How to use the Android phone as a webcam and a joystick for a computer?

Published in Android
Aug 27 2016

Technologies are rapidly packed and smartphones acquire more and more functions. Let's talk about the use of android as a joystick and webcam.

Modern gadgets can in many areas become alternative computer. This and usage electronic mail, sending multimedia, search by sites, communication v social networks, and so further.

How to use the phone as a joystick?

How to use the phone as a joystick?

Smartphones also helped us become more mobile, so how many affairsnow can fulfill even without location on worker place. Enough do all through telephone.

Bye, certainly, a bunch of functions maybe fulfill only computer, but, who he knows, v future, maybe, all change.

Today semihimi steps develop technologies, which give opportunity manage computer through smartphone for solutions different tasks, though their bye not so well and a lot of.

Droid Pad

A program for managing a computer from a phone

A program for managing a computer from a phone

One from programs, expanding functional phones, beingit D.rOID Pad. She allows use Android v quality joystics for PC, a also mice. Thanks to menu v form slides, can conduct presentations without yourself computer.

To begin use such useful function, download program on computer and telephone, a then synchronize both.

U programs lung control, a also she allows browse available devices. Necessary check, what PC and smartphone are located v limits one network, or connect smartphone to PC through the wire. Program determine gadget and his can will choose from list and launch.

Interface programs

Android as a webcam and joystick

Android as a webcam and joystick

Menu regulation designed for management with phone PC howmouse or joystick. Chapter REORDERAXES sets up axis and buttons, a Tweakaxe sets incline and rotation.

IN third section located joystick, mouse and slideshow. First line possesses eight different joysticks with brief description. Difference consistent only v quantity key and slides.

IN section mouse, manage can respectively mouse. For this tiltsmartphone v various parties or guide his on screen.

For compounds phone with PC choose one from modes and wait, when it will appear telephone v program on PC. Click by him mouse twice and install compound.

IN slideshow there is only the only one modewebcamera. He gives keys for show presentations: scrolling slides, launch and stop show, transition v start or end, change background.

How to plug A nlot instead of webcameras?

Connection android instead of a webcam

Connection android instead of a webcam

  1. Download USB Webcam for Android
  2. Turn on debugging by USB
  3. Go on, a also install program USB Webcam PC Host
  4. Launch usbwebcam.bat from folders with program
  5. Make sure, what smartphone works v quality webcameras, for example, through skype

Video: Android smartphone as a replacement for joystick or mouse

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