The capabilities of the WiFire TV for TV. Wifire TV prefix - connection and configuration: Instructions in Russian

Published in Useful tips
Mar 20, 2017

Wifire TV is a service for watching television channels using Internet capabilities. Thanks to this service, you do not need a satellite television antenna or concluding an agreement with cable operators. It is enough to just have a connection to a high -speed Internet and a TV at home.

If you have it all, then you can use the service of this service through Smart TV Or with a set -top box for a TV. If your TV has “smart” functions, then simply install the application of the described service in it. About how to do this we talked in this article of our site.

If you have not yet acquired a TV with functions Smart TV, then you can use any prefix on the Android operating system and install the application there Wifire TV From Play Market. Perhaps this is the best option. In addition to this application, you can install any other application from the official Google catalog and use it on the large TV screen.

But, in this small article, we will talk about the prefix from the WiFire TV service. It can be rented from a provider that provides an interactive television service or get free. Many providers who provide access to the services of this digital television often arrange promotions to attract new customers. With the help of which you can become the owner of a television prefix for free when paying for a certain number of months Wifire TV.

Opportunities and advantages of the prefix

Wifire TV setup works both using a wired connection and Wi-Fi. When working on a wireless connection, the prefix can use the frequency 2.4 GHz And 5 GHz. And this is her main feature. The fact is that when using a wireless connection in large cities, your router can conflict with the routers of neighbors.

Which leads to problems with connecting devices to a local network. In order to reduce the risk of conflict with the routers of neighbors working at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the developers of this prefix equipped it with the ability to receive a signal at a frequency of 5 GHz. This will allow you to view television channels without disappearing a signal and disruptions of the picture.

Wifire prefix

Wifire prefix

Of course, for the work of the prefix on the 5-gigveron channel you need a router that will distribute the signal at this frequency. Not so long ago we talked about the router Xiaomi Mi WiFi Router 3that gives the Internet on two channels. And it is perfect for transmitting a signal on a non -such loaded channel as 2.4 GHz.

You can also take a router from a provider who accesses the Wifire TV service.

At the moment, the WiFire TV setup is available on the basis of the media center S-BOX V.500 TVIP. This prefix works on a 4-core processor Amlogic S805 With clock frequency 1.5 Hz And 512 MB random access memory. She has 4 GB memory for files. But, the prefix supports external information drives.

An important feature of WiFire TV setup is the firmware that does not allow using the capabilities of android. But, if you do not buy this prefix from the official supplier of WiFire TV services, then you can install applications from Play Market on it. The prefix on the standard firmware works on Android 4.4 Kitkat.

This device supports video reproduction with resolution 1920×1080, almost all video and audio files, as well as all popular video codes.


  • Fast speed and work speed
  • Compactness
  • Support for all necessary video files
  • Built -in drive for 4 GB
  • Can be a Wi-Fi access point (with standard firmware)

How to connect to a TV?

The prefix is \u200b\u200bconnected to the TV in a standard way. That is, with the help of a cable HDMI. If there is no such connector in your TV, then you can connect the prefix using a cable AV.

You can connect to the Internet using a wired or wireless way.


Approximate connection drawing

To control the prefix, the remote control is used. His scheme is presented below:

Remote control

Remote control

This remote control can be adapted not only for controlling the prefix, but also to control your TV. Thanks to what, you will not need to use two remote controls to watch TV. In order to equip the console console with the functions of the remote control of your TV, you need:

  1. Press and hold the SET button on the console remote control until the moment when the LED is bright (usually 2 seconds)
  2. Press the button from the "trained group" (by signaling this, the LED will start flashing)
  3. Place the remote control next to the console from the TV from the TV indicators to each other
  4. Press and hold a button on the TV remote control, the functions of which you want to transfer the remote control from the prefix
  5. The LED on the remote control from the prefix should blink, and then begin to start shining constantly. This is a signal to the fact that training was successful
  6. Apply such a procedure to other TV buttons necessary for you from TV
  7. After making all the installations, press the SET button on the console. The extinguished LED signals the end of the learning procedure

Wifire TV console deficiencies

Unfortunately, the prefix from WiFire TV, due to the sewn services of this digital television operator, does not allow this gadget to be used fully. The flashing of this prefix requires time and the necessary knowledge. Therefore, the option with the purchase of any other prefix on android, followed by the installation of the WiFire TV application, is a more reasonable solution.

Wifire TV prefix

Wifire TV prefix

The next minus is more likely to apply to the application than the prefix itself. The fact is that it does not have a very friendly interface. You will have to work hard to find where the external hard drives, flash drives or other drives connected to it are hidden in it.

I will say a secret, they are hiding in the section "Films and TV shows." You need to go into it from the main menu, and then scroll through to the right to the right.

Where to buy a prefix?

You can buy a TV setup online This service of digital television or providers providing access to this service. For example, in the company Netbynet.

TV setting from Wifire TV: reviews

Kate. I wanted to expand the number of channels on my TV due to National Geographic, Discoveryand Fox Life. We looked at many options. Stopped at the Netbynet proposal. We already had the Internet from this operator. It remains only to connect WiFire. In the hall we have Smart TV. They simply installed the application and began to use. And in the kitchen I needed a prefix. The operator made a profitable offer for us. When paying six months, the prefix automatically becomes ours.

Kirill. I took this prefix. I did not like the firmware with sewn Wifire services at all. He called a friend. He arrived, looked and said, tomorrow I will bring on a pure android. I took this prefix in the next day without a sewn Wifire. I installed this application there and a few more television ones. Everything is working. But, it is better to immediately buy a prefix on android, and not this one from Wifire. Not everyone has friends programmers.

Video. Characteristics of the console TVIP S-BOX v.500

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