The computer hung and does not work: what to do, how to turn off the hanging computer? How to restart the computer, what keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off?

Published by B. Microsoft Office. / Useful advice
27 Sep 2017.

Why does a computer hangs and how to cope with this problem? Look for an answer in the article.

When working at the computer, such a process may occur, which introduces in a stupor not all, but many users.

  • PC hang is an unpleasant situation when the device stops responding to commands both through the mouse and through the keyboard.
  • Someone immediately falls into panic and runs to call friends or familiar specialists. Others are covered with fright, as they think that the fault of the whole complex virus, which penetrates the system or breakage of an important computer system.
  • Let's deal with why the PC hangs and how it can be eliminated or at least turn off the device.

The computer hung and does not work: what to do, how to turn off the hanging computer?

The computer hung and does not work: what to do, how to turn off the hanging computer?

The computer hung and does not work: what to do, how to turn off the hanging computer?

To understand why a computer hangs and does not work, you need to deal with the reasons for this problem. These include the following:

  • Poor attitude to a computer from the user. The processor must be constantly brushing from dust, check on the cooling system efficiency (lubricate fans, etc.). If the processor is overheated, the computer will hang, reboot and turn off spontaneously.
  • "Pollution" OS. The user must periodically clean the system disk, the registry, delete unnecessary files, do disk defragmentation. If all these actions do not help, then you need to reinstall the operating system.
  • Outdated computer systems: Motherboard, insufficient RAM and hard disk that requires repair. Technique moves forward, new programs are created. We set them up, and the outdated elements of our PC do not cope with the work. Often modern software products are not compatible with outdated software and OS. But remember that repairs will cost you more than the purchase of a new, more modern computer.
  • Overloading system viruses. Free antivirus programs are usually ineffective. They do not protect your computer fully and do not properly optimize the system. However, expensive advertised antivirusers do not allow one hundred percent protection. It is necessary to travel with the mind on the Internet and do not download programs on unverified sites.
  • Simultaneous launch of a large number of applications when the device is turned on. If you want to run a lot of programs at the same time, then first appreciate the resources and capabilities of your PC.
  • Incorrect BIOS setup. This microcircuit will help how to improve computer performance and reduce. The BIOS parameters must comply with all the elements and PC systems.
The computer hung and does not work: what to do: Open the task manager

The computer hung and does not work: what to do: Open the task manager

What to do, how to turn off the hanging computer? Here are the tips:

  • Reload your PC. Usually it helps with some problems. This can be done using a special button on the processor.
  • Click simultaneously "Ctrl + Alt + Del". These actions you call the task manager. If some programs depended, this method perfectly helps disable them.
  • If the task manager is not called, and the computer does not respond to keystrokes, go to the next step.
  • Disconnect the computer. If the above actions did not help, disconnect the PC from the network. You can do this by pressing the RESET button. But remember that all unfinished programs and actions during a compulsory shutdown may be lost.

If nothing helps, contact the service center. Specialists in the area of \u200b\u200bIT will find the reason for the hang of the computer and eliminate the problem.

How to restart the computer, what keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off?

How to restart the computer, what keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off?

How to restart the computer, what keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off?

Few users know about three magic buttons that open the task manager window. We mentioned about it above. Now let's look at what keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off.

So, you have a pc, click simultaneously Ctrl + Alt + Del. The task manager window opens.

How to restart the computer which keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off: Ctrl + Alt + Del

How to restart the computer which keys to click if it is hung and does not turn off: Ctrl + Alt + Del

Highlight the necessary string with the mouse, the task of which is not performed and click on "Remove the task". Opposite the tasks that work normally costs the word "Performed". The task that brakes the work of the PC will be indicated in the column "Condition", as "Not responding".

How to restart the computer: Remove the task that does not work

How to restart the computer: Remove the task that does not work

In the Task Manager, you will see all running processes on your computer. When you remove the task that "slows down" your PC, the system will start working fine. In the tab "Details" or "Processes"Depending on the OS model, you will see which programs or applications most of all load the computer's prompt memory.

Video: Computer hangs - (decision)

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  • Hello everybody! Not far from the mountains new 2021. Do you know that from January 1, 2021 a real paradise will come on Earth? God extended a difficult earthly life of October 2, 2020 until January 1, 2021. 2020 was the anniversary, leap and Novocyklov year. As written in the Holy Scripture, Jesus will come for the second time on Earth, and immediately restore order on the planet. In winter, there were very little snow, the sunset and the sunrise of the red steel, the coronavirus appeared, the Red Moon in the evening, frequent rains, anomalous heat and much more are signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ. All people must bring the fruit of good and evil to God, who did not bring Adam and Eve to paradise Eden. Jesus died for the sins of all people. We reborn in dust or resurrected to heaven. From January 1, 2021, pathogenic bacteria will not cause diseases, strong will not hurt weak, water will not be able to drown, the fire will not be able to burn, the Earth will not be able to absorb by its owns. Also grow everything for free in abundance: fruits, vegetables and berries. And even in the north we will eat and bananas, coconuts, and strawberries and even potatoes that do not have to plant. Our land will turn into a real paradise garden! Animals will be powered by fruits, vegetables and berries. Nobody will die, but also be born will be less likely. The Bible knows the exact number of resurrected people - 144 thousand. Perhaps in billions of years, there will be life on other planets and even stars, since the universe is infinite. These are accurate data, paradise will certainly come on Earth! In the meantime, I wish well-being and prosperity! Let the new 2021 bring the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and wealth for all people and animals! And the Almighty Good God will help in this. Amen.

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