How to charge a phone without charging?

Published in Useful tips / Smartphones
Aug 18, 2016

An article about several subsurbs that rejuvenate the phone without charging.

The charger for the phone is included in the standard kit for the mobile gadget. There are situations when it does not appear at hand or it broke, and the phone is mercilessly discharged. And as soon as people used to do without phones? In our century, a lot depends on this device and therefore, you need to know several ways to charge the phone without charging.

Method number 1. USB

If you have at home (at work) a USB cable and a laptop, a computer, a tablet, a mini-PK or even a TV with a USB connector, then you are a happy person. Insert the USB wire into the main device (OS) and charge the phone.

The main condition is that the phone should have a working nest for connecting a cable with the OS, as well as a computer or any other device must be charged or included in the network so that the phone has the opportunity to dial the charge. The speed of the power supply in such conditions is no less than when connecting a conventional wired charger.

As a rule, for smartphones, a standard package includes the presence of a cable with micro- or mini-USB, it all depends on the type of connector in the gadget. You will also find a USB cable in the camera (if you have one at home), tablet, e-book and some other devices. Therefore, you should not have difficulties with this method of wireless charging.

USB cable can be designed for several phones at once

Method number 2. Dock station

The docking station is a universal charger and it is suitable for both tablets and phones, but there are also such models that are designed for a certain series of phones.

The stations that cost an order of magnitude more expensive than their chargers of “brothers” have additional options. During charging, you can listen to music or radio, turn on the backlight.

Docks can be supplemented by the function of a flashlight, radio, watches

Method number 3. Wireless charger

In any store of telephone accessories, you can find a wireless charger. It does not look quite like charging, but like a round or square plane. It is necessary to put the phone on it and, using a variable magnetic field, the phone will receive the necessary energy.

Such a device must be embedded. He has a very short range of action, which means that you need to lay out your mobile in such a way that a charge enters it.

Especially popular is such charging among phones that have a broken connector for a charger. Induction charger in this case is real salvation.

Put the phone on the surface of the device as accurately as possible

Method No. 4. External battery

An external battery can be used as a charger. He has a corresponding USB connector, a cable that connects the power source to the phone. In just a few minutes you will receive some percentage of charge.

The main principle of this battery is that he himself was charged before. The feed rate of an external source is no worse than in standard charging.

One of the popular ways of charge of the phone through an external battery

Method number 5. Solar panels

Solar panels will serve as a great way to charging. This is especially true in the campaign, in nature, far from civilization. But it is only necessary that there is cloudless weather, which will support the source of energy.

A small block is equipped with photocells, several cells are powered by solar energy and transfer it to the phone through a USB-wire. Usually such a battery can be intended for one or more phones. This source retains energy for a long time, but it will be slightly slower to charge your gadget than conventional charging. This is due to the fact that photocells built into the battery are small and they cannot produce a large amount of energy.

Choose a solar battery for energy intensity

Method number 6. Battery charging from power supply

If you did not have a charge from the phone at hand, then you can pull out the battery and insert it into a special power supply. As a rule, such chargers go as universal devices. Their connector for a telephone battery can vary, namely, there is a “runner” designed for these purposes, which can be moved, thereby driving it to the size of your battery.

There are also devices intended for only one type of battery on sale, but at present it is already a rarity.

Sometimes such a device is called "frog"

Method number 7. Boarded wires

Everyone at school taught physics and knows that if you combine a blue wire with a plus (+), and red with a minus (-), then you can get a charge. To apply this laboratory method to a mobile phone, you will need:

  • old charger
  • electrical network
  • mobile phone battery

Prepare all the elements. On the old charger, you need to clean the end of the wire so that you get a blue and red wire exposed. Dilute them a little. Now remove the battery from the phone. Find there plus and minus. At the plus, attach a blue wire, and to the minus - red. Fix the “charging” with tape or island, put it on the free surface and turn it on to the network. Correctly connected device will immediately begin to type the charge.

You can take not only the old telephone charge, but also just the old wire that will have a fork

Method No. 8. People's

  • There are several ways. One of the popular is the use of a heating element for the battery. Usually use a knife. A battery is placed on a hot tool. Withstand for a few seconds, then inserted back into the phone.
    Such a charge should be enough for a couple of minutes of conversation on a mobile phone
  • If the battery with a scale hit the stone, asphalt or other strong surface, then you can also get a couple of minutes to talk

Be careful with folk methods, in order to avoid damage to the battery and maintain your safety

Video: How to charge a phone without charging?

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