Who invented the headphones? The history of the creation of headphones

Published in Smartphones
Sep 25, 2016

The headphones today are one of the most popular accessories for mobile devices. If you walk around the city or ride in public transport, then you will definitely meet people who use headphones to listen to music or audiolectes. Moreover, there are a wide variety of headphones. From miniature, inserted into the ears, to devices with large petals and an active noise reduction system.

And who created the first headphones? In this article, we will answer this question and talk about the brief history of the development of this necessary accessory.


The history of the creation of headphones begins at the end of the 19th century. Electrophone has created a technology that allows its customers who are not in the theater to listen to the “living” performance of the opera and other musical works.

For this to customers Electrophone They gave out a massive structure that had to be put on the head. The sound was broadcast into speakers located opposite the ears. And although such a design was completely uncomfortable, the history of the creation and development of headphones began from this day.

Electrophone Information System

Electrophone Information System

Of course, something similar was used earlier. For example, radio communications operators used a headphone in their work. True, it was one and unlike the Electrophone device, the quality of its sound left much to be desired. The engineers of the aforementioned company were able to create a prototype of modern headphones with stereo sound.

Also, in the field of creating portable speakers, it is worth noting the device french engineer Ernest Mercadier. He managed to improve telephone receivers and create compact sound relayers inserted into his ears (1891). They weighed only 1 amount of ounce.


This milestone in the history of headphones is associated with the name Nathaniel Baldwin. This resident of the American state Utah created a prototype of a modern telephone headset and sent the drawings of his development to the military department of his country.

At first, the military was skeptical of the development of Baldwin. And the engineer had to create work models of the device from his own funds. But, later, in the US navy, the USA appreciated the headset of Baldwin. They entered several additions to the engineer drawings and created an order for head phones.

The success of the model Nathaniel Baldwin forced the military to invite the engineer to his laboratory. They believed that this is how Nathaniel would be able to increase the speed of the headphones. But, due to polygamy (Baldwin was Mormon), he could not move from the state. Then the company Wireless Specialty Apparatus Co. Built a factory for the production of headphones in Utah. Where and invited the engineer. Thanks to this plant, the headphones of Baldwin began to be produced not only for the army, but also for civilian purposes.


The next serious date in the history of the headphones had to wait enough for a long time. The revolution occurred in 1957, when the company EMI Developed a technology for the release of stereo plates. After that, the stereo sound “moved” to telephony. Company Koss Corporation Created a stereo -headed phone.

Founder of the company John Coss, praised stereo sound and created a private system of listening to music. It was a phonograph, a loudspeaker and a connector for connecting a head phone.

Of course, the head phone is not yet headphones. Therefore, Cossa discussed with his audio engineer how to improve them. Together they created a design consisting of two plastic cups, into which three -inch speakers were inserted. This design of the headphones, which later received the name of the headphones of the Koss SP-3 became very popular among music lovers.

Koss SP3 Stereo Headphones

Koss SP3 Stereo Headphones


The year of birth of the audio dress is 3.5 mm. In 1964 the company Sony release portable radio EFM-117j. It did not differ in the revolutionary technology of sound transmission. But, it is to him that we owe the mini-jack connector.


But, only after 15 years, Sony began to massively produce devices in which there was a 3.5 mm audio dealer. This device has become stereopleier Walkman TPS-L2.


Sony has released headphones with a digital noise reduction system. Device MDR-NC500D, according to developers, can block up to 99% of unnecessary sounds. This system uses artificial intelligence, can find, track and block unnecessary sounds.

year 2014

Apple Corporation bought a company Beats Electronics. This company, founded by a well-known rap artist Dr. Dre And a musical producer Jimmy Aiva, specialized in stylish headphones, in the sounds of which a special place was given to low sounds. Bass in Beats headphones have a powerful sound with an enveloping effect.


Company Apple Again makes a revolution in the portable electronics market. This time, the company from Cupertino abandoned 3.5 mm - a connector. To connect headphones to Apple gadgets, users can use lightning port and wireless technology.

Revolutionary headphones Airpods

Revolutionary headphones Airpods

Speaking of wireless technology. After refusing the mini-jack connector, the company Apple Presented unique headphones AirPods. In addition to magnificent sound, they have a unique design. But, the most important innovation of the developers of these headphones in integration into their design W1 processor. He not only “monitors” the correct consumption of the battery, but also tunes the sound so that you are comfortable to listen to music.

Of course, the above milestones in the history of headphones are only selected fragments in the amazing story of this popular accessory. Unfortunately, when writing this small article, it was not possible to note all the inventors who left their mark on the creation of headphones.

Video. History of headphones

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