What is better webmoney or kiwi wallet?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Useful advice / Smartphones
31 Mar 2017.

In this article you will learn about what is better WebMoney or QIWI Wallet, as well as what distinguishing features have these two payment systems.

To date, the Internet and technology have been so developed that now we can pay for remotely housing and utilities services, pay off the penalty, pay phone and communication services. In addition, payment systems have more convenient, one of which is the ability to pay for products with a plastic card, which can be ordered from your payment system.


Note that each payment system has its pros and cons, so when you choose, you need to focus on the tasks. For example, if you plan to keep a wallet for simple goals, such as mobile phone or Internet services, you need to register a wallet in QIWI WALLET.. If you plan to keep a business wallet, as well as for large-scale payment, then you certainly better use WebMoney payment system.

We choose the payment system: What is better webmoney or Qiwi wallet?

So, before starting to use the wallet in one of the payment system, you will need to take place in the first place. It is worth noting that the registration stage in two payment systems will vary greatly.

Registration procedure: Webmoney, Qiwi-wallet

Registration B. QIWI - Very easy. It is worth noting that it is much easier to register in QIWI payment system. Thus, here it only needs to enter a mobile phone number and password, after which you will need to confirm the registration process of entering the code that comes to the specified number.

Registration in WebMoney is more serious and volumetric. Unlike registration in the payment system QIWI WALLET., registration wallet on Webmoney is a bit different. When registering, you need to enter not only the mobile phone number and password, as well as specify the mailbox address, upload a photo of the passport and go through verification to create a R-wallet.

How to register a Webmoney wallet, we told in this article.

If you want to register a QIWI wallet, then you need to read our article.

Account replenishment: WebMoney, Qiwi-wallet

Multimillion cities are overcrowded by payment terminals, and thus in such cities it is not difficult to replenish the wallet account of one of the payment systems. But this problem is inherent in cities that have a population to 100 thousand people. In this connection, in cities with such a population, it is extremely difficult to find a terminal to replenish your wallet, even despite the fact that today the XXI century and technology will rapidly progress.

Well, if we talk about terminals in big cities, it can be said that in this case the possibility of each terminal is extremely large. Thus, almost every second terminal is endowed with the possibility that allows the user to replenish the wallet in the QIWI payment system, Webmoney, Yandex.Money and Paypal.

But I would like to please the inhabitants of small cities with good news. You can replenish your kiwi wallet with a mobile phone. At the same time, the Commission for the commission of such an operation is rather low, and is only 3% of the amount of replenishment. Therefore, if you are so necessary tools on the Internet, then use this method.

About how to transfer money from QIWI to webmoney wallet, we told in this article.

If you want to replenish QIWI wallet through a mobile phone, then you need to read our article.

Functionality and Opportunity: WebMoney, QIWI Wallet

Create an account on Webmoney, as we have previously spoken pretty hard, and for this requires much more information and data than when registering QIWI-Kolka. But still, if there is a need to use a wallet on a more large-scale level, then your choice should fall on the payment system WebMoney.

If the wallet is used in personal goal, then you need to choose QIWI. Having a wallet in the payment system QIWIYou will not only be able to pay a mobile phone balance and Internet services, as we have said earlier, but also transfer money to a friend, a colleague, or replenish the balance in the system of gaming services and entertainment.

Of course, the first place is occupied by the WebMoney payment system, which is actually the best, both in terms of security, opportunities and the functionality of using the wallet at the world level. We would like to clarify what Webmoney allows consumers to verify and order a map, and this is available for all residents of the world, and in the case of the payment system QIWI WALLET. Everything is much worse, as the map can only citizens of the Russian Federation can order.

Certainly QIWI Provides the ability to create a virtual card for all residents of the world, but it is only available to pay for goods and purchases on foreign sites. Therefore, the virtual card does not allow to derive funds to cash, and the map from WebMoney gives the owner such an opportunity.

Security: Webmoney, QIWI Wallet

Today, a huge role in the use of a particular service is security. After all, few people would like to lose valuable information, credentials and their photos, even worse if your wallet occurs, at the time of which all your money will be in the hands of an attacker. Thus, when choosing and registering a wallet payment system, this factor is also important to take into account that it is not left then with the nose.

In the case of the WebMoney payment system is all high level, it is possible to enable the confirmation of SMS operations, digital authentication using the E-NUM service. In addition, there are electronic keys and other no less catchy levels of protection, the use of which of course gives the user and the owner of the wallet's calm for the safety of your wallet and personal funds. Well, the attackers are under any force, since the protection and security of the Webmoney payment system is really a probable. I would like to bring a lot of examples of how the owners came across the problem of protection of wallets in the Yandex.Money payment system and Qiwi Wallet, but in the case of Webmoney, for some reason you will not meet.

Now, if we talk about the level of protection of your wallet in the QIWI Wallet payment system, then only one thing can be said here - protection on zero. For example, if the attacker sends your smartphone in which your SIM card will be inserted, then it will be no doubt and will be able to take possession of your wallet and cash. Thus, QIWI provides as security only confirmation of an SMS operation and a 4-digit PIN code that can be guessing a simple digit set.

Electronic wallets for commercial purposes: WebMoney, Qiwi-wallet

So, if you are a novice entrepreneur on the Internet, then you need to create an electronic wallet in any case to receive and send payments. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all payment systems allow you to scan the billing check, transaction and other necessary data. Therefore, when choosing and registering an electronic wallet, be sure to learn how the conditions are provided by the organizers for commercial partners.

WebMoney payment system is an excellent solution for entrepreneurs of any level, including for those who only intend to open their business. Therefore, you must certainly register the electronic wallet in this system, since Webmoney is really a powerful tool for commerce on the world. Of course, there are also Wester Union and PayPal, but these are already foreign payments and translation systems.

Note that in Webmoney you can issue and receive loans for a certain amount, but to open such an opportunity you need to get a personal certificate. Getting a personal certificate does not occupy such a long time if you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as other major cities of Russia and Ukraine.

Qiwi-wallet - a payment system, which is also suitable for Internet entrepreneurs, but in this case it has a rather trimmed functionality compared to WebMoney. But still, here you can also pay electronic money, translate them to a bank card, but there is a certain commission. For example, when translating to the Visa Master Card bank card, you will be charged 100 rubles + 3% of the transfer amount.

Of course, we would recommend you to use the WebMoney payment system, although it is also difficult to use and is difficult to learn, but it has much more advantages than the Qiwi Wallet payment system rather than.

Technical Customer Support: WebMoney, Qiwi Wallet

Of course, everywhere there are problems, inconsistencies and other incidents. So in this case, it is impossible to do without technical support. Very often arbitrates and disputes between customers arise, and the purpose of technical support in this case, to resolve the injured conflict.

The QIWI Wallet payment system has excellent technical support that is competent in all issues on the work of the system as a whole. Here you can not only write to technical support, but also contact it on the free service support number Qiwi Wallet.

But most often, customers are treated with the problem of work of the terminal and the bill acceptor, and not on the work of the electronic wallet.

WebMoney payment system has two interrelated technical support services, which allows them to work extremely quickly and respond to all customer issues. But in the case of WebMoney, you will need to specify the WMID, the phone and address of your mailbox, and only after specifying this data you can send a request with a problem for consideration.

In order to ask a question, or solve the problem with the WebMoney account, you need to go to link. WebMoney technical support responds on average after 48 hours, from the moment of submission of an application for consideration.

If your account is registered in the QIWI system and you want to ask a question, then you need to go through this link.

Withdrawal in cash: WebMoney, Qiwi-wallet

This item is also important for people who are engaged in and running on the Internet. For example, it may be freelancers, Internet entrepreneurs who need the ability to derive funds into cash.

So, if we talk about the withdrawal of funds to cash from the QIWI Wallet system, there are only two ways here:

  • Bank card
  • Sending and receiving money transfers

You can issue a QIWI card, but unfortunately it is available only for citizens of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if you have this citizenship, then you are big lucky.

Regarding the WebMoney payment system, then I would like to delight you right away. It has the ability to output funds into cash using a bank card, receiving and sending transfers, through WebMoney dealers and with the help of exchange points.

Well, today we told you about all the advantages and disadvantages of the QIWI Wallet and Webmoney payment system. Therefore, now you need to decide on the choice, and after registering the electronic wallet.

Video: Yandex, Qiwi or Webmoney, what is better?

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