He closed the browser: how to restore closed tabs to Yandex, chrome, google browser?

Published in Useful tips
Mar 13, 2017

The article describes how to restore closed tabs in various browsers.

All Internet users somehow fell into a situation when several tabs were opened in their browser, in each of which a person tried to look for the information he needed. And after the user found the page he needed, he automatically began to close all the tabs, but by mistake he also removed one of those that was needed.

Now the question arises, how to return the closed tab back? Is it possible? And how to open this tab again in various browsers: " Yandex Browser», « Google Chrome», « Mozilla Firefox», « Opera», « Internet Explorer"? How to do this on a computer and in a gadget under the control " Android"? Let's talk about this in our review.

With what methods can you restore closed tabs in browsers?

In almost all now -known browsers, there is a function of restoring any closed tab. The tabs can be restored manually, or automatically. In the second case, the closed tab can recover if your computer accidentally turned off or a browser for one reason or another has urgently completed the work - when re -opening the browser, a window will fall, offering to restore previously closed tabs.

In the first case, when restoring the tabs manually, several ways are provided:

  • Using the tabs panel
  • Using a settings button
  • With help " Stories»
  • By entering the combination of tabs

Let us consider each case separately (there is also a way when special additions are used for browsers, but we will only consider standard methods in this review).

To restore the tab, you must follow the following instructions:

  • Click on the remaining open tab with the right mouse button
  • Then, in the open window, we find a line of the species in the menu " Open a closed tab"(For different browsers, the inscription may vary slightly).

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

To open an early closed tab, using the button, you need:

  • Go to " Settings»Browser (in its main window) and click on the line of the species" Recently closed tabs».

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

If you need to open the early closed tab again using the option " Story", Then do the following:

  • Go to " Settings»Browser
  • Find the option in the menu " Story"And click on it (also called by pressing" Ctrl+H.»).

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

  • Next, a window with a list of all pages you had previously visited, and those that you visited within a few weeks, will open. Select the link you need from the list (that is, the closed tab you need).

If you prefer to work more often with the keyboard, then you can restore the previously closed tab in the following ways:

  • Draw a combination on the keyboard " Ctrl+Shift+T"(When repeatedly pressed, the tab, closed to the current restored one, will be restored, etc.).
  • Dial a combination " Ctrl+H."For disclosure" Stories"(As indicated above) and in the list select the right link.

Above, we examined the general standard methods for restoring tabs for all browsers. Now we will consider how to open closed tabs in each individual browser.

How open an early closed tab again in "Google Chrome"?

Browser " Google Chrome»Also has several functions that allow you to open closed tabs. One of them, for example, is the automatic restoration of the tabs, which we have already talked about (at the start of an early urgently closed browser, it is proposed to restore all previous tabs):


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

When restoring the tabs manually, you can use the settings " Google Chrome"And in the menu click on the line" Recent tabs»:


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

You can also use the browser settings with the point " Story»And choose the right tab there:


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

How open an early closed tab again In Yandex Browser?

« Yandex browser", In general, can be called one of the versions of the browser" Google Chrome". It also has a function of automatic recovery, as described in the previous case:


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

In addition, if you accidentally closed the tab in " Yandex Browser", Then it can be restored through the main menu where you need to click on the item" Recently closed"(This is shown a list of all previously closed tabs):


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

How open an early closed tab again In Mozilla Firefox?

For browser " Mozilla Firefox»Various methods of restoring early closed tabs are also provided. One of them does not differ, for example, from " Yandex Browser", Since it can also restore the tabs automatically after their unexpected closure.

If we want to reveal a certain tab again after its accidental disclosure, then we need:

  • In the upper right corner of the browser, press the icon in the form of three horizontal fat lines

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

  • Then, in the open window, select the option " Magazine", In which there is a list of all early pages visited for a time. Here you just need to choose the tab that we want.

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

You can also protect yourself from the accidental closure of the tabs in " Mozilla Firefox", for this:

  • Click on the upper right icon indicated above, and in the falling window, click on " Settings».

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

  • Further in " Settings"Select the subparagraph" Tabs", And there put a daw on the contrary" Set". This setting will allow us to receive a preliminary notification from the browser in the future, if we suddenly click on its closure.

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

How open an early closed tab again In Opera?

It’s not difficult to guess, and in the browser " Opera»Also there is a function to automatically restore tabs if the browser was closed urgently (error in the program, a sudden shutdown of a computer). At the next time, " Opera"The browser will offer to restore all the tabs.

With manual restoration of closed tabs, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the settings " Opera"(In the upper left) and then in the window that opens from the list, select" Recently closed"(The whole story of visiting pages on the Internet is stored here).

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

Another way is to call " Stories"Through pressing the key combination" Ctrl+Shift+T»:

  • Pressing further on point " Story", We can choose the tab we need from the list.

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

How open an early closed tab again In Internet Explorer?

« Internet Explorer"Is a default browser in the operating system" Windows". It also has an automatic restoration of tabs at the next time after the unexpected completion of the browser:


Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

There are also two manual methods for restoring randomly closed tabs in " Internet Explorer»:

  • In the first case, we should go to " Service"And in the opened window, click on the menu item, as indicated in the screenshot.

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

  • In the second case, by pressing the key combination " Ctrl+H.»We fall into the history of previously visited pages and there we choose the tab we need.

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

How open an early closed tab again Browsers in gadgets running Android?

The function of restoring browser tabs is available in OS " Android". Consider the example of two browsers how this happens.

Restore the closed contribution to " Google Chrome"(Similar, for example," " Yandex Browser") on " Android»You can use the following ways:

  • The first method. In this case, open the closed tab " Google Chrome»You can use a pair of movements with your fingers. Close in your gadget one unnecessary tab of the mobile version of the browser (just as testing). After its closure, you will see the appropriate notice below, as well as the proposal to restore this tab in the form of the button " Cancellation". By clicking on it, you will cancel the closure of the tab.

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

  • The second method. This method is associated with the list of all closed earlier tabs in the browser. We described it above for the browser " Google Chrome»In his version for computers. Press in the upper right side of the display on the icon in the form of three points (as shown in the screenshot above). A window will fall, in which it will be necessary to go to point " Recent tabs»And choose the right link there.

Open an early closed contribution to " Mozilla Firefox" on " Android»You can use the following ways:

  • The first method. This method is no different from a similar method for the mobile version " Google Chrome". After closing the tab at the bottom of the display, click on " Cancel"(Closing the tab), and it will open again.

Closed the browser how to restore closed tabs in Yandex, chrome, google browser

  • The second method. Go to the home page " Mozilla Firefox"And leaf to the right proposed categories. Finding, " The last tabs»You will see there a list of all early closed tabs.

Video: How to restore a closed tab in a browser?

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