How to clean the "other" on the iPhone 4, 5s and iPad in iTunes? "Documents and data" on the iPhone How to delete?

Published in iOS
Aug 27 2016

The memory of the smartphone is always important, and especially if it is not so much. Let's talk about cleaning the memory of the iPhone.

When memory on IPhone very road, that every megabyte on account.

  • Connect mine gadget to computer and turn on program iTunes and open « Review»
  • At the bottom to you will display line states memory, where all, what store v IPhone sorted by a few categories. IN principle, neither one chapter not calls questions, except one. He called « Other»

What this behind chapter?

How to clean another on the iPhone?

How to clean the "other" on the iPhone?

Usually on new device this folder occupies not more 200 MB and here worry not o how. But by meres use phone size folders maybe grow before several GigabytHow the same so?

Previously, when more was 8 version systems, v this section store different dataall electronic mail, messages, contacts, events, notes and so further.

When appeared iOS9 situation changed and now here stored settings systems, vote Siri and other, information about iOS, cash files.

How can notice, now all it became much clearly, but question o keshe it remains open,that's why what v him stored except video and music more and updates, downloaded by wireless internet. Respectively iTunes must their recognize.

What such cache files?

Cleaning the folder another on the iPhone

Cleaning the "Other" folder on the iPhone

Under such data understood temporary files, which remain at listening music or viewing video through Apple Music. But at this to categories another refers:

  • Updates received by WifI
  • Unnecessary files
  • Data from unsuccessful synchronization
  • Reports o malfunctions
  • Copies photo with filters
  • Updates

Make sure, what this really so, at all not difficult:

  1. Download updates
  2. Turn on iTunes and connect IPhone
  3. Wait bye program determine device and go v « Review»
  4. Look on state memory and evaluate size categories « Other»
  5. Remember the number
  6. Disconnect telephone and v settings from storage facilities remove loaded update
  7. Look how many now it is size section

Company Apple not was would yourself, if would they provided opportunity cleaning categories «Other«. But users IPhones such possibilities not have, that's why what by statements creators:

  • iOS herself erases cache files
  • Or can partially erase their and then dimensions necessary section they will less
    By the way temporary files a little erased at restart device
    Files v cache not included v reserve copy, respectively at restoration phone folder clean
  • Some special utilities allow produce cleaning files after unsuccessful synchronization

But, how shows practice these measures only temporarily eliminate problem. IN system always will be create such files and with this nothing it is forbidden do. But there is and another way, which gives opportunity fully put away «Other» with IPhone, this removal content and his settings.

How clean the folder «Other» through removal content and settings?

Ways to clean the memory of iPhone

Ways to clean the memory of iPhone

  1. Save all necessary information v icloud
  2. All photo, video and music copy on computer
  3. Turn off function search phone
  4. Find v basic settings function reset and you take it removal content and settings
  5. If u you installed blocking, that enter password
  6. Two times confirm removal information
  7. After reloading all delete

At at a construction site not costs do recovery data from reserve copies, that's why what there saved some temporary files. Better do it settings reveal.

Described instructions is yourself only temporary solution problems, which have to fulfill periodically.

Video: How to delete files from the "Other" section in IUTRISE?


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