Android nougat. What novelties will the seventh version of the most popular mobile operating system Android N bring us?

Published in Android
July 10, 2016

The other day, Google's corporation announced the name of the new version of the Android operating system. Until this day, all previous versions were called various sweets. The name of the seventh version of Android was no exception. She began to be officially called Nougat (Nuga). In this article we learn that Google plans to introduce into a new version of his mobile operating system.

Transition to Openjdk

Those who follow the news from the world of technology probably heard about the contradictions that have arisen between Google and Oracle, which is the developer of the Java API. As a result of these friction, the corporation with the head office in Mountain-Vew decided to go to the open version of Java Development Kit (Openjdk). This will most likely happen already in Android Nougat.

The transition to a new version of Java announced Google more than a year ago. But, until this happened. The company assures that nothing will change for developers of smartphones and users. Moreover, OpenJDK should help facilitate the work of creating applications for Android devices.

Google Continuum

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The Continuum function allows you to make a mini-PK from a smartphone. It can be connected to a TV or any other monitor and use the same as we use desktop computers. Continuum is already used in smartphones under the control of the Windows 10 operating system. Microsoft laurels do not give rest to Google. And it is already known, in the "Corporations of Good" they develop their own analogue of Continuum.

The fact that the function that turns the smartphone into a personal computer is developed on Google is evidenced by the fact that in the laboratories the company has already created a module that has support for DisplayPort through the USB Type-C connector. This means that smartphones with the Android operating system can at least be connected to the monitor. But, why do this, as not in order to turn them into a computer.

The Continuum function implemented in Microsoft Lumia smartphones has already established itself from the best side. And if it were not for the meager Microsoft Store catalog for devices designed in the rack monitor, there would be an army of fans. Google has such an army and an analogue of Continuum function will help them use not only mobile devices, but also desktop PCs to work.

Multicomatic mode

The mode of multi -facet was spoke even during the Android 6.1 release. Then, they could not introduce him. But, in a full -fledged version of the most popular operating system, they should already do this. Interestingly, this mode was implemented by Samsung when developing the Galaxy Note II smartphone. Most likely, in Android Nougat it will be able to implement it at the level of the system.

By clicking on the button the activating function of multitasking, the display displays the card from the previous active application. Other cards are increasing. Thanks to this, you can switch between a pair of applications much faster. By clicking the button with multitasking, you can scroll through the cards of advanced applications. Having reached their end, the list returns to the beginning.

In addition, by pressing the key with multitasking and running a finger further up, the application is folded into the multi -speed mode.


android 7

Settings in Android 7.0 will also undergo changes. Nougat developers have announced the appearance of the “curtain” with the menu list on the left side of the main screen. This will accelerate the movement between sections.

In the place for notifications there will be clues and the possibility of calling the activation of voice commands. There will also be a quick transition to the main settings.

One of the key innovations of the seventh version of Android is the ability to answer directly from notifications about their receipt. Now you do not need to go to the application and spend time on this. After all, you can answer the message directly from the curtain. To do this, the notification must be shifted to the right and find the icon with the settings for messages.

It will also easily turn on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. To do this, you do not need to shift the curtain. Their icons will always be in sight. Moreover, thanks to the groups, you can configure the notification panel as you are more comfortable.


Also in Google implemented the color rendering of the screen. Three colored sliders will appear in the screen settings, moving which you can put up a comfortable position for your eyes. Also, from the innovations for the device screen, it is worth noting the appearance of a night regime.

Project Svelte

project Svelte

In Android Nougat, another innovation will be implemented - Project Svelte. Using this function, many indicators of the operating system can be improved: energy consumption, memory and performance.


According to rumors, in Android 7.0, the standard player will finally be implemented using a headset. Yes, such management operates in many alternative playlies. But what if you listen to music with a pre -installed player? Yes, and with one hand, hold on to the handrail in public transport? If your screen allows you to work on it with one hand, then you can get a smartphone, go to the application and switch the track. But, it is much more convenient for this purpose to use the buttons of headphones. They say that in Nugat it will be implemented.

Removing applications

And another innovation at the level of rumors. Google in the seventh version of Android will remove unnecessary system applications. Although this seems too fantastic, many industry analysts believe that it will be possible. Although of course, the more likely that Google will be done as Apple did in iOS 10. They added the function of hiding the labels of unnecessary applications.

Android 7.0 Nougat against iOS 10

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If we compare new versions of popular mobile operating systems, you can find some external similarity between them. The interface of both systems consists of colorful elements and thin fonts. Speaking of fonts, in Android 7.0 Nougat, Roboto is used, and in iOS 10 - San Francisco. True, in a more fat version than this classic font.

Apple mobile operating system earlier android began to use multi -ore mode. And the night regime first appeared in the iOS operating system.

Experts give the Nougat championship in the category of novelties in terms of energy efficiency. In general, Android offers users the same possibilities as iOS, but only, completely free.

Release date Android 7.0

Beta version of the Android Nougat operating system for developers was released on March 6, 2016. As for the release of the stable version of the "seven". It remains not for so long to wait for her. Google states that the final version of Android Nougat will be released in mid -October 2016. By the way, its output will be combined with the release of a new Nexus device. It is not yet clear that it will be a smartphone or tablet.


Most innovations can be attributed to various little things that can only improve life for someone. But, Google has done tremendous work in terms of energy efficiency. In addition, important innovations include an analogue of Continuum Windows function, which turns a smartphone into a mini-PK and a multi-speed mode.

Video. Android nougat: What's new?

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