The best bicycle applications for Android and iOS

Published in Android / iOS
July 3, 2016

Today, bicycles are so popular that for an outdoor lover with the help of their two -wheeled friend, application developers have created dozens of programs for smartphones on Android and iOS operating systems. In their orientation, they can be divided into four categories: applications that turn the smartphone into a bicycle complex; Applications for route planning; Information and social applications (communication on the network with like -minded people). In this article we will talk about such utilities for smartphones running popular mobile operating systems.

"My Tracks"

My Tracks

A free application for the Android operating system, as you can understand from its name, is a bicycle tracker. This application opens the review not by chance. The thing is that its developer is Google. In fairness, I must say that “My Tracks” is not only a bicycle application. In principle, it can be used when moving by any transport.

The possibilities of this application are enormous. It is able to calculate:

  • Overcome mileage
  • Speed \u200b\u200band pace
  • Height changes

All these data and some other My Tracks will write down and save on Google Disk. By the way, the application of the application also includes the publication of your achievements on social networks. It is a pity that the archive of the tracks will have to be made manually. This application cannot conduct their statistics.

"Endomondo Sports Tracker"

Endomondo Sports Tracker

Of course, no list of sport and outdoor applications can do without such a popular application as Endomondo Sports Tracker. The Pro version of this powerful utility costs about 160 rubles. It is designed not only for lovers of cycling, but also for skiers, kayakers, lovers to ride on skates, etc.

There are three modes for cyclists in this application: cycling, a mountain bike and a bike rug. And thanks to the social component of this application, you can find friends, fellow travelers and just lovers of a bicycle for joint training. And their results can also be published on your Endomondo site page.

Unfortunately, it was not without flaws. Firstly, the site of the application is English-speaking and, moreover, has a not quite friendly interface. But, if the language of Shakespeare is not alien to you, then the choice in favor of this application is obvious.



The Strava application also does not need a special presentation. It is very popular among cyclists and with its help you can record and track your progress: a distance passed, medium and maximum speed, etc. And with the help of a table of leaders, you can compare your result with those who overcame the same distance as you.

There is a STRAVA and social component in the application. You can track the achievements of your friends, join clubs and even participate in competitions.



Russian free application for devices on iOS and Android operating systems is similar to Endomondo. In fact, this is the same GPS tracker. The design of this application, as well as its site, is quite convenient. The application supports cards from Google, Yandex and Google, Yandex and Open Street Maps. Using Aerobia, you can track a huge amount of physical activity data.

The social component of this application is well worked out. Using simple Aerobia tools, you can share your achievements on social networks. On the application website, you can register with interest clubs, read news and be added to friends.

As for the minuses, it is worth saying a small number of subscribers. Yes, the community of this application is growing, but not as fast as this would be. In addition, unlike Endomondo, in this application you can not find the track of a friend or person who is used to train your route and compare it with your passage.



Another application that will like lovers of both road and mountain bicycles. The basic version of the application is free. To expand the functionality, you will have to buy a full version for 170 rubles.

In the basic version of Runtsatic, you can record a trip and calculate the statistics. But to activate voice support, use pulse sensors and planning future training, it is necessary to part with the above amount. But, you can simply install Endomondo or Aerobia, where these functions are available on a free basis.

"Bike Hub Cycle Journey Planner"


It is with the Bike Hub that it will not be difficult to lay the fastest bicycle route, for example, from home to office or vice versa. Together with the laying of the route, the application also provides 2D and 3D satellite navigation and step -by -step instructions, exactly as a navigation system in a car with audio voice acting. Another useful function is the opportunity to find the nearest bicycle store.

"Set Your Bike"

A paid application (costs 35 rubles) for selecting a bicycle for your parameters. The application is equipped with illustrations and an important information for such a choice. Using Set Your Bike, you can accurately calculate the size of the bicycle. The developers say that the program algorithm was compiled taking into account these popular professional cyclists.



Using the Sizemybike application, you can also choose a bicycle. But, unlike Set Your Bike, it is five times more expensive. The functionality of these applications is similar. But, if you do not want to buy them, then just find an article on the Internet on how to choose a bicycle and study it. Installation of the application for a smartphone is superfluous.

"BikeDoctor" or "Bikerepair"

What to do when your "fighting horse" broke? That's right, it needs to be repaired. But what to do if your bicycle skills leave much to be desired? They need to be improved. And this can be done using applications such as BikeDoctor and Bikerepair. Both applications are paid and they can be purchased for 90 rubles. But, unlike the application for selecting the bicycle size, the purchase of “BikeDoCTOR” or “BikeRepair” is a reasonable investment of money. In these applications, everything is told step by step. Articles are richly equipped with illustrations and schemes. But, before buying, you need to know that the text is in these applications in English.

"Bicycle in the city"

Unfortunately, cyclists are increasingly becoming victims of an accident. In order to help people affected in such accidents, a bicycle in the city was developed. Unfortunately, it has scarce functionality and a fairly simple interface. But, the presence of useful information interrupts all the disadvantages of this application.



Another similar to the previous application is Velopdd. It is free, but contains advertising. In the application, you can find useful tips to the accident in the accident, the traffic police, traffic rules, types of fines for cyclists and other information.


Using this free application-former, you can find the location useful for cyclists. Users of this application themselves apply bicycle stores, bicycle parking, cycling, bicycle rolls and other similar places on cards. For example, here you can find catering establishments into which you can go with your bike.

Video. Gadgets and applications for cyclists





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