TOP 10 best free Android applications for motorists

Published in Android
July 3, 2016

Modern Android applications from Play Market are not just toys for entertainment. Many of them are able to give users the necessary information. We already wrote about applications for cyclists. But, there is a large segment of such applications in the official Google catalog that can help motorists. In this article we will talk about the ten best of them.


the acceleration froze

  • Do you like fast driving? Especially fast speed set? Then the application, which will be discussed below, is simply necessary for you. “Acceleration” is a gadget program on the Android operating system, which will make your smartphone or tablet with an information device with which you can measure the speed of speed set
  • I must say that in the Play Market a lot of applications of this kind, which use the GPS device of the device to measure acceleration. Of course, the data of such measurements cannot withstand critics. In contrast, the “Acceleration” application uses a special sensor built into the device. Before starting the movement, you need to calibrate the sensor and install the device in a special holder (holding a smartphone in your hand, you increase the error)
  • After the application calculates acceleration, it can maintain the result and show the final schedule. Such a schedule will be very interesting for those who use a manual gearbox on their car
  • If you delve into the settings of the “Acceleration” application and set the technical data of your car there, you can get graphs of torque and power

"Roadar DVR


  • Some motorists use smartphones as DVRs. They are installed in special fasteners on their windshield or dashboard and remove what is happening on the road. But, in order for the smartphone it is comfortable to use as a video recorder, it is necessary to install a special application. For example, Roadar
  • The Roadar Video Registrum is able not only to remove the situation on the road, but also to impose time, date, speed and coordinates on the video. There is even a function of preserving road signs. And if you stopped under the prohibitory stop, the application will notify you of this
  • But, depending on the smartphone camera, where the Roadar application is installed, the recognition of the signs can vary greatly. On some models of smartphones, especially with bright oncoming sunlight, the function functions can worsen strongly
  • You also need to know that it is better not to install it on smartphones with a frequency of a frequency of less than 1.2 GHz. Will work with very large bugs
  • An analogue of the Roadar DVR for weak smartphones will be the Camonroad application

"Auto expenses"

auto branches

Do you love scrupulously calculate all expenses? For this purpose, there are many financial applications for your smartphone on the Android operating system. But, “Auto Expenses” is a specialized application of this kind to account for expenses for your car.

In the Auto Expenses Appendix, you can make all expenses to the car, from gasoline to replacing candles. In addition to tracking your expenses in this application, it is easy to find out if it is time to change the air filter and other consumables. In general, a very convenient application if you need to know how much you spend from your budget on a car.

"Auto -Journalist"

  • And this application is necessary in order to solve the controversial situations with the traffic police, to find out the nuances of the Rules of the road that you have forgotten and other information extremely useful for all motorists
  • In this application, you can find comments on the protocols, the amount of fines for one or another violation, etc. In addition to a very large amount of information, this utility has a pleasant and convenient interface
  • Unfortunately, the free version of this application has not been updated for a long time. If you want to receive more relevant information, install the driver’s assistant application. It has similar functionality

"Traffic police fines"

fines Tinkoff

  • This is an application from the popular Tinkoff Bank. With it, you can find out if you have debts by fines and pay them in a timely manner. Moreover, for this you can use the card of any bank
  • An important feature of this application is that it will notify you when an unpaid fine appears
  • Similar to this application are Yandex.Trans. In addition to paying a bank card, these applications from the Russian search engine are attached to his Yandex.Money service

"GPS anti -playar Free"

  • How not to talk about the appendix for motorists informing about radars. GPS Free anti -player is one of these applications. Its interface is extremely simple. If a stationary camera is not marked in the application base, it can be added manually
  • For each of the camera application, the maximum possible speed is spelled out. In the settings of the application, you can set the speed of deviation from the maximum permissible. After which the application will inform the driver that he risks falling under the camera
  • If you do not like the GPS Free anti -player, then you can always find an analogue for him. For example, Mapcamdroid. It has more convenient functionality, but it can only be enjoyed when activating the paid version of the application

"Ionroad" - road assistant


  • The ionroad application will help to endow your car with “your own mind”. Even if you do not have Tesla or the last brand of a popular sports car, this road assistant will help you facilitate the management of the car
  • Install this application in the smartphone, and securely fix the device on the dashboard. Comers the device by level using the capabilities of this program. The application is activated after the start of movement and recognizes the marking of other objects of movement
  • Ionroad will determine the speed and distance to the object. In case of danger, this application will give a warning signal. Also, the signal can be heard when the transformation through the continuous strip or violation of the signs is rebuilt. But, as in the case of Roadar, sunny weather can make adjustments to the work of this application

This application can save the frames of dangerous actions (sharp turns and braking). The paid version also has a function of the DVR.

"Where is my car parked?"

  • Did you forget where you park your car? Even if you are not a “blonde at the wheel”, such situations have a place to be. We are all people, and the human brain has not yet been fully studied. But, even if you are sure that the problem of finding your own car does not threaten you, this does not mean that the application that is discussed is not useful to you. It can be used if you like to wander through the forest in search of mushrooms, and when returning back, you will turn to another path
  • The application “Where my car is parked” is a simple interface and only two buttons. By pressing one of them, you remember the place where you parked. And the second button serves for the tog to show this place on the map, as well as where you are
  • This application has a great alternative - “Were DID I Park The Car?” Its advantage is that you can store several places in your memory. Add marks and photos to them. But, this application has one significant minus - it is English -speaking

"BlablaCar" - search for fellow travelers


  • In order to reduce gasoline costs during long trips, you can take a fellow traveler. You can assemble a company for such a trip using the popular BlaBlaCar service. By installing the official application of this service and registering as a driver, you can not only reduce the funds spent on gasoline, but even make money
  • Indicate the point of departure and the final settlement, the time of departure and the cost of the “ticket” to the application. Then it is enough to wait for passengers, discuss the nuances with them (baggage, etc.) and hit the road at the intended time
  • In order to quickly find fellow travelers, you need to indicate the brand of the car, the attitude to smoking and other nuances. Filmot reviews will also improve your reputation

"Alcotester - Partyfrew"

Is it possible to turn your smartphone into an alcotester? Why not. Of course, it can’t be made to make it an accurate device, but using the Alkotester - PartyFird application you can calculate when you can drive after the libations. Of course, you can not trust the application of this kind by 100%, but you can get some useful information.

The English -language analogue of this application is Netigen Tools. In addition to calculations on the amount of alcohol, its species and body weight in Netigen Tools is a built -in test for the reaction rate.

Video. Car drives for smartphone


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