 62

  • From my bank card twice, 200 rubles for payment of the phone number were removed. Megaphone operator. The bank card had to block.
    The phone on which my money goes - (926) 46 62

  • On January 28, 2018, in MegaFon's support service, I was explained that "MegaFon" has nothing to do with it, and this is Sberbank's goats. Okay, I will write to Sberbank. My comment will expect checks to the second coming .. or until the end of the world .. or until the day the music will play in my house, and I will not hear her ... Low bow to the defenders of our ...

  • January 29, 2018 today was explained in Sberbank, in my branch. There they found that this autoplace is already canceled. And in the client office of MegaFon, they said that on this number 8 926 46 62 there are no money, they were already removed.
    And back to me in any way and never get.
    Bright memory four packs of Chesterfield cigarette, which I could buy ..

    I am tormented by a purely technical question. When I was given 13 Jan. 2018 New Pens. Map, I asked to resume the autopayment-intercom. As today they clarified in the slaughter, it was not necessary to renew, he switched to a new card. Operator for some reason made a "auto-plating" from Sberbank - Well, let's say, I was wrong. And the wrong number was recorded - I was mistaken everything in one digit.
    But why did the money start to shoot on January 26, 2017, after issuing me a login password to enter Sberbank-online .. I think the operator simply copied these details, and the case of technology. But as she could know in advance that I will come on January 26 and ask my login password to enter Sberbank-online.
    Shela she was so checked.
    No answer.

  • Continued. January 31, 2018
    So, on January 29, the manager disabled both autopays. And the "autoplating-intercom", from which I decided to refuse, and the "auto-plating" from Sberbank, which I did not ask.
    "Auto-Domofon" is disabled - immediately came to SMS.
    And about the "auto plaster" from Sberbank is disabled - no message.

    And on January 31, I get the following message.
    "For the service" Autoplating "from Sberbank, the limit from your card (,,, the number of my blocked card) has been exhausted. For further payment for each Your SMS, send a message from digital ... to the room - - - -.

    I had to call the hotline again, and the specialist reported to me that this most "auto-plating" from Sberbank is disconnected on January 29, and why messages come to me - an investigation will be conducted, and the result will be reported ...
    Dying from curiosity - what kind of miracles of technology ...

  • A relatively good end.
    February 1, 2018 I called me a voice from the phone +7 800 550 0500. This is a megaphone. Usually on this phone, new services are offered.
    It turned out that the lime number on existed since November 2017. And they promised no longer disturbing me with this "auto plane" from Sberbank. "
    And the money lost returned - on the balance of my phone, since I still have no card. I checked - yes, returned .. I have a balance now - I will have enough ...
    Well, and how this jamb turned out - left the mystery ... well, okay - let the mystery be. Money was returned, and thanks for that ...

  • I inform about Mashennic actions of people using communication numbers MegaFon: Numbers -89200754598, 89200754394. I received money to pay for communication on these numbers (on stage) to obtain software and realizing the Mashennichi immediately began to respond and reported to the megaphone site, they promised to call the actions - and did not answer ... the numbers continue to work

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