The world's first high-speed UFS memory cards from Samsung: Description

Published in Android
July 11, 2016

An article about the advanced technology of UFS cards - memory from Samsung.

Progress in computer technology led to the emergence of the concept of electronic memory. To be more precise, flash is memory. This concept means a reprogrammed electronic memory designed on the basis of semiconductor electricity technology, in the form of microcircuits. The electronic memory of the device is a compact, strong, high -speed system that allows you to store huge arrays of information.


Electronic memory

The well -known conglomerate in the world of high technology, Samsung, the other day, presented the world with memory cards like UFS 1.0, with a volume of 32, 64, 128 and 256 gigabytes. The process of developing this project lasted almost three years. The design began after the World Engineering Committee for the production of electronic devices adopted the standardization of the Universal Flash Storage 2.0 process. In early 2016, the standard was the first version of Universal Flash Storage 1.0. The launch of a series of the latest electronic memory cards took place.


Samsung mobile phones from the manufacturer

Such electronic systems have been carried out in a practical effect for installing Action, smartphones, photographs. The UFS memory system supported a number of large companies-mobile manufacturers, such as Nokia, STM-microelectronics, micron, Texas tools.

New UFS capabilities - systems

In short, the three components give a huge advantage of the UFS - systems over others, namely:

  • speed
  • high productivity of operating processes
  • economical energy costs
  • memory distribution for use in applications

High -speed characteristics

The latest memory cards increase the speed of reading information, its records by five times. If you look at the technical characteristics, then the largest speed is 530 megabytes. Compared to this, the speed of Micro SDs of the UHS-II class type is very small, amount to only 95 megabits per second.


High -quality UFS indicators - systems

The latest maps are characterized by high productivity of the operations. The number of operations reaches about forty thousand in a second! The energy consumption of the latest systems also supports the saving mode due to the proper distribution of the processes of the process of processes.

Economic energy costs

As a rule, if the speed of the main processor of the device, graphic video card, system memory, large, then large energy consumption is inevitable. Popular map - micro -SD memory consumes about three watts in the maximum condition and about one watt at rest. Upon an overview of the specifications of the latest UFS card, energy consumption is only 1, 54 of Watt. This is two times less than that of previous electronic competitors. Accordingly, the transfer of information files will go faster, the transition to a rest state, also.


Micro microns SD

The state of rest provides for the rejection of energy consumption, which means that the equipment containing a new card will be wear -resistant. Phones, smartphones, photographs and other devices will last longer and more economically at work.

Distribution and classification of memory for use in applications

Designers have always sought to ensure that the memory of mobile devices, smartphones, tablets was the same. This facilitates the development of applications for these devices, especially since the UFS interface is a sequential connection system. For the data transmission process, this is a great option, because The productivity of mobile devices increases. UFS memory is a universal replacement of an outdated version of the micro -SD memory.


Development of memory cards micro sd

The deadlines for introducing the latest standard

Corporations - mobile manufacturers will take time to modernize equipment for a new memory card, especially since the contact system of the previous version of the cards does not coincide with the latest contact system. Production and access to the world market of gadgets with the latest card is provided in mid -2017.


The latest standard of memory cards

We assume that the production of products equipped with the latest technology of the memory card will surpass our expectations!

Video: How to install a card with UFS memory?

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