Can an iPhone be used, an iPad as a flash drive? How to make an iPhone USB flash drive

Published in iOS
Sep 4, 2016

Sometimes neo arises, convergence to use iPhone as a flash drive. How to configure such a function? We will tell in our article.

If you possessed smartphone brands Apple, that you, surely, already noted, what u him absent opportunity connections to computer v quality USBflash drives. AND this subject not loses relevance, that's why we let's tell, how use iPhone v quality flash drives.

Herself company explains such flaw those, what in time discoveries systems with files, telephone subjected dangers. Each application, obtained through AppStore it has some vulnerability, a this they consider unacceptable.
That's why all further actions it is forbidden do without jailbreika. If u vaas official IPhone, having official BY, a function use his v quality drive very need, that here there is two option:

  • Refuse from tales and feel down those, what there is
  • Install jailbreak and start work above creation from phone flash drives

USB Drive

Using iPhone and iPad as a flash drive

Using iPhone and iPad as a flash drive

This the most the best from available programs. She possesses more flexibility, but and time have to to spend enough, to do all settings.

This utility necessary install with help applications Cydia (repository Herself the same she not finished finally, that's why in time launch you must choose comfortable mode work:

  • Defaultstandard, where can use camera, modem and synchronize with iTunes
  • Drive + iTunesv given case standard interface replaced on Mass Storage, will allow use iPhone how drive. Costs say, what this mode name so it’s not for nothing: debger Xcode and iTunes will be work v standard mode, but he available only for Mac OS
  • Drive Onlygives opportunity determine telephone fully how flash drive. At this so will on all operating rooms systems. But v given mode u you already not will possibilities synchronization iS iTunes and possibilities his recovery from reserve copies. For elimination such disadvantages necessary connect to one from the above modes

After choice regime create on phone separate chapter. It looks this approximately so:

How to use iPhone and iPad as a flash drive?

How to use iPhone and iPad as a flash drive?

Further decide with size finished folders and launch process creation. To you need to will wait pair minutes. When operation it will end you you will become the owner new section, where now can download files.

From disadvantages can mark, what modes switch it is difficult, a also that, what Windows not works with each from them. Also utility sections assigns system Fat, a this speaks o volume, what files more 4GB postpone there not it will turn out. IN given case can will take advantage only external disk.

Removal programs same it has certain peculiarities. At first erased all created sections, telephone switching v mode Default, reloading and only then can delete. If the same conduct removal through Cydia, that v future this maybe bring to problems.


Can iPhone be used as a flash drive?

Can iPhone be used as a flash drive?

This plugin systems files from Macfuse. For entrance v system used MobileDevice API, how and iTunes. Despite on effectiveness way, use them costs if u you no possibilities install the previous one program.

Reasons for this some:

  • Utility maybe work only on Mac OS X
  • Application morally outdated, so how his first version was released for iOS3.0. Certainly, program constantly updated and was improved, but not fact, what on the latter versions systems she will work
  • Download same is yourself some problem, so how even on official site his forbidden

But, if to you allthe same managed download iPhoneDisk, that install his on PC and your own device with help dockcable. On worker table straightaway the same it will appear icon, similar on ordinary disk. He to you and need.

Further all just: you you can realize control all files how on simple disk, but here only not forget o safe extraction devices.

What would there neither was, but company Apple v which onethat meaning acts right, so how no meaning add function, which most users need not. That's why if to you very necessary use smartphone v quality flash drives, that have to do the above actions. If the same need no, that and bother not costs.

Video: How to use iPhone or iPad as a USB flash drive or drive?

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