How does the rainbow shell scanner work and why is it a smartphone?

Published in Smartphones
July 31, 2016

It is believed that the most accurate form of human identification is scanning of the rainbow shell of the eye. According to experts, it is many times superior to scanning a fingerprint and will soon be used in every smartphone. Already today you can buy devices that use such a function. In this article we will talk about this technology in more detail.

The technology of scanning the rainbow shell of the eye is called IRIS. Soon, you will not need to carry large ligaments of the keys, plastic cards, work to work and other objects.

After all, IRIS code can be replaced by any personality identification document. According to some reports, this technology exceeds the comparison of fingerprints and can compete with DNA recognition.

Why use biometric indicators?

Security in our time is given a special place. All of us have something valuable. Material values \u200b\u200bcan be hidden under the lock or put in storage to the bank. But what to do with information? It can also be hidden under the castle, which can be opened using a mathematical key.

There are many ways to protect information.


One of them is scanning of the rainbow retina of the eye

If your smartphone or tablet has information that needs to be protected from outsiders, then scanning the rainbow retina of the eye is one of the ways of such protection.

With its help, it will be possible to protect your payments on the Internet, photos from the memory of a smartphone, text files, etc.

In addition to fingerprints today, recognition is actively used by other biometric indicators. For example, at customs, a specialist in this service visually identifies you with the person whose photograph is glued into your passport. He is looking for a similarity in the shape of a nose, cheeks, forehead, mouth, eyes, etc.

But, this method cannot guarantee 100%that a person in the photo and you are the same person.

Nowadays, when using plastic surgery from each you can make delirium and Angelina Jolie. Changing the appearance for the sake of some needs will not be difficult. But before changing the “drawing” of the eyes, the technology has not yet reached.

How does this scanner work?

The rainbow shell of human eyes not only predetermines their color, but also has a unique “drawing” for each. With a very close approximation, you can notice many unique lines in the eyeball, which are individual not only for every person, but also for each eye. The left “drawing” has one, and the right one has the other.

Another important factor in choosing a retina to identify a person is that the “drawing” of this part of the eye almost does not change over time.


That is, it can be used, like fingerprints, checking with previously preserved "standards"

To scan the "drawing" of the retina, infrared radiation is used. He is not afraid of glasses and contact lenses. In addition, IR radiation can be used in complete darkness.

After the scanner considers the “drawing” of the retina of the eye, he will transfer it to the digital code. Then the system will compare this code with the one that it has in her memory and, in the case of a smartphone, unlocks the contents of the device.

Today, biometric scanners are installed on some smartphones far from the ideal. But, such devices are constantly improving. There are already smartphones in which not only the rainbow shell is scanned, but the whole face as a whole. Which increases safety.

In the Play Market, you can already download and install a special retina-scanner of the eye on your Android Smartph. It works from the camera and has a greater error. Therefore, it is rarely used in modern gadgets.

But in a special sensor, which will soon supply more and more devices, the prospects are quite large.

What is unique in such a technology?

The main function of the rainbow shell is compressing and unclenching the pupil. This muscular fabric acts as a shutter of the camera camera. Its “drawing” is formed at the genetic level and manifests itself even when the child is in the womb. But the final formation occurs two years after the birth of the child.

In humans, it is customary to distinguish between 10 eyes of the eyes from brown to blue. Color depends on the amount of melanin. The more this pigment, the closer the color of the eyes to the brown color, and the smaller, the closer to the blue.

Though the eyes of the eyes are only 10, his pattern is unique to each person. Even in genetic twins, the rainbow shell pattern is different.

How does this technology work?

iris Code

iris Code

In order to use such a scan on your smartphone, it is necessary that such a function is present in it. At the first launch of the scanner, he must consider the information and remember the “drawing” of the rainbow shell.

After that, with each subsequent scanning, it will verify the digital code of the “drawing” with the one that is available in its database.

And now about the stages of scanning in more detail.

Get a picture of your eye

In order for such a system to work, she needs a picture of the rainbow shell of the eye. Therefore, before taking advantage of such a verification system, a person must take a picture of his eye once.

The system will create two pictures. One ordinary, second in invisible, infrared light. This system was developed in the 90s of the last century, computer engineer John Dogmann.

A rainbow shell from the pupil and external borders special in the “separates” special in. After that, special circles and lines are superimposed on the image that break the “drawing” into sectors.

Thus, the iris is divided into separate fragments, which will then be used for re -identification.

The obtained fragments of the "drawing" are converted into a digital code. To do this, it is driven through a hollow filter. The values \u200b\u200bof the degree of dimming are given values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 to 1. A unique IRIS code is generated from the resulting set of numbers.

Thanks to the infrared light, the wavelength of which is greater than the wavelength of ordinary red light, you can more accurately recognize the uniqueness of the “pattern” of the eye.

After that, these two photographs made in digital form are analyzed. All unnecessary details are removed from them, and unique are left. To date, more than 240 original features are used with such scanning.

For comparison, when scanning the fingerprint, 5 times less than the features of the skin patterns are distinguished.

After the system analyzes all the features of the eye, it will assign a digital code (Iriscode) to the owner of such an eye. It consists of 512 digits.

This number will remain in the memory of the device that its owner uses. The entire above procedure lasts no more than a few minutes.

Confirmation of the authenticity of the eye

iris Technology


After photographs of the rainbow shell of the eye are listed in the base of your device, the verification process will take place in seconds. You must look at the scanner sensor. He will re -take a picture of the eye, and the system converts it into a digital code.

Then the system will compare two code and if they are the same indicate that the verification has passed successfully. If the codes do not coincide with each other, then you do not have such a rainbow shell that is mistaken for the original.

Which technology is better?

Firstly, scanning the shell of the eye is more comfortable than identification by fingerprint. Before passing such a procedure, it is necessary that the finger is dry and clean.

Therefore, in the rain or after you went through the engine of your favorite car to immediately go through the imprint on fingerprint. Ideally, if you install a smartphone on the dock, when scanning the rainbow shell of the eye, you don’t even need to take it into your hands.

The scanner can get the information he needs even from a short distance.

Fingerprint recognition sensors have been used in digital technology for about ten years. While the sensors of recognition of the rainbow shell of the eye at the time of writing the article were installed only in Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL. But, already now on the approach of Galaxy Note 7 and several flagships of other companies.

Fingerprints are a complex, but not perfect biometric way to identify. Traumes and some diseases may affect changes in the pattern of papillary lines.

Scanning the rainbow shell of the eye is a more reliable way of human identification. It is enough just to take a picture of the eye.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology


The main advantage of this technology is accuracy. Compared to the same fingerprints, this technology is more reliable. According to statistics, 1-2 million checks account for only one refusal.

While, when recognized by fingerprint, 1 error occurs every 100 thousand times.

As for the lack of such a scan, they include the cost of sensors used in this technology. Which of course will add the cost of devices where this technology will be applied.

In addition, there are some people who fear the infrared effect on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. As well as those who believe that with the help of such sensors you can scan data even from photography. But, so far, no one has been able to do this.

Video. Review Microsoft Lumia 950 XL - Windows Hello - User entrance by IRIS

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