Lack of system memory in android. How to free up the RAM on android?
Over time, the tablet stops working normally and begins to slow down. To eliminate the problem, you need to clean the RAM.
Often it happens, what new and modern mobile device very slowly performs work. Causes can to differ, but we let's talk about one — when Android uses all operational memory.
IN reality, bye tablet or smartphone works, that on him copy a lot of information, which cO time loses relevance. This cache or files cookie, story visits sites and so further. That's why cO time tablet starts eat practically all operational memory.
To clean this unnecessary garbage, necessary get rid from all extra files. For this usually are used applications—cleaners.
Clean Master
This very popular application. It possesses clear and simple interface, what great combined with big functionality and diversity opportunities.
Here can delete files, history visits, structure and move applications.
If Android used practically all operational memory, that Clean Master maybe work v quality dispatcher applications. Others words, applications can move on flash drive and back.
Thanks to this opportunities, your gadget will become faster work, so how on him will a lot of operational memory.
1—Click Clear
Name great shows the main one the task, which performs application. IN one movement on Android can by clean operational memory from total unnecessary.
That's why v her no special settings parameters, a total some modes work — cleaning browser, calls, reset old messages and temporary files.
At the first launch, to you will offered create icon on worker table, thanks to which will produced fast cleaning cache.
The only one minus is bad translation. Straightaway it becomes noticeable, what application chinese.
App Cache Cleaner
Most simple and narrowly focused application for cleaning Android is exactly this. IN difference from others, he not it has big functionals, he designed only for cleaning kesha. But does she this very qualitatively.
At all recently application updated and now utility automatically cleanses cache. Options v program a little, that's why you without labor v them you will figure it out.
TAP Cleaner
This most real garbage truck v difference from others utlit.
He gives opportunity clean history and cache, calls and sMS, drops all settings applications. Except togo, he also cleanses operational memory from total superfluous.
Here collected some utlit, important for smartphone.
Here, except the above applications there is more optimization work batteries, dispatcher tasks, different regims work and so further.