How to confirm the receipt of the order and leave a review on Aliexpress: step -by -step instructions with photos

Published in Aliexpress
Oct 30, 2016

Bought something on Aliexpress And you want to leave a review, but do not know how? We will tell you!

When can you leave a review of the product on Aliexpress?

To get the opportunity to write a review about some product on Aliexpress, you must first buy it and get it by mail. Further in the section "My orders" The receipt is confirmed and the system is immediately proposed to write your opinion on the purchase.

Reviews are allowed to write in any convenient language, add pictures and evaluate goods and sellers according to certain criteria.

In other ways, the reviews cannot be left, since Aliexpress It displays the opinion of only those who have already bought goods, so sellers will not be able to wind up reviews.

In addition, opposite each opinion, an icon in the form of a flag is displayed, from where the order was placed.

My orders for Aliexpress

My orders for Aliexpress

How to confirm the receipt of goods on Aliexpress?

  • If you purchase a thing on Aliexpress , then opposite her will be displayed "Confirmation of receipt of goods". It is necessary to press it only after the actual receipt of the purchase, but in no case earlier.
Confirm the receipt of goods Alcospress

Confirm the receipt of goods Alcospress

  • Then you will transfer you to a page with detailed data on your purchase, where:
  • It is necessary to put boxes opposite those goods that they received by pressing the key " Select all«.
  • Choose again "Confirmation of receipt of goods".
The goods were received on Aliexpress

The goods were received on Aliexpress

  • Only after that you will be allowed to write an opinion about the purchase with the possibility of downloading a photo.
Leave a review of the product on Aliexpress

Leave a review of the product on Aliexpress

How to leave reviews after confirming the receipt of the order with Aliexpress?

If the parcel has already been confirmed, but the review on Aliexpress You did not leave, you can do this within a month from the date of receipt of the parcel and confirming this fact or the end of the customer protection period.

How to leave a review on Aliexpress?

How to leave a review on Aliexpress?

  • Choose «Directorate of reviews«


  • IN "Expecting reviews" All orders are highlighted for which you can write your opinion
Waiting for the recall of Aliexpress

Waiting for the recall of Aliexpress

  • Press "Leaving the review" Opposite the order. By the way, near each of them it is displayed, how much time is left before closing the possibility of leaving the review
Filling out the aliexpress review card

Filling out the aliexpress review card

  • And after the button "Leave feedback" will be pressed, the form will open that must be filled out, and also put the seller of the assessment

How else can you leave a review on Aliexpress?

More recently on Aliexpress The possibility of adding comments to all goods, even those that you did not buy, was added. The most interesting thing is that there are no restrictions. To activate this function, you need to install an extension on Google Chrome AliExpress reviews.

Aliexpress reviews


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