How to clean Android phone from unnecessary files?

Published in Android
18 Jun 2016

In the process of long operation of smartphones or tablets on the Android operating system, many unnecessary files accumulate, which not only occupy the memory of the device, but can also inhibit its operation. This article will tell you how to clean your device from garbage and unnecessary files.

  • Many users of devices on the Android operating system consider to be unnecessary files on their gadgets spam and advertising, which comes by e -mail and popular messages. But, this is far from the case. A lot of “garbage” remains after removing various applications. And the more you will be installed on your device programs and delete them as unnecessary, the more garbage will accumulate on them
  • Another category of unnecessary files is the cache of the browsers you use. All these files, accumulating, cause damage to the performance of your devices. And moreover, if some of these “garbage” files get to the attackers, they will be able to reveal your personal data to them
  • Also, with a stretch to the category, unnecessary files include applications that you have not been using for a long time. They not only occupy a place in your device, but also load RAM. What is harmful to the data processing speed and forces a tablet or smartphone to work with incomplete strength. Visually, this is not always noticeable. But, if we compare the performance of the device after the rollback to the factory settings and before this action. Then everything will become clear
  • But, of course, to clean the memory of smartphones and tablets on Android, use such a radical way as rollback to factory settings - this is an extreme case. Today there are several ways to clean devices from garbage files without losing important information, which also occupies the memory of your devices. They will be described below

Androide optimization tips

we accelerate android

You can help your device get rid of glitches and brakes by simple optimization of its work. You need to understand that this will not protect your gadget from file debris, but it will help it work longer without interruptions.

Important: in order for a smartphone or tablet on Android to rejoice you with your performance once again before installing a new application. This is especially true of cases where applications are not installed from the official Play Market catalog.

It is also worth paying attention to already installed applications and clean the memory due to their deletion. This is especially true for unnecessary applications built into the shell. Users are usually not needed and are installed for advertising or other purposes.

Most manufacturers of smartphones and tablets are developing on the basis of Android their shell - launcher. It is possible to delete unnecessary applications from it only with ROOT laws. But, even if you get them, it is important to understand exactly what you are deleting. Otherwise, instead of improving the work of the gadget, you will “kill” the system.

Important: find out on specialized forums devoted to your device about what is possible and what cannot be removed from the applications preinstalled into it. And only after that, take such actions over him.

  • You can help unload the system by enduring “heavy” applications from the memory of a smartphone or tablet to the SD card. I must say right away that not all applications can be transferred, but with most of them you can do this
  • Very poorly affects the operability of devices built -in advertising in applications. Yes, we “pay” by watching such an advertisement for the possibility of installing free applications. If you cannot afford to use programs on a paid basis, and advertising in free versions strongly “slows down” your device, then download and install the application Adblock Plus For Android
  • This application easily blocks the show of intrusive advertising and will subsequently help easily eliminate the harm that was done to your device because of it
  • But, the largest generator of unnecessary files is the cache of used applications. If there are few applications at your bastard, then you can manually clean each of them with a cache. But what if there are a lot of applications? Use third -party programs. The best of them are Clean Master and 1tap Eraser

Clean Master

clean Master

The Clean Master application that can be downloaded for free in Play Market will help clean your device from unnecessary files in automatic mode. An intuitive application interface will help even a beginner to figure it out.

Important: the Clean Master application will help to cope not only with garbage, but also accelerate the operation of your device by optimizing the speed of RAM.

The work of this application is automated. The owner of the gadget on Android does not need to go into the installations of the program and configure it for yourself. It is enough to go to the application and click the "Clean" button. Then it will offer to choose which files need to be deleted. You don't need almost all of them. But, if you do not want to delete some, just take off a check with them.

Unnecessary files using Clean Master are deleted very quickly. After this procedure, a report on the work performed will appear on the screen.

The Clean Master application can not only delete garbage files, but also act as an antivirus and optimizer of the system on your device. If you believe the Play Market, then this is the number one application in the entire category. It will help:

  • Delete out unnecessary files
  • Accelerate the work of the device to 80%
  • Find viruses and vulnerability
  • Cool the processor
  • Save the battery charge
  • Protect personal photos and chat correspondence

1tap Eraser

1tap Eraser

Another popular application for quick cleaning of the cache and deleting unnecessary files is 1tap Eraser. After starting and installing this program, a simple and understandable interface will open before the user. Thanks to him, you can clear the history of calls, SMS, the history of browsers and other applications. If at the same time it is important for you to save something, then it is also possible to do it.

To clean the cache, you need to go to the appropriate section and mark applications that need such an action. An excellent functional solution of 1tap Eraser developers is the possibility of setting up automatic cleaning of your device at the specified time. The schedule of such cleaning is configured very easily.

Other garbage cleaning applications

Applications Clean Master and 1tap Eraser are very popular when choosing an application to optimize the operation of devices on Android. But, not only with their help you can clean your devices from garbage. For this purpose, they are also suitable:

  • Freecleaner - A great program that exists both on paid and freely. With its help, you can clean the cache, stop the extra process and delete unnecessary files in just a couple of touches. And if you do not want to waste time on such a procedure, set automatic deletions of such files, and the program will monitor the device itself
  • History Eraser - With the help of this application, you can not only clean the cache, but also delete the story of the browsera, the magazines of calls and messages. Unfortunately, the free version of this application has scarce functionality. But, and it is enough to clean your gadget from garbage files

Getting rid of garbage and unnecessary fals on smartphones or tablets working under the Android operating system is very easy and fast. But, in any case, you need to not forget about the optimization of the device.

VIDEO. Clean Android from garbage

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