How to update Google Platage Market for Android for free? How to download updated playing market?

Published by B. Android / Useful advice
2 Apr 2017.

Overview of common problems with automatic updating Google Play Market application and detailed manual update guide.

Before most users of the Android operating system, never got the question of how to update the store Google Play Market.. This application is standard and always updated automatically. In addition, it is impossible to remove it from licensed devices without having root rights.

However, this question remains relevant, since in a number of certain cases, the automatic updating of the Android store does not occur and users have to resort to radical measures and update the application manually. About what this can happen and how to update Google Play Market. Manually to the latest version, you will learn from our article.

How to update Google Play Market?

How to update Google Play Market?

Possible causes of automatic update of Google Play Market


Figure 1. Possible causes of automatic update of Google Play Market

Figure 1. Possible causes of automatic update of Google Play Market

  • Any software as the device to which it is installed requires careful relationships and care. To date, many dangerous viruses are walking in the global web, complex in detection and capable of harvesting your gadget. Since the Android operating system has an open code, smartphones and tablets with this operating system are most infected with these viruses.
  • Among them there are those that block the launch of system applications and their updates, including Google Play Market., YouTube and many others.
  • This problem is solved by installing antivirus on its device and its full scanning for viruses, and after cleaning.

Untested applications

Figure 2. Possible causes of automatic update to update Google Play Market

Figure 2. Possible causes of automatic update to update Google Play Market

  • The second reason why the automatic update is refused in the application Google Play Market.Again, the openness of the Android OS code. Due to the full availability of the code and wide programming capabilities, amateur users create a lot of various applications and firmware for the operating system, which then lay out to the network for universal download.
  • Their desire to share their creations with the world is worthily praise, but amateur applications and firmware are crooked and often cause critical errors, both in their own work and in the work of previously installed applications. Google Play Market. More often the rest suffers from such poor quality software.
  • The solution to this problem is to remove all recently installed applications from unknown sources.

Damage to the Hosts file

Figure 3. Possible causes of automatic update of Google Play Market

Figure 3. Possible causes of automatic update of Google Play Market

  • And the last reason is a damaged system file. hosts.. In fact, there are plenty of other important system files by damping that you can disrupt the operation of the device. But most often the problem is in the file hosts.. You can damage it in different ways, starting from infection with viruses and installing unwanted software and ending with the litter of internal memory of the device with garbage and damage to the registry.
  • Also, this can be attributed to mechanical damage to the device due to overheating or drops to the ground. At least mechanical damage and do not cause errors in the file hosts.However, they can create a lot of other problems in the device.
  • This problem is solved with a complete reinstalling of the operating system and memory formatting. In the event that a mechanical problem, then the output is only one - change the device.

Important: To avoid the emergence of such problems, if possible, use licensed software. Installation of various programs from unverified sources can adversely affect your device.

How to update Google Play Market via "Application Manager"?

Since the application Google Play Market. is a system application, it is impossible to remove it completely from the device without having root-Right. How to get root-rights you can learn from our article " How to get root rights to Android?" But because Getting them deprives the user guarantees, service and automatic operating system update, we will tell about how to update Google Play Market. Before the latest version without their help.

So if your Google Play Market. For some reason, it became inadequately to behave and demand a manual update, do the following steps:

  • Step 1. Go to the settings of your gadget and in the section " Device»Go to the menu section" Applications" In the window that opens on the tab " Third party" or " Everything»Find Play Market. And call the window with information about the application by clicking on its name.
Figure 1. How to update Google Play Market via

Figure 1. How to update Google Play Market via "Application Manager"?

  • Step 2.. In the information window you will see the version of the program. If it is obsolete, automatic downloading of updates will begin. If the version of the application is old, but the automatic update was not started, tap on the "button" Erase the data", later " Clear cache"And next" Delete updates».
Figure 2. How to update Google Play Market via

Figure 2. How to update Google Play Market via "Application Manager"?

  • Step 3.. After deleting updates, restart your device and run the application Google Play Market.. After starting, you will see that the application interface has changed, which means that it has rolled back to the initial version. After a few seconds, after starting the application, it should start its automatic update to the latest version. If this did not happen, go to the next step.
Figure 3. How to update Google Play Market through

Figure 3. How to update Google Play Market through "Application Manager"?

  • Step 4.. If after deleting updates and data when the application starts, it has not begun automatic update, then go back to the settings menu, open " Applications"And find among them" Google Play services"And" Google Services Framework." Do these applications with these applications exactly the same actions as with Play Market., After that restart the device. After that when starting Google Play Market. It should start its automatic update.

Figure 4. How to update Google Play Market via "Application Manager"?

  • Step 5.. If this time the update did not happen, then go in the settings and in the section " Accounts»Select your Google account and remove it. Then click " Add New Account"And re-enter the login and password of your account, after which you restart the device. After all these actions, the problem must be solved and Google Play Market. will automatically be updated to the latest version.

Updating Google Play Market for the operating system rollback

If the manipulation described above did not help you and Google Play Market. Everything also persistently refuses to update to the latest version and gives errors, then, most likely, the problem is the damaged file hosts. or conflict system application. In this case, you will have to resort to more radical measures, namely to reset the device settings to factory and formatting internal memory.

Important: Before starting the procedure, transfer all the important files to the outer medium or in the cloud through the Google account settings. Otherwise, they will be permanently removed.

In order to roll back the device settings to factory, do the following steps:

  • Step 1. Go to device settings and in the section " Personal data»Open the" Restoration and reset" In the window that opens, select the item " Reset».
Figure 1. Update Google Play Market for the tools for rollback of the operating system

Figure 1. Update Google Play Market for the tools for rollback of the operating system

  • Step 2.. Next, a window will appear with the notification that all data from your device will be the structures, including accounts, data and settings for all system applications and downloaded applications. Also offered to clean and SD card. This can not be done, but it often happens that problem applications are installed on it. So that SD card It is also recommended to format, after throwing off everything you need on a computer or other device.
Figure 2. Update Google Play Market for the operating system rollback

Figure 2. Update Google Play Market for the operating system rollback

  • Step 3.. After selecting all the reset parameters, click on " Reset phone settings" The device will go to the reboot and for some time will clean the device's memory and set the original application settings.
Figure 3. Update Google Play Market for operating system rollback

Figure 3. Update Google Play Market for operating system rollback

  • Step 4.. After the settings were reset and the device boot, start the application Google Play Market.. At the entrance you will be asked to enter a login and password from google account. Do it. After logging in to your account, automatic application update will begin. Google Play Market. and other pre-installed system applications to the latest version.

If none of the above methods have helped you and in the application Google Play Market. Errors continue to appear or deny automatic updates, then this problem can be tried to solve the installation of a new firmware on your device. About how to do it, you can read in our article " How to flash android without a computer?».

If it does not help, then the only way out of the current situation will be replaced the device for a new one.

Important: owners of some Chinese smartphones and tablets on the device may not be absent Google Play Market.. Download it you can of this linkand installation instructions can be found in our article " Google Play Market: how to download and install?»

Video: How to update Google Play Market?

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