Why does Wi-Fi disappear on a tablet iPad? iPad does not see wi-fi

Published in Smartphones
Aug 13, 2016

Sometimes it happens that the iPhone does not see the Wi-Fi network. Why is this happening, and how to solve the problem?

Today, 3G technology is used everywhere, including on tablets and smartphones from Apple. But often users are connected to the Wi-Fi network, for example, when there is no money on the SIM card or when it is in roaming.

How to find out why wireless Internet does not work?

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The Internet does not work on iPhone

There are several ways to solve the problem regarding why the iPad does not see Wi-Fi:

  • Remove the connection. To do this, enter the connection parameters and find your network. Here you have to click on "forget this network" and re -connect
  • Reset the settings. This method is even easier. Enter the "Basic" tab and make a reset. Usually the problem disappears after that, but the password for connection is erased
  • Change the region. Try to change the region from Russia in the USA settings, and instead of automatic determination of the location, select the first channel, as it allows the Internet to work stably

In 90% of the situations, the problem is solved by one of the methods presented. If the Internet still refuses to work, then it is worth checking the settings of the router.

What may be wireless problems?


Reasons why Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone

The reason for the wrong work, many users believe that the iOS operating system is poorly worked out and there are weaknesses in the software. This is to a greater extent the seventh version of the system. Many experts say that there are no special problems in the iPad hardware.

Apple's creators themselves claim that the problem is solved by resetting settings, which confirms that the problem is precisely the software.

But many are similar in the opinion that the main reason is a chip for energy conservation, which is introduced into each iPhone starting with 4s.

The bright screen and the constantly turned on Wi-Fi are very quickly planted by the battery, and the chip allows you to extend the life of the device. Designers recommend, if problems with Wi-Fi connection arise, immediately update the software to free more batteries.

Incorrect setting of the router

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iPad-Wi-Fi does not work

The problem is often located where they are not looking for it. Often a tablet or phone cannot connect to wireless Internet due to improper setting up the router. By the way, if the Astheros chip is installed in the router, then you should not contact it, since iPhones conflict with it.

If you are sure of the correct settings of the tablet, then do several manipulations with a router:

  • Update through a computer
  • Change the usual encryption for double
  • Update the IP address
  • Increase the brightness in the setting of the router
  • Reload the device

If you have a router with a 3G network, then check the condition of the SIM card also, it may have ended with money or it has broken.

How to check the installations and configure the network?


Why is there no Wi-Fi on iPad and iPhone

Another option for solving the problem is checking the settings and adjusting them.

This is done like this:

  • First check the operating frequency. It should not have a value of 802.11n, since it is not suitable for Apple tablets. If it is installed, then change the value to any other
  • Check so that IPV6 is not used. This protocol must be turned off

Apple products are quite capricious relative to the wireless connection, so you should carefully monitor the settings of Road. Although the problem is not secret for developers and solutions are actively invented.

Setting and connecting iPad to the network

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Wi-Fi disappears on the phone

All parameters of the wireless network are in the settings. Accordingly, we need Wi-Fi. If everything works correctly, then you will see a list of active networks available for connection. Select the right one and enter the password to connect.

Click on a blue checkmark and look at all your connection data. If the network has not turned on, then perhaps the router itself is to blame, but with a simple replacement of connection information, it is unlikely that something will be able to correct.

Change IPaddress and mask subnets, as a rule, can only be advanced users, that's why better try it option with removal network.

In other situations, the problem may be in:

  • Water getting into the phone, as a result of which some contacts were oxidized
  • Improper work antennas, which necessary change

That's why, if to you not helps neither one from methods solutions problems, that take it yours device v repair on check.

Video: Wi Fi does not work in the iPhone. How to make wi -fi in an iPhone?

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