How to enter classmates without registration and authorization? View profile in classmates without registration

Published in Useful tips
Dec 12, 2016

An article on how to go to classmates without registration and password.

Website "Classmates" He quickly gained popularity by unpretentious design, easy registration, the ability to set photos, videos, send virtual gifts, participate in the forums.


Popular site "Odnoklassniki. RU"

The site has practically no age restrictions. Finding a person is easy according to the data: the city, the place of study, the surname. Some users want to hide themselves, close the pages. Is it possible to see the profile without registering, we will find out below.
The reality is that it is almost impossible to enter a friend’s page, without registration and password. This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe site.


Password and login, a necessary condition for viewing profiles

There are many offers for hacking a page on the Web, both paid and free. Remember, this is a divorce!


Website hacking programs on the network are scammers

See a friend's profile, in a very limited order, without registration and password, can be in the following ways:

  • using
  • using the search engine Google
  • with the help of someone else's page

View using the site

  • we go to the site by link
  • we fill out a table of data on the sophisticated person

Data filling table

  • press the key "Find"

We activate the “Find” key after filling out data

  • we receive information about people with similar data, links, from the resource of obtaining data

List of people according to the search engine

The possibility of error is acceptable. In this case, the data column is incorrectly filled with you, or a person is listed on a social network under a pseudonym, or a person closed his profile over the settings network.

View using the Google search engine

  • we go to the site by link
  • in the search bar Google We gain the surname and name of the desired person, the name of the site "Classmates"

Google search line

  • we get limited information on the profile

Google search engine options

View with a foreign page

  • we go to the page of our friend or relative, with his permission
  • we find the right person in the search line of the site
  • we look through its profile

A reliable, affordable, simple way to look at profiles, this is registration on the site.
Communicate, make friends, look and meet!

Video: Registration on the site "Odnoklassniki"

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