How to clean the cache on the iPhone and iPad? Methods of cleaning Kesh Browser and Applications on iPhone

Published in iOS
Sep 3, 2016

Sometimes there is little memory on the iPhone and you have to remove something. We will talk about how to clean the cache on the iPhone.

Any system, doesn't matter, on computer or the same phone, works by one principletemporary files placed v special compartment memory. This necessary for fast slooding applications, loading pages v internet and work others functions.

These data stored not only v browsers, but and applications. More togo, many users used to it count kesh and temporary files, cookies, unnecessary files and another trash, which system iPhone simply not uses. IN given article we we will analyze question how clean cache on iPhone?

For what need cleaning kesha?

How to clean the cache on an iPhone?

How to clean the cache on an iPhone?

Before total, costs say, what with current time u you accumulate so many superfluous memory v phone, what to you v one moment just not enough places for conservation important information. Except togo, if though sometimes not conduct cleaning, that speed work devices worsen.

How clean cache browser?

Begin costs with yourself simpleremove temporary data, which save by meres work with internetresources. Let's consider, how performed given operation on example Safari, which is standard u IPhone.

  1. WITH main screen go v settings
  2. Scroll page down and find mine browser
  3. IN fallen menu settings find line cleaning stories and data sites
  4. Click on her and confirm committed action

When data will be used, that previous points they will gray colors. This speaks o volume, what memory now empty.

How erase cache from applications?

Cache Cleaning on iPhone

Cache Cleaning on iPhone

The main one share occupied memory it is necessary usually on social network, so how daily they they become more popular.

Today communication by internet not limited alone only correspondence. Here people more actively exchange different content. That's why v repository gradually accumulates a lot of information and v condition her maybe be some gigabyt.

For cleaning iPhone from kesha applications can go two ways. Let's talk o everyone.

Removal data manually

Data removal from Kesh iPhone

Data removal from Kesh iPhone

Some applications have v settings special function, responsible behind cleaning kesha. At her use can calmly delete all temporary data. At this application wash not have to. From you need to come in v settings applications and find button cleaning kesha.

To understand, which the same applications «bow» v memory devices, need to:

  1. Go v basic settings
  2. Further go v statistics and choose repository
  3. It will open window, where will specified list all applications, a against everyoneoccupied memory. If click on application, that you will see how many places need to to him himself and his data

Cleaning kesha with help utlit

IN given case are used auxiliary applications for cleaning. Effective is Phoneclean. He most simple and comfortable from all.

For beginning work connect smartphone to computer, launch program and with help basic menu turn on scanning systems.

When examination it will end, that Phoneclean determine, which files can erase.

Video: How to clean the cache on the iPhone? (iOS 8.3 - iOS 9)

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