SELLERS SHIPPing METHOD - tracking in Russian parcels with Aliexpress

Published in Aliexpress
Oct 30, 2016

In this article, we will talk about this type of delivery on Aliexpress Like Seller Shipping Method. What it is? How to track such a parcel?

Many buyers Aliexpress already for a long time familiar with so method delivery how SELLERS Shipping Method. They wonderful understand, what can expect, when you order purchases so method.

Costs notice, what v difference from simple local departments mail this way same very popular and often sellers use his how basic. IN given article we let's tell, how track similar departure.

How track parcel SELLER Shipping Method?

SELLER SHIPPing METHOD - How to track?

SELLER SHIPPing METHOD - How to track?

Majority buyersnewcomers on Aliexpress few turn attention on that, how will sent their package, a from this will depend speed receipt and possibilities tracking. How rule, the main thing argument is low price, so how many need to buy cheaper. But, if payment already perfect, a package sent, that how the same track, where she located?

Costs say, what behind similar departments track it turns out rarely. Why the same then sellers used such method? Meaning v volume, what costs he inexpensive, thanks to what can do price goods slightly less and attract more customers.

Usually local departments mail usually not register v China, a just accept their for international transportation. That's why seller not it is necessary to pay collection behind tracking behind departments and delivery it turns out inexpensive.

But allthe same there is small chance, what u you it will turn out track behind parcel. The method sending implies usage ordinary postal services, and sellers just not i want to her indicate. On this influences a lot of factors.

For example, if method delivery specified China Post, that and sending provided through her, but what do, if she will too much loaded? Despite on this he all the same commits sending and then you wait mine product before 60 days, although v another mail he maybe come behind 2030 days.

More one from reasons is competition frombehind which many just not i want to disclose secrets sales goods by less value, how u others. AND so they look more attractive for buyers in view of reduced value.

Why not it turns out track SELLERS Shipping Method?

Not always track departure not it is possible. Those, who constantly whatthat buys on Aliexpress, already by trackcode can say, which service delivery uses shop. How rule, at sending goods SELLERS Shipping Method provided instead of track combination numbers, by which already can define, it will turn out lee track parcel.

Let's we will analyze on example.

  • 02335343993at first can think, what this number no way not take it to trackcodes, but recently similar format became use China Post ORDINARY Small Packet Plus and behind parcels can track without problems.
  • 44874692416this format same uses China Post ORDINARY Small Packet Plus.
Tracking Seller Shipping Method

Tracking Seller Shipping Method

How many delivered package, sent SELLER Shipping Method?

If take account, what parcels usually sent with local postal departments or companies logistics, that time before her receipt it is near 2030 days cO time disposal from China.

Under reference implied departure from China, a not assignment status on Aliexpress, what salesman sent product. It turns out, what at status «Sent« it is forbidden say, sent lee already your order and not necessary try straightaway the same track trackcode.
Usually package it comes before local mail through 37 days after receipt to her status «Sent« v personal cabinet. Here then already trackcode will work fine.

If through some days after sending, data o movements parcels you see not you can, that contact to seller and find out v how problem. Sometimes orders accidentally passing, but here already human factor and neither one even best shop from this not insured.

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