7 Mobile Applications Smart House: Netatmo Welcome, Yale Entr, Gigaset Elements, Panasonic Home Network, EQ-3 Homematic IP, NOLITE, PhILIPS HUE

Published in Android / iOS
July 8, 2016

With the help of modern smartphones, you can not only make calls and play games. More and more these devices are replaced by the office, and they can also be used in the Smart House system. There are many applications thanks to which heating, lighting, television and other devices in your house can be controlled. Thanks to them, you can increase the safety of your housing and reduce energy consumption.

Using smartphones included in the Smart House system, you can find out if you have forgotten to close the windows and turn off the light. Modern systems allow you to find out if the attacker has not been made into your house until you were. To do this, install special sensors in the apartment or country house. Their signal can be taken to your smartphone and no longer afraid that the good you have gained will fall into the wrong hands.

The same can be done with the heating system. It is enough to configure the thermostat to control from the mobile phone and set a comfortable temperature by being outside your housing. Why drown the house when you are not in it? But to wait for the house to heat up, coming from the cold street in the winter is also not a reason.

To control your house at a distance, the developers of mobile applications have released a large number of programs for operating systems iOS And Android. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

NETATMO WELCOME: Camera with facial recognition technology

Netatmo is known to everyone who is interested in smart devices for your home. Not so long ago, this developer released his application for popular mobile operating systems, with which you can significantly improve the safety of your home.

Unfortunately, this application can only work together with a video camera, which can be purchased at Netatmo for 20 thousand rubles. Such a device can identify people by their faces. But, if the person’s face is not “familiar” with such a device, then it will transmit the photo to the owner’s smartphone.

In addition, the camera can record people included in your home. The files of such a record are stored both in the camera itself (on the SD card), and are transmitted via FTP to a remote server.

If you are at home, do not rush to turn off the device. Indeed, among the additional functions of such a device are informing about smoke, identifying dangerous sounds, etc.

Yale Entr: Open the input lock with a smartphone

Yale Entr

A few years ago, it was impossible to imagine that the door could be opened without the use of keys. Today, smart cards, code locks and other devices are more and more used for these purposes. But, in our time, when a mobile phone has so many opportunities, it is a sin not to use it in this purpose. This can be done using the Entr Smart Lock application.

This application works in conjunction with the "smart" Entr castle. To open it, it is enough to turn on the application and draw a finger on the screen from top to bottom. At the same time, the Bluetooth Low Energy protective connection is activated, opening the lock.

Using the Entr Smart Lock application, you can open the door to your house and at a distance. True, the press release of the developer does not mention how to do this if the Bluetooth technology is used for this purpose, limiting the distance from the castle to the smartphone.

By the way, you can buy an “smart” ENTR castle for 30 thousand rubles.

Gigaset Elements: Protect the house from attackers

Wow to protect your housing by spending only 15 thousand rubles? You can make your house safer using the Gigaset Elements kit, the starting equipment of which costs the above amount. This kit includes a hacking sensor of the door, a traffic sensor and a central control point.

After the system finds the penetration of unauthorized persons into your house, a message will be sent from the central control point about this fact to the owner’s smartphone. As for feedback, using a smartphone, you can set the modes of presence and absence of a house.

You can include windows, siren and tracking cameras in such a system. But then the price of the kit increases significantly.

Panasonic Home Network: Management of Systems at a distance

smart House from Panasonic

The famous company Panasonic also does not stand still. This Japanese developer offered his customers a Smart Home security system. This system combines several sensors (doors, windows, water leaks, glass breakdown, etc.). Their main obligation to notify the owner of the house about force -organ circumstances. The sensors are synchronized with a smartphone by means of the Network System mobile application and Internet connection.

The cost of set of STARTER KIT PLUS sensors (about 20 thousand rubles). You can include other modules in the Panasonic system. With their help, you can not only “wait” the signal, but also watch what is happening in your house yourself. At the same time, the “picture” will be displayed on the smartphone of the owner of the “smart” house.

eQ-3 Homematic IP: adjust the temperature in the house at a distance

Another well-known company operating in the Smart House segment, EQ-3 offered users the possibility of remote temperature control. To do this, she released the application with which you can regulate radiator thermostats while at work, visiting or in another place, far from her house.

The minimum set of sensors and the central control panel of such a system costs about 10 thousand rubles. Using the Homematic IP application, the owner of the house sets a comfortable temperature for him. To reduce energy consumption, it is possible to reduce the heating intensity at a time when the house is empty and increase before the arrival.

Noolite: Smart House


Another application that can be included in your Smart House system. Its main task is to control light at a distance. To do this, all lighting devices must be equipped with radio-controlled switches of the Noolite system and combined into a single system through the Ethernet School of PR1132. Then you can turn on and disable the light with a smartphone and the installed Noolite application: Smart House.

Also, this application can be synchronized with other sensors installed in the house. For example, sensors of humidity, temperature, etc. Their data will also enter the smartphone using the described application.

Philips Hue: Lighting at a distance

This application, like the previous one, will help to “deal” with lighting. Using Philips Hue, you can change the color of the emitted light, configure automatic turning on and off the light. If there are appropriate sensors, you can program lighting so that it turns off after its owners leave the house.

The minimum set of three color -colored E27 lamps and Hue Bridge hub to create such a system will cost 17 thousand rubles.

Creating a system of a "smart" house is very simple

smart House

In order to create a “smart home” system, there is no need for a stroke, drilling and laying new wiring in the house. Indeed, most devices that will be included in such a system are enough to equip Wi-Fi or Bluetooth module.

By means of radio signal, they will transfer data to the central remote control, which is equipped with a router. And he will already transfer all the information of such an information that interests the owner of such a house to his smartphones or tablet.

Video. Real smart home. Gadgets, devices and new technologies

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