How to write a conversation on the iPhone, an incoming call? Program for recording conversations on iPhone

Published in iOS / Useful tips / Smartphones
Sep 1, 2016

This article will tell you which applications can record telephone conversations.

As you know, many users are puzzled by the problem that consists in recording their phone calls and conversations. Most of them acquire voice recorders and other recording devices, and at the same time suggest that there are no programs for recording telephone conversations on the iOS platform, but in fact - this is not so.


Today We will consider various programs-programs that will easily record your telephone conversations, and at the same time not to load your RAM.

Why is it possible and necessary to record telephone conversations?

the question button

The record of telephone conversations is especially necessary for people who work in law enforcement and legislative bodies, as well as those who often make calls, and make conversations on particularly important matters.

Any user can begin to record conversations, but you need to clearly and clearly understand why you are doing this, and whether you need it at all.

You need to record telephone conversations if you are blackmail, you are threatened or you are subjected to periodic calls from scammers.

Is it possible to use the recorder as a record of calls on the iPhone?

Of course, it is possible, but it is worth considering that when recording, only your voice will be heard, and not the voice of your interlocutor.

That's why the recorder is categorically not intended To record telephone conversations, because there is no sense in it.

If you really plan to record telephone conversations of two sides, that is, your voice and the voice of your interlocutor, then you should download the program for recording calls.

What calls for recording calls exist on the iPhone?

The ability to record, and then play and listen to telephone conversations, excluding the use of the recorder, and thanks to other applications, came true when well-known developers presented the relevant applications for these purposes, such as Sbrotator, Callbar, Scrollingboard, Elias Limneos, as well as many others and similar programs.

Let's still consider which programs to this day are relevant and are very popular.

Audio Recorder


The name of the program speaks for itself, and the interface and use are quite intuitive and easy. With the help of this program, you can easily record any telephone outgoing conversation, and then in the future, if you need to listen to it. Thanks to the developer, you can also send an audio recording with a conversation to the email address.

Dignity This program is that it can work without connecting to the Internet network, and does not require it at all. Ease of use and excellent quality of audio recordings in an outfit with a slight interface makes this program only more popular.

The program has only one, and perhaps the biggest flaw, namely, it does not allow to record incoming calls, which is very sad.


This program also is in great demand and popularity, and also has some additional opportunities, such as:

  • Using an answering machine. That is, if someone calls you, then the answering machine will work and reproduce your voice message, which you wrote down in advance
  • Joke over your close friend by changing the timbre of your voice, which sounds quite tempting and attractive, especially if you are a student
  • The developer will give the opportunity to use this program for free

Google Voice


Another program, which essentially plays the same role as the programs that were named above, but there is one task that needs to be completed to use Google Voice

To start using the Google Voice program, you need:

  • Go to the service website Google Voice And register
  • After registration, you must go through authorization Under your username and password
  • Find the badge gears, and then item "Settings"and press it
  • By pressing it, the window will open, where you will have to activate the function "Calls"
  • After, you will see an option where you will need to activate calls recording function
  • Now that you get a certain call to your phone, you will have the opportunity to recording a conversation using pressing the button on keyboard
  • When the phone call starts to record, both subscribers will be notified, in the voice format "This call is now being recorded"
  • After the conversation is completed, the record will be in the application inbox Google Voicewhere you can listen to it



This program will allow you to record a telephone conversation for a couple of actions.

But many are wondering, damn it, but how to use it?

  • First of all, you must download and install the application iPadio On your smartphone. You can download from the site here.
  • After launching the application, you will find a questionnaire, the fields of which must be filled with your data
  • Then, after the procedure for filling out the questionnaire, you will need to open the tab "Calls", and then "Records"and already come up with there pinwhich should consist of 4 digitsAfter laying on "Live Phonecast"
  • Enter numberand make a call
  • After the interlocutor replies to your call, from the bottom left of the screen you will see a tanned button "Merge Calls", after pressing which, the conversation will begin to record, and after the end of the conversation, you will have to press Enter
  • Now you can listen to an audio recording with a conversation, for this you will need to go to the application iPadiowhere you will need to click on the tab "Broadcast" and choose the function of listening to the audio recordings, and in the future, if necessary, edit or cut it out

Opengsm Pro-X

This program differs from the above in that it is the newest, but already having considerable demand among iPhone 6 users, some of which used to use a recorder. You can download here.

Features of the Opengsm Pro-X program:

  • A huge set of all kinds of functions gives the program demand among users
  • The ideal quality of the record, as well as a convenient player and service
  • Saves information that concerns SMS, MMS, email letters, as well as calls logs
  • Makes it possible to record any conversation
  • The new version open the possibility of recording reports from applications Viber, WhatsApp and Skype

All programs that were called in this article gained very popularity among users of gadgets on the iOS platform, the only difference between them is only in the design and style of the program, as well as the presence or absence of a particular possibility that does not bear much benefit, because the most important And an important opportunity for all the program is one - this record of telephone conversations.

Video: How to write a telephone conversation on the iPhone?


commentary 4 Add a comment

  • Tell me how to install this program to secretly record calls?

  • I perfectly use the recording of incoming iPhone calls through the built -in voice recorder. I just put an incoming call on a speakerphone and turn on the recorder. Voila! Writes my voice and voice calling me.

  • Huynyu advised, everything is garbage

  • I have a speakerphone on the speakerphone, it does not allow to turn on the recorder, writes when clicking on the recorder: complete the call to turn on the recorder.

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