How to make an application for iOS? Application development for iOS

Published in iOS
31 Aug 2016

Have you decided to try to create an iPhone application? Our article will tell you how to do this.

Today, an incredible number of all kinds of devices are presented on the market and it is simply impossible to keep track of the emergence of new ones.

If we take into account that the creation of new applications for the iPhone takes enough time and effort, then their creation is not always profitable. But, if you think that you will have a profit from the project and it is relevant for other people, you can safely start writing an application.

general information

Application development for iOS

Application development for iOS

There are many opinions about whether it is difficult to create an application for the iPhone. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, you can have no doubt that this will be a very difficult task. To independently create programs, mandatory knowledge of programming languages \u200b\u200band the ability to use them are required.

But do not forget that just making the application is still a half business. It still needs to be correctly advertised. It is worth saying that for better promotion, professional programmers also release versions for android, but if your program is aimed at working with iOS, then you will not need it.

Do not be afraid if you have no experience in this area. Start slowly learning the programming language, and you can create a program that you want. But for more impatient, there are special designers who become more and more popular and have all the necessary tools for developing simple, but interesting programs.

How to develop the application on your own?

First you need to configure the programming environment. Here, developers spend a lot of time to create a quality product. It is called Xcode.

Possible difficulties

How to create an application for iPhone?

How to create an application for iPhone?

Immediately you should grieve or puzzle you a little, as you like more if you decide to work with the Windows or Linux system. The task becomes much more complicated, since you either have to purchase a MAC computer from Apple or look for an emulator of this OS on the Internet, since you can work exclusively through it.

By the way, in order to create applications for new versions of iOS, you will have to find Xcode 601 and iOS 8 SDK. The second program allows you to implement projects that can synchronize with iCloud or Touch ID.

It is recommended to download another text editor, which is created just to write programs. Of course, an ordinary editor and the use of programming environment is a huge plus, but when you start writing a new application, you will understand that it is very difficult to communicate with the standard program. For these purposes, it is better to use TextMate or Jedit.

Vector graphics

Create an iPhone application

Create an iPhone application

When writing applications, you will definitely need something like Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop. But in order to use them, you need to study them a little. If you do not have time or desire, then download Drawberry, where everything is much easier.

Study Objective C.

For the successful writing of games and any applications, you must speak Object C, since it is used to create applications and functionality. If earlier you have already worked with C and Java, then it will not be difficult for you. It is impossible to create applications for iPhones without this language. More precisely, creating through programming is impossible.

Create an account of the developer

IPhone - how to develop an application?

IPhone - how to develop an application?

And the last tool that you need is an account of the developer. It can be registered in the AppStore, but you have to pay $ 99 a year for it. It is mainly needed for the test and advertising program than to create it. Now you can safely begin to embody your idea in life.

Office development

If you do not want or do not have time to study Objectiv C, then contact the services of outsourcers to write a program for iOS. All you have to do is submit an idea and invest in money. The creation of the program can be entrusted to outsoring companies, and freelancers. And whoever takes less, this is a big question, because depending on the amount of invested funds and the result will depend.

In general, if you trust someone with work, then a person must know what he does, otherwise there will be no sense. Before giving someone a job, look at his portfolio and reviews of those who offer their candidacy for the development of the project.

How to create programs using designers?

How to make an iPhone application yourself?

How to make an iPhone application yourself?

Another and program development methods are special services that allow you to do everything without special skills, but on their own. Services are on a paid and free basis. Here no one will force you to write in the programming language, you will collect the application in parts. Of course, it is better to use the first, as they give more opportunities.

But, for the sample and development of skills, you can also try free services that have not such wide functionality, but this is no less interesting.

Video: How to create an application for iOS. Complete beginner!

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