Checking the phone and tablet Android: a program for checking and testing

Published in Android / Useful tips / Smartphones
Sep 2, 2016

In this article you will learn how to check the performance of your smartphone.

Every year, the developers of mobile smartphones increase their characteristics, modernize processors, and also increase clock frequencies, which determines and gives the telephone the standard of modern technologies, along with this, there is a strong variation of prices for them.

Therefore, when buying any smartphone, even expensive, you should still check the phone, as they say "Lice"To find out what he is more than, what will pull, and what are his possibilities. But what if you have no experience in all this? This is now being discussed in this article.


Why is the procedure for testing the phone before buying important?


Due to the fact that the market is growing, like the number of various kinds of smartphones, you need to check the phone you want or want to buy, as you may well slip "Fake" As an original phone, and not even possible to notice it with an armed eye. Therefore, it is still worthwhile to check the phone for performance, since it will only be on your hand.

What will test the phone for performance?

Objectively, after testing the phone for performance, you will find out what is its real possibilities, and what it is "Chanks".

Especially you need to test the phone for performance if you purchase it in as a game console, since it is possible that this game for which you buy a smartphone may simply not start it on it, and testing and subsequent result will give you objective results.

What programs exist to test the performance of a smartphone on the Android platform?

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Programs, which are designed to test the phone for performance, and a lot of time will take their transfer.

We will consider the most popular of them who already have their users from a multimillion -dollar audience. Go!

Antutu Benchmark


An old but very effective and high -quality program for testing performance. She is simple excessive Your smartphone, and will give him the heat at the time of her work.

It is worth noting that the program makes it possible processor testing, RAM (RAM), graphs, databases, as well as SD memory card and data transfer speed. The huge advantage of this program is that it gives the result of each individual element, which is sometimes very important. This application has similarity to the application Quadrant Standart Edition (QSE) And their difference is only in design and interface.

After the testing is over, you will be given a histogram with the performance of your device, next to which will be the performance of other devices. Service Antutu, after the end of the testing, he will offer you to send a report on your results for their service, and if you do it, you can see what place in the world ranking, your smartphone will be based on results.

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Quadrant Standart Edition


As mentioned above, this program has similarity with Antutu precisely in terms of functions.

It also makes it possible to test the central processor, input/output controllers, as well as the quality and performance of 3D graphics. After testing your smartphone through this program, you will first need to send the results of QSE, and only after that you can see them. The program also offers a comparison of your results with the results of other Android devices.

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This benchmark application is especially often used in testing the most powerful computers and laptops in the world. You can also test your phone, tablet or other device on the Android platform through this application.

An excellent advantage of this application is that it tests the phone quickly and simple, and also has a rather intuitive character, and as you already understood it is used by millions. By the way, it is worth noting that this program gives the results in the form megaflop/s (mflops).

Linpack Usually they use people who are engaged in acceleration of Android systems, as it allows you to monitor the increase in processor performance.

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This application was originally produced by Qualcomm, which actually tested its graphic processors using it Adreno. Nevertheless, you can also use it as a program for testing your smartphone, but it is worth remembering that it is able to test only graphic processors of Andreno.

The plus of this program is in measuring the results, namely the fact that it gives them out in Fps.

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This application was also produced by Qualcomm, like Neocore. The application allows testing for rendering, JavaScript, as well as on interacting with the user and the quality of connection to the network.

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A stunning bencharck, which is designed for new generation smartphones with Opengl support | ES 2.0 and higher. This application can easily load your Android device at full power, so you can find out its real possibilities

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In this article, we talked about various programs, the purpose of which is to test the performance of your smartphone, and also explained how they differ from each other.

Therefore, the choice of which program to test your smartphone remains only for you!

Video: Programs for testing Android devices

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