What is Power Bank, why is it needed and how to use it? How and which to choose a Power Bank for a smartphone: tips and recommendations, links to the Aliexpress catalog

Published in Android / Useful tips / Smartphones
Sep 6, 2016

This article will tell you about which is best to choose a Power Bank for a smartphone.

This article will tell you what Power Bank is, how to choose it, what is needed, and also how to use it.


Modern technologies have stepped forward very much, however, it also affected smartphones, the possibilities of which are very extensive today. But since smartphones perform important functions such as: calls, sending messages, videos on Skype, as well as many use them as a navigation device, then the battery capacity is sometimes not enough for 2-3 hours.

Therefore, many manufacturers of the same smartphones decided that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an external battery in the form of an additional charging source is not bad, and the implementation is clearly important for many users of smartphones.

What is an external battery or Power Bank?


An external battery or Power Bank is a portable charger that has lithium-ion batteries of the size of 18650, and is also equipped with a special building in which the batteries are located. Exit to charging the phone are 2 USB connectorusually on 1a And 2A.


Speaking in more detail, then Power Bank - This is a class of universal mobile chargers. In this case, universality is due to the fact that this device is suitable for almost all modern digital and mobile devices that use charging by means of USB cable.

Mobile It is called because this device is quite capable of charging any mobile or digital device without recharging to the network.

How to choose Power Bank?


First of all, most external batteries have differences from each other only in the capacity expressed in milliamps-hours (mAC), which is essentially the most important characteristic of any external battery.

Therefore, it is precisely on the number of containers that the external battery will weigh, as well as what its final dimensions will be.

In most cases, external batteries use lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. Their difference from others is that they have excellent operational characteristics, low self -discharge, as well as the maximum specific energy intensity.

Therefore, choosing a specific model and the capacity of the external battery is based on which device it will be used for.

For exampleif you are going to use an external battery to charge your smartphone, then you should pay attention to "Pavverbank" With a container from 2500 mAh, and if you want to charge them a tablet, then look at the container from 5000 mAh.

How many times is it enough to charge a smartphone using Power Bank?


Many users are located in a conventional formula, thanks to which they allegedly find out how many complete charges of the smartphone there will be enough external battery. But it should be understood that the capture with a capacity in 9000 mAh will not be able to charge the battery in 3000 mAh Exactly three times, two times can definitely. Because all batteries have a minimum self -discharge, and therefore, batteries over time begin to lose their previous characteristics.

It is worth remembering that no external battery is able to give out one hundred percent recoil of its capacity.

What details should I turn when buying Power Bank?


A very important parameter of the characteristics of the external battery is the charging current. A huge number of external batteries are able to issue a charging current in the range from 0.5 to 2 A.. Therefore, when choosing a pavorbank, be sure to consider this parameter.


External batteries are usually produced with two USB connectors, one of which is designed - for smartphones, with a charging current of 1 A, and the second for tablets, with a charging current of 2 A. But if you connect to an external battery for simultaneously charging two smartphones, then Then the charging current of each connector will be 1 A.

Pay great attention to how the external battery itself is charged, many Chinese pavorbanks are charged by means of an outlet, but it will be much more convenient if instead of a fork, there will be a standard MicroUSB, which is included for standard charging a smartphone. It is also recommended to choose an external battery battery, because as you understand from mathematical calculations, you can determine that if the charging current is 500 mAh, and the battery capacity will be 15000 mAh, then complete charging will be performed 30 hours.

There are external batteries with solar charging panels, which are very economical and convenient at the same time, especially if you very often travel and charge an external battery through the network.


This is perhaps the main parameters that must be taken into account when buying an external battery. After all design, style, case, material - These are the parameters, the choice of which is already on the side of the buyer, and their role does not play at all on the functionality and capabilities of the external battery, but only differ in a beautiful and attractive appearance.

Power Bank for Aliexpress: Links to the Catalog with Price

View the catalog of external batteries on Aliexpress you can here and here.

  • Good Power Bank for Aliexpress with a good seller’s rating and a huge number of orders look at this link.
  • Good Xiaomi battery see by this link.

This is what we will finish our article today about the choice of a portable charger, or in other words, as an external battery.

Video: What is PowerBank?

commentary 4 Add a comment

  • a chic thing especially if you like to travel, for me Power Bank with a protected AGM A8 smartphone, have become an excellent option, do not think where to find a socket, under the charger is always at hand

  • Absolutely necessary thing on trips. Allows you to charge a smartphone-telephone several times (depending on the capacity of the blank). Take only not on sunny batteries.

  • An interesting gadget.
    But I like it more - the wireless Power Bank Cgpower.

  • Useful article! And I have a wireless Amper Power Bank 2, the same, only a reliable metal case and wireless charging, which does not heat the phone. I checked the container with the tester - everything is ok

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