Is it possible to charge the phone all night? Can I use the phone during charging?

Published in Smartphones
July 31, 2016

The process of charging mobile devices overgrown with many myths. But first things first.

You need to load only completely discharged batteries

Nickel-cadmium batteries have a “memory effect”. By the way, this is one of the reasons why they are used less today.

And if such batteries are charged with their incomplete discharge, then over time their capacity will decrease. All the “memory effect” will work, which will change the capacity of such a battery in a smaller way.

Most modern smartphones today use lithium-polymer (Li-Pol) batteries. Their important feature is that a special microchip monitors the process of charging and the discharge of such batteries. Which, by the way, periodically needs to be calibrated with a full charge.

The manager of the microchip needs energy for work. Therefore, it is advisable not to bring the charge of your device to 0%. And as for charging such a battery, it can be used at any time and at any level of battery charge.

You cannot completely discharge the battery


Nokia Lumia with a critical battery charge

It also is not true. If the battery of your smartphone is completely discharged, then this does not mean that something happens to it. Another thing is that a long de -energization of the smartphone microcircuit can lead to the fact that it will not be able to turn it on immediately.

Of course, this imposes certain difficulties in the operation of smartphones, but they themselves will not be able to harm the full discharge of the battery.

But, it’s better not to bring to that. And if you are afraid that your device will remain discharged, and it will be far from the nearest outlet, then buy a powerbank. Using such a device, you can charge the smartphone battery even on a trip.

Non -original chargers cannot be used

It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this controversial question. Yes, ceteris paribus, the mobile device does not care what charging it is charged, an original or Chinese copy.

Since modern chargers use the simplest electronic nkachinki that converts alternating current into constant, the risk of improper operation of the charger or its overheating is practically absent.

Unoriginal charging will not be able to burn a mobile phone. The thing is that the chip is responsible for the charge of modern “smart” technology, which is installed in the smartphones and tablets themselves and, in an unforeseen situation, will simply “block” electric current.

But, here you can increase the time of charging your smartphone due to the non -original charging device. But, only if the charger does not give out the necessary current strength. Chinese devices, by the way, suffer a lot.

Low voltage will not allow the chip that controls the battery charging. And having spent several hours in the position connected to the charging device, your smartphone or tablet may not turn on.

Of course, if you want to save and replace the original charger with a Chinese analogue, then the risk will be minimal. Moreover, the margin on original charging sometimes reaches 500%.

You can not use a smartphone during charging

on charging

It all depends on how to use the gadget, during charging

If you need to accept or make a not very long call, then this will not bring any consequences. It is also concerned if you want to quickly find a recipe for your favorite cakes on the Internet. Then for this, you should not disconnect the tablet from the charger.

But, it is not necessary to charge the device and at the same time play it in heavy games. The thing is that with resource -consuming games and when charging the device, it heats up a lot. What can cause some parts of the electronic board will fail.

Tip: In order for the device to charge faster, turn on the “flight mode” on it and do not use for some time.

You can not leave gadgets on the charge for the night

Another myth, whose legs grow from the use of nickel batteries. Such batteries could burn with prolonged charging. The lithium-polymer batteries that are used today have no such problem. The chip controls stops the consumption of electric current when the battery is completely charged. If your charger is regular, you can keep a smartphone or tablet on it for as long as long.

Tip: However, the specialists of the CADEX battery manufacturer believe that it is better to charge the battery by 100%, but only partially, for example, by 85%. This will increase its life.

Free RAM helps save charge

RAM in the smartphone

RAM in the smartphone

This myth has become especially popular recently. Its popularity has grown so much that Apple even officially spoke out about this. Having called this statement - fiction.

In order to debunk this myth, you need to understand that the RAM of a mobile device is a small printed circuit board that works all the time. As soon as you turn on your smartphone or tablet begins to work and RAM. And she doesn’t matter how much you use open applications.

But, you can save the battery charge, using a more gentle attitude to the processor. Not all active or working in the background effectively spend the battery charge. In order for the load on the battery not critical, use applications managers during the operation of your mobile device.

You need to disconnect the communication protocols to extend the life of the battery

Yes, communication protocols can significantly reduce the battery life. But, contrary to common opinion, the most important “killer” of the batteries are not Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and mobile Internet, but ordinary cellular communications. Especially if the zone where you are, cannot boast of a stable signal.

The search for a mobile network signal is not only able to quickly discharge the smartphone battery, but also gradually reduces its resource.

The connection can also lead to quick discharge and Bluetooth connection. True, early versions. In the modern version of the “blue tooth”, a lot of attention is paid to the economical regime.

Video. We destroy myths about smartphone batteries

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