iOS or Android: which is better? Comparison Android and iOS

Published in Android / iOS / Useful tips
Jun 30, 2016

Comparison of two Android and iOS operating systems.

Before going to the store for a new mobile device, each person is faced with the problem of choosing the operating system

  • To date, there are several operating systems, however, such giants as iOS and Android are fierce for the first place. Fans of both systems are constantly arguing among themselves, prove that it is their system that is worthy to be called the best in the world. But which of them is actually right?
  • This article presents an unbiased opinion on both operating systems, gives their main advantages and disadvantages, and which of them to choose is solved only to you

The basic differences of iOS and Android operating systems

  • The IOS operating system is the brainchild of the great and mighty Steve Jobs, the founder of the famous Apple brand for the whole world. Initially, it was developed exclusively for iPhone smartphones, but over time was optimized for another company's products
  • The main difference between the operating system is a closed code. This means that users cannot change and modify the system in their own way, but this positively affects the stability of the system
  • The Android operating system was developed by the famous Google and was created as an iOS alternative, which until 2009 did not have competitors in the market. Android developers went in the reverse way and made the main advantage of the operating system open to edit the code, so that users were able to adjust the system for themselves, create a variety of applications and optimize games with PC for mobile devices

IOS and Android interface

  • On the interface, Android definitely wins. Thanks to the open code, users can download and install a huge number of various widgets, launches and icons, so you can stylize the interface as you like and even make it identical iOS
  • In iOS, all interface changes are limited. All you can do is change the location of the icons and change the wallpaper on the desktop


Game and applications in the App Store and Google Play Market

  • In this matter, it is difficult to give preference to any operating system. If you believe users, then for iOS there are a larger number of games and applications and the first new items fall just in the App Store
  • However, Android is not very far behind his competitor in this regard, but its main advantage is a large number of free applications, when IOS on almost all applications are paid

Security iOS and Android

  • As mentioned above, due to the closed code, the iOS operating system is not only stable, but also safe. You will not be able to pick up any viruses on your devices, because all applications and games in the store are official developments
  • The Android system does not have this level of security, however, the established antiviruses can solve this problem that will check all applications for the infection and eliminate it if necessary


IOS and Android prices and quality ratio

  • At its core, iOS and Android do not differ from each other and are standing on the Linux nucleus. Many iOS supporters prove that this system has the best speed, but they forget that speed is more dependent on iron than on software. Android is installed on a large number of devices of different manufacturers and some of them are largely superior to iOS in power
  • Prices for devices with the Android operating system are much lower than for Apple products. As mentioned above, operating systems are practically nothing different and Apple does not produce any unique components for its devices, but the prices for these devices exceed the prices of their analogues by several times. This is due to the very popularity of the brand and people overpay for a bitten apple

Video: Android or iOS. What to choose? Advantages and disadvantages


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