Electronic cigarette: how to choose? How to order electronic cigarettes for Aliexpress?

Published in Aliexpress / Useful tips
Oct 28, 2016

Overview of electronic cigarettes, recommendations for choosing and buying for AliExpress.

New technologies, new manufacturers and models caused a real revolution in the world of smokers, which continues to this day. Every day, more and more people prefer electronic cigarettes to ordinary cigarettes, but some are lost in choosing and do not know which model it is better to purchase.
In this article, we will tell you about the principle of the action of electronic cigarettes, their main differences from ordinary ones, help you choose the right model and tell you where you can buy it.

Electronic cigarettes with AliExpress

Electronic cigarettes with AliExpress

FAQ by electronic cigarettes

  • The main difference between the electronic cigarette and the usual is the lack of combustion process and its products. There is no smoke, there are no harmful resins, ash and other nasty things. An alternative method for obtaining nicotine and flavorings has been found - these are steam.
  • The principle of operation of a modern electronic cigarette is extremely simple. To obtain steam, you need a wire spiral, which must be heated with an electric current coming from a small battery. Now you should think about the liquid that should evaporate. It is placed in the bath and using a wick from cotton wool is supplied to the spiral liquid.
  • This whole design is divided into two parts: a box with batteries called “mod”, as well as a bath with spirals, cotton and liquid, which is called “atomizer” or “evaporator”.

There are many models of both mods and evaporators, but all of them can be divided into types. Among the evaporators, several main categories can be distinguished:

  • The first category - Cigaret -like compact devices that are commonly called paid training. These are a variety of EGO models. Having tried such electronic cigarettes, you will most likely disappoint the taste and number of steam, so you will either leave this business at all, or go to something more serious.
  • The second category - intermediate devices that have more capacious batteries. A typical representative of such electronic cigarettes is Joyetech Aio. In such a model, everything is in one case, charging is carried out according to USB, a small liquid tank and replaceable evaporators (consumables).
  • The third category - Compound models. In them, you yourself choose a mod with batteries and connect it to the atomizer to taste thanks to the unified connector type 510.
Electronic cigarette evaporator

Electronic cigarette evaporator

As for the battery mods, everything is much simpler with it, since only two types are distinguished among them:

  • The first and simple - mechanical mods that consist of a case, a battery and buttons. The power of the battery is not adjustable, all additional functions are absent. The owner is not protected from a short circuit if suddenly the spiral accidentally closes against the case.
  • The second and more advanced - boxing box. In addition to the battery department, electronics are built into them. Fashion boxes are equipped with screens, buttons, menu, allow you to adjust power, can work in different modes, support thermal control. In addition, they almost always have a micro-USB connector for charging or flashing the device.
Boxing fashion for electronic cigarettes

Boxing fashion for electronic cigarettes

  • There is one thing in common for mechanical mods and boxing mods - for normal operation they need high -voltage batteries that give more than 20 A. ordinary inexpensive models of 18650 or 18350 for electronic cigarettes are not suitable.

Electronic cigarette selection tips

  • Which electronic cigarette is better to buy? A definite answer to this question is very, very difficult, because Each smoker has its own preferences relative to the fortress, taste and smell of inhaled smoke/pair. What is suitable for one may not fit the other. Therefore, if you first decide to try this method of eating nicotine, you will have to try many different tastes and devices until you find your own.
The choice of electronic cigarettes

The choice of electronic cigarettes

  • However, there are several main factors that should be guided by the choice of cigarettes. The first and most important in it is technical characteristics. The amount and quality of the steam produced depends on the power of the battery, as well as on the type of evaporator. If you are a beginner and do not understand how many steam you need, it is recommended to purchase a device with adjustable battery power.
  • There are devices that automatically adapt the battery power to the type of evaporator, but they are quite expensive and are unlikely to be suitable for a beginner. If you suddenly do not like to consume nicotine in this way, then having bought such a cigarette, you just throw a large amount of money into the wind.
  • The second technical indicator that is worth paying attention to when choosing is the volume of the battery. Some models of electronic cigarettes have removable batteries and are well suited for long trips, because In advance, you can charge several spare batteries and take them with you. Most devices have built -in batteries, so it is extremely important to choose a cigarette with a maximum charge. The higher this indicator, the more puffs you can do without recharging.
  • The third significant factor is the presence of a function that allows you to use a cigarette in the charging process. Most devices have this function called Pass-Through. Devices with such a function are also good in that they have a micro-USB port with which you can charge an electronic cigarette even from a laptop.
A set of electronic cigarettes

A set of electronic cigarettes

  • It must be said right away that having bought such cheap disposable cigarettes as Vamo, Ego, Evod and similar to them, you will not only be disappointed in this method of consumption of nicotine, but simply throw your money into the wind. The best solution for beginners will be the purchase of a starting set, which includes a battery block, a fluid capacity, replaceable evaporators, charger and use instructions.

How and which cigarette to buy on AliExpress?

  • There are few people who are a secret that all existing electronic cigarettes are produced exclusively in China. Therefore, the most reasonable solution would be to purchase this device directly from China using the AliExpress trading platform.
  • To get to the section with electronic cigarettes, go to the main page of AliExpress and in the left menu opposite the inscription " Categories»Click the button" See all". Scroll the opening page down to the section " Consumer electronics"And choose in it" E-Sigs».
Search for electronic cigarettes on AliExpess

Search for electronic cigarettes on AliExpess

  • You will open a list of goods that can be sorted by brand, price, seller’s rating, etc. In addition to electronic cigarettes in the same section, there are also spare cartridges, spirals, batteries and other spare parts for them.

Eleaf ijust s kit

Electronic cigarette Eleaf ijust s kit

Electronic cigarette Eleaf ijust s kit

  • Based on the opinions of experienced wages (chickeners of electronic cigarettes) and our own, we came to the conclusion that an electronic cigarette will be the best option for beginners Eleaf ijust s kit. Due to its low price and decent characteristics, it is perfect for a sample. The kit includes a micro-USB cable, a 3000 mAh battery, a removable tank and three interchangeable evaporators.

Buy an electronic cigarette Eleaf ijust s kit + set of reserve evaporators

  • To purchase a device, you need register on AliExpress or enter your account, and then switch to product page and press the button " Buy now". In the window that opens, fill out the purchase application in Latin letters. It is necessary to indicate these full name, address and index, because Upon receipt of the parcel in the post office, it will be necessary to present a passport.
  • Next, you need to pay for the purchase. You can do this using bank cards Visa, MasterCard And Maestro, as well as using electronic wallets QIWI, Webmoney And Yandex money. On average, the goods entered the post office within 20 days. The maximum waiting time is 90 days.

Video: Eleaf Ijust S Kit electronic cigarette with Aliexpress. Unpacking and review

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