7 signs that you need a new smartphone

Published in Smartphones
July 31, 2016

How to find out that the old and favorite smartphone you can no longer perform all the functions that modern devices can perform? Let's figure out this article.

When it is no longer possible to postpone the replacement of a smartphone:

Broken screen

a broken iPhone

The screen of modern smartphones is their most sore spot

And if such a device falls out of the hands to a hard surface, then most likely the screen will be covered with cracks. In the best case, such cracks will negatively affect the appearance of the device. At the worst, the touchscreen will fail. So, it will be impossible to control such a smartphone.

The smartphone screen is not only the most fragile part of such a device, but also one of the most expensive. Its replacement will cost a tidy amount. And sometimes, it is better to buy a new smartphone, the screen of which will not cover the network of cracks. And if your smartphone is already several years old, then its replacement with a new one will certainly be justified.

The battery is quickly discharged

A very important criterion, which is worth paying attention to when the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing your old smartphone is a fast battery discharge. According to experts, 500 battery charging cycles reduce its resource by 20%-25%.

Of course, you can try to replace the battery with a new one. But, finding a suitable model for old smartphones is not always possible.

Moreover, sometimes the rapid discharge of the smartphone does not depend on its battery, but on the obsolescence of the smartphone itself. Each renewal of the operating system according to the statements of developers, although solving the issues of energy conservation, but in fact, adds new functions that may be very voracious.

You need to update the smartphone even when it spontaneously turns off with a shown battery of 20%-40%. Modern smartphones, although they consume electricity more, have batteries of larger capacity.

Therefore, in order to always be in touch, you need a modern smartphone. So you have to fork out.

Inhibits the interface

the smartphone slows down

Old smartphones can perform even simple tasks for a very long time

If you go to the phone book to find the number of the right contact, and the smartphone takes a lot of time, then it's time to think about buying a new one.

Of course, you can use the application manager who will correctly distribute the system resources. But, even he will not be able to help old devices.

If not very resource -fitting actions are performed by your smartphone slowly, then what comfort can be discussed when operating?

Over time, the work of not only batteries and operating memory worsens, but also sensory sensitivity decreases. And if you notice such a “feature” of your device, then it's time to think about its replacement.

Special shutdown

If your smartphone began to turn off or overload periodically, then this means that it can fail at any time. At the same time, you not only have a risk of being left without communication, but also lose the data that are recorded as a memory of the phone.

Modern applications are increasingly required by RAM and can greatly overload its work. And she, in turn, does not cope with such a load. Turning off the phone is one of the “protective reactions” of your device.

Today it is important to be constantly in touch. And if your smartphone cannot provide you with access to the online for 24 hours a day, then it needs to be changed.

There is not enough memory


There are two types of memory in the phone: operational and internal

The first is responsible for the operation of the software of the device, and the second stores on itself the files of the operating system, applications, music, video, photos, etc. If the lack of internal memory can be solved due to an additional flash card (if it supports the device), then it is more difficult with RAM.

You just can’t buy it like on a desktop computer. We'll have to update the smartphone.

Today, a smartphone with 8 GB of RAM has already been announced. But, while such a number of gigabytes is certainly not needed. Modern Android flagships have 3-4 GB of RAM.

Of course, devices are also produced with 1 GB. But, very soon they will also be out of place. What can we say about smartphones in which RAM is determined in megabytes. Such for a long time can not cope with many modern applications. Therefore, it is time to replace them.

The phone does not support LTE

At the moment, cell operators are deploying fourth -generation networks. Their main difference is the high data transfer speed. But, if your smartphone does not support the LTE standard, you will not feel any advantages of 4G.

So, use the mobile Internet, the speed of which will be limited to 21.6 Mbps. For comparison, the maximum speed of 4G Internet is 300 Mbps.

Of course, for functions such as receiving and sending emails, communication on social networks or through specialized instant messengers, mobile Internet speeds in the third-generation networks are enough, but in order to quickly stumble serious portals, view HD-video, high-quality photos, etc. .P. Already needed a 4G Internet.

If your smartphone does not support LTE, then it's time to take a closer look at the new device. Moreover, even budget devices support the 4G standard today.

If you are still using a button phone

old Nokia

There is nothing to say here, button smartphones (now it's not about BlackBerry devices), this is the last century

They have long been outdated morally. Using a touch screen is not as difficult as it seems. In addition, even the smallest sensory smartphone has a screen, which is even larger than the largest screen in a button smartphone. And this opens up much greater opportunity. You can view videos and photos, read books and play games.

When to buy a new smartphone?

If the old model of your smartphone can still be upgraded: reflash, install a new memory card, update the device panel, etc., then the purchase of a new smartphone can be postponed.

But, if you have already lit up with the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying a new smartphone, then before that, be sure to compare all the disadvantages and advantages of new models.

Do not buy a new smartphone if it soon becomes obsolete morally. But, and do not buy flagship models immediately after they enter the market.

The thing is that all electronic devices, some time after the start of sales begin to lose their original cost. This is especially noticeable on devices from Apple, Samsung and other famous companies.


Industry analysts calculated that over the year the price of a smartphone can fall by 20%-40%

The best time to buy a new smartphone is the end - the beginning of the year. And let, we have not so developed a Christmas discount system as in the USA, you can find the optimal purchase for ourselves at this time.

The models that have been released at the beginning of the year and those that should be updated in the near future are especially lost.

After the “heir” of any model of a smartphone appears on the market, it immediately loses in price. It is not rare, the price of an “old” gadget falls by $ 100 and more.

If you do not need a newfangled smartphone, then the purchase of a previous version of the “new market” is the most optimal solution in terms of price-quality ratio.

By the way, if you like to change your smartphone once a year, then before going out the new model, sell your old gadget. So you can "save" on the purchase of a new one.

The best investments in this regard are devices from Samsung and Apple. The only negative is that a month or two will have to use a spare smartphone. But, for these purposes, you should have it.

Video. Is it worth buying a new smartphone every year?

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