What can be done with the old tablet?

Published in Android
July 10, 2016

The tablets, which were for another 3-4 years, were one of the best in the market, today are already outdated. What to do with the old, who served their service, a tablet? How to use it if you have acquired a new powerful device. Of course, it can be sold on Avito. But, not everyone wants to part with an “old” friend after buying a new device. In this article we will tell you what to do with an old tablet that is dusting on your shelf.

Car gadget

We have already described the best applications for motorists on the pages of this site. With their help, you can make from the tablet GPS navigator And dVR. In addition, by connecting such a device to a stereo system, you can play audio and video files on it. And even if the battery of your old tablet no longer holds a charge, it does not matter. This device can be connected to a cigarette lighter. It is enough to buy a special car charger.



The old tablet computer can be easily turned into a video call monitor. To do this, you need to buy an IP camera, fix it in front of the front door and take a picture from it to the tablet. After that, the outdated device will be able to display everyone who came to your audience.

By the way, similarly from the old tablet, you can make a monitor for the video tank. You will also need a camera. Only, unlike the video call, it needs to be installed not in front of the front door, but in the children's room.

In both cases, you need to install a video player with the possibility of playing stream video on the tablet. For this purpose, you can use the JVPlayer application. And using the TinyCAM Monitor application, you can provide support for the camera. That is, record and conduct remote observation.

Portable multimedia player

Of course, the small size of the tablet does not allow it to be 100% considered as a video player. But, if you don’t have a TV in the kitchen, then why not install it there in order to brighten up the time of cooking or consumption of food. If the built-in columns are not enough, then the Android planet can always be connected to external sound sources.

In addition to the kitchen, such a device can be used while taking a bath or before going to bed. The main thing is not to forget to turn on the sleep timer.

In addition to watching videos, you can use the old tablet as a radio receiver. To do this, just download the Tuneln application and listen to one of the 100,000 Wi-Fi radio stations.



It is unlikely that anyone once bought such a device as a photo frame. A completely useless and not proven thing. But, if you have an old tablet, then why not make such a gadget out of it? And it is not necessary to display photos of relatives and friends on his screen. You can choose motivating pictures or quotes of famous people. By the way, periodically changing pictures with words can be used to replenish the vocabulary of the studied foreign language.


If your old tablet can "boast" a comfortable screen, then it will make an excellent e -book. To do this, it is enough to install a special application, the Tap Cool Reader or FbReader and enjoy your favorite book. Skire your library into it or use a network repository. By the way, I advise you to use the "cloud" to store your library. So, it can be protected from problems with memory cards or random distance. In addition, the above applications can be synchronized with cloud file storages.



Do you have a unique recipes base? Transfer it to the tablet. Or use cloud solutions (we wrote about them above). Better yet, install culinary applications on the tablet and install the device on the stand. Now in the kitchen you can use this device to improve your culinary skills and expand the number of dishes you have learned to cook.

By the way, you can download recipes in the tablet not only in text form, but also in the form of videos. You can subscribe to the channels of famous cooks and adopt their skills.

Notepad for notes

With the help of an old tablet, you can make an excellent notebook for notes, which is always at hand. There are many applications for creating notes. The best of them is undoubtedly Evernote. This service stores your notes in the "cloud". And this means that access to them can be configured from different devices. Moreover, you can save texts, html pages, maps, YouTube videos and other important information for a couple of clicks.

By the way, the Evernote application can also be used to create its recipes database. Making it is more convenient from the computer to the cloud. And when preparing the dish, you can use the tablet.

Experimental gadget


The Android operating system offers endless capabilities for customization. Moreover, you can get into the system as deep as your knowledge and courage allows you. Moreover, you can generally change Android to something more original, such as Miui or Cyanogen. The only problem is that not all experiments can be equally safe for your device. If you do not want to take risks or strive to maintain a guarantee of your new device, then your past Android will serve as an excellent testing ground.

Smart TV

The old tablet can be an excellent media player for your TV. The device is connected to the TV using an HDMI cable. In order to turn off the tablet screen when it is synchronized with TV, you need to get a ROOT-right and install the Screen Standby application.

But, this method of using the old tablet is suitable if it can work with an HD video. Otherwise, it can only be used as a file storage.

When installing in the tablet such applications as SPB TV, Torrent Stream Controller, Peerstv, Bizon TV, Crystal TV and others, the tablet connected to the TV can expand the capabilities of TV due to online television.

Game retro-console

game console

Love to play retro games? The old tablet is perfect for this. Yes, its power is no longer enough, for modern games, but the old ones will quite pull. And if you hit the last century in the last century, then you can install the emulator application and on the old Android planet play in Mario or Contra.

Universal remote control

There are several applications in the Play Market that turn the old tablet or smartphone into a universal Du-convey. And if you do not want to make a remote control universal (it is no secret that it is not always possible to control several devices at the same time) can download the application to control a specific TV. It is especially interesting to control the TV with the Smart TV function from the tablet.

Virtual keyboard


If you have failed the keyboard, do not rush to run to the nearest computer store for a new one. From the old tablet you can make a keyboard that will be many times more convenient than the old button. You can connect the tablet to the PC by means of Bluetooth. Then you can type text in a Word or another office program without getting up from the couch.

A table clock

A clock is the first thing that comes to mind when we think what to make from an old tablet. If it does not hold charging from you, buy a simple domain for 250 rubles on Aliexpress or Ebay and put your tablet there.

As for the clock, there are a lot of applications with which your smartphone can be turned into them. Such applications can be used as an alarm. And the most advanced of them can show the weather. At the same time, visually all this looks very beautiful.

Of course, this is far from a complete list of what can be made from the old tablet. You can breathe new life into an old mobile device in other ways. And what did you make from the use of the old device?

Video. A tablet with a broken screen + old monitor \u003d Smart TV

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  • in quarantine, the idea can now be useful as a thin client, I'm on Simple Nook https://youtu.be/mzx1qsc60m I connect to Windows 10 when there is one working computer for the whole family and everyone needs to work from the house can help out the old gadget and RDP. You can also use a desktop clock with the weather, a photo frame, a media center, a server for loading torrents, an iP camera, make an advertising stand (running tape of text or video)

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