Eldorado - installment plan, loan without overpayments: conditions. What banks in Eldorado give a loan, installments?

Published in Useful tips
Jan 26, 2017

The article describes what a loan is without overpayments in the Eldorado store.

«El Dorado" - a popular chain of digital and household appliances in Russia. Purchase goods in " El Dorado"Perhaps also through the online store" El Dorado", Registering in" Personal account". The store provides its customers with many services, among which - the opportunity to purchase certain goods in installments. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Loans without overpayment at Eldorado. Conditions of provision


Eldorado - installment plan, loan without overpayments: conditions. What banks in Eldorado give a loan, installments?

Loans without overpayment, or installments, are often called " loan 0-0-24», « loan 0-0-10" And " loan 0-0-12". That is, the preliminary payment is 0 rubles, interest on the loan - 0 rubles, and the loan itself is issued for 24, 10 or 12 months. In the shop " El Dorado»The issuance of such loans occurs at the following prices:

  • Minimum installment amount - 2,000 (mobile phones - 1,500) rubles
  • Maximum installment plan - 300,000 rubles

Also, according to the conditions, not all goods available in the store are possible in installments.

Those goods for which an interest -free loan are common have special shortcuts with the inscriptions marked above - “” 0-0-24», « 0-0-12»…

In order to take such a product on credit without overpayment, the client should have a passport with him. No additional documents or certificates are no longer required.

Of course, you can participate in the action through the online store " El Dorado", But nevertheless, you will still have to visit the real store.

Are such loans provided to all customers without exception? It can be noted here that the installment plan in " El Dorado»It is the most ordinary loan that are issued in banks.

Banks that issue a loan in the store " El Dorado» — « Alfa Bank" And " Home Credit Bank". The only difference is at the most interest -free rate, although, to be honest, it is most likely simply included in the price of the goods.


Eldorado - installment plan, loan without overpayments: conditions. What banks in Eldorado give a loan, installments?

  • So, expensive goods In installments in " El Dorado»They may not provide customers who have not reached adulthood, not working anywhere, etc.
  • Can refuse persons With bad credit history.
  • But, as we see in practice, loans without overpayment are issued to so many customers " El Dorado", It is possible that you may be.

So, the conditions for issuing an interest -free loan in the store " El Dorado»:

  • Credit 0-0-10: goods - mobile phones; Cost - from 1,500 rubles. up to 80,000 rubles.; interest rate - 0 rub.; Preliminary payment - 0 rub.; The loan repayment period is 10 months.
  • Credit 0-0-12: goods - a limited assortment; Cost - from 2,000 rubles. up to 200,000 rubles; interest rate - 0 rub.; Preliminary payment - 0 rub.; The loan repayment period is 12 months.
  • Credit 0-0-24: goods - a limited assortment; Cost - from 2,000 rubles. up to 300,000 rubles.; interest rate - 0 rub.; Preliminary payment - 0 rub.; The loan repayment period is 24 months.
  • Read more Look at the official one the site is here.

Where does such generosity come from?


Eldorado - installment plan, loan without overpayments: conditions. What banks in Eldorado give a loan, installments?

Modern buyers are far from stupid people. Many may have a question, where is such generosity in commercial organizations? Why can shops distribute goods on credit so easily, and without a preliminary contribution, and without a preliminary contribution?

In fact, everything is simple. Marketing has never done anything at a loss. Sale conditions can be very attractive to the buyer, but even more profitable for the seller. For example, if they tell you that you can buy a refrigerator for 20,000 rubles, while it costs 25,000 rubles. (that is, the discount is valid-5,000 rubles), this means the following-you are “rafting” the product, the real cost of which is somewhere about 15,000 rubles.

Also in the case with an interest -free loan. As we said above, all interest on the loan is already included in the amount of the goods. The cost of any product on the counter is always several times lower than its cost in the store. So they include marketers in this great difference in the real and store price all sorts of 50%discounts, interest-free loans and other bonuses for their favorite customers.

But there are, of course, exceptions. For example, the store cannot sell this or that product at the declared price. So you have to sell it either at a low cost or on interest -free loans.

Video: Credit without overpayments at Eldorado

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  • In installments, a terra metal detector -705 DD 15 DUIM 7.5 kHz

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