Retrica application - how to install how to use?

Published in Smartphones
Aug 16, 2016

More recently, a new application for processing photos of Retrica was released. Let's figure out what it is and how to use it.

iPhone did mobile photo very interesting hobby. Not every human at shooting trying do whichthat masterpiece or professional picturebefore total, he wants get pleasure, fix moment from life, a not profitable put up on sale.

Usually for editing are used applications without sophisticated functionals, which allow do great pictures. One from them is Retrica. It strugging users thanks to his accessibility, convenience and functionality. Let's we will analyze, how use application Retrica.

General information

Retrica is one from leaders by download v App Store. It it has great functional, but at this no nothing superfluous. Here you you can impose filters on already ready pictures or do new. Except togo, available tiltshift and vignetting. Exemplary result can see here the same on display. This gives opportunity get most high -quality personnel.


How to use the Retrica application?

How to use the Retrica application?

Up pages located optional panel: settings, choice format frame, options vignetting, tiltshift and switching front and back cameras.

At the bottom located button, through which can receive access to photographs, mode Shuffle, superimposing effect v random order. Here the same there is button photographing, choice regime collage, timer filming, interval and framework, a with right the edges there is access ko all filters.

Filters show by some things, this clearly and very comfortable. Yourself by yourself they unlikely lee help do whatthat enchanted, but their enough for creation interesting photo. TO example, v Instagram filters much less.

If impose on picture effects, that can do a lot of unusual and interesting personnel. Ready images can share with friends, send v Instagram and other social network.

IN settings choose, where keep yours creations, turn on sound shutter, mark place filming and water sign.

Retrica is one from most profitable programs by price and quality. Provided application for free, a behind this you get it options for filming and some dozens filters. Agree, this not badly.

Video: Review - Retrica - for android

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