Yandex.Browser and Google Chrome automatically opens tabs with advertising: how to remove obsessive advertising? Why the ons are open with advertising: what to do?

Published by B. Windows
May 18, 2017.

An article on how to remove annoying advertising on chrome browsers and Yandex.

One of the authors NetworkWho wished to remain unknown, wrote that advertising, this is when we are shown, without any thing you can, great, live!


Intrusive adware

Although, a Canadian scientist, a philologist, a researcher, Marshall Madluhan, who has long studied the impact of electronic communicative funds on human cerebral activity, considered advertising, the great art of the 20th century.


Internet advertising


Our article about the borrowed, constantly emerging on the pages of the browser, advertising, ways to remove it.

Disable advertising in the chrome browser

There are some ways to get rid of jumping advertising.One of them, dropping a browser tuning systems chrome ( method number 1.)
The method helps, first of all, when the harmful virus occurs in the browser system. After applying this method, all useful information is maintained unharmed.
Scheme (Method No. 1):


System "Management of Google Chrome Settings"

  • press the key responsible for settings

We activate the "Settings" key

  • we look at the option "Additional settings"

We look at the option "Advanced Settings"

  • press the " Reset the configuration system »

"Reset Settings" key

  • confirm this action

Confirm the action by pressing the "Reset" key

  • the browser programs are shown in the original position, there is no advertising

The process of reinstalling the browser chrome (Method No. 2)
What should be done:

  • we enter the section "Change program",press key "Delete"

Section "Change Program", press the Delete key

  • note subsection "Delete information about work in the browser"

Note the subsection "Delete information about working in the browser"

  • press key "Delete"
  • we will continue to delete the remaining harmful files that arise advertising.

Removal of a program - a virus outstanding advertising (Method number 3)

Sometimes, you should check the browsers of the operating system for advertising. Make it can with help. free antiviral program.
How to do it:

  • enter the browser label program Chromium

Browser Shrome Label Program

  • find section "Properties"

Section "Properties"

  • if there are viruses, the label issues the next record record means that in the disk folder FROM Browser Chromiumthere is a virus chrome.bat,having the names of sites - advertisers who interfere with their advertising viewing information on the browser.

Section "Properties" with the presence of viruses


Search for chrome.bat virus

Note: chrome.bat. A special file containing text with a set of commands that run on the command line according to a specific program laid in the file.We continue to turn off the malicious files on the chrome.

  • we enter the folder C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ browser chrome,by activating the Icon option "Do not show hidden files that are protected"

We enter the folder C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ browser chrome, activating the icon "Do not show hidden files that are protected"

  • repeated in the folder of the software files on the disk with, noting the file chrome.bat.

Repeated in the folder of the software files on the disk with, noting the file chrome.bat

  • change the expansion
  • select the option "Rename"

Select the option "Rename"

  • change the name chrome.bat. on the chrome.txt.

Change the name chrome.bat on chrome.txt.

  • we enter a file with a modified expansion
  • confirm rename

Confirm rename

  • we see the following command line introducing into the workflow chrome.txt., Browser Chromium,

CHROME.TXT string.

  • we see the startup command of the renamed file.

Run a renamed file command

  • we destroy the file - virus with expansion bat.
  • we make a new label Chromium

Turning off advertising in Yandex

We know the browser Yandex. this is:

  • divemic Internet Service: Smart Row Function, Work In Mode "turbo"
  • protection against Program - Viruses
  • quick Start Page Mode

Mixing, malicious advertising appears even here.
Get rid of advertising with a special expansion Adblock.

  • we enter through Yandex. in a virtual application store Chromium, enter this expansion in the address bar

or pass according to the link here


We enter through Yandex to the chromium application virtual store

  • Install the selected extension Adblock

Install the selected Adblock extension 25

  • Confirm this action. We receive a message from the system about reinstalling

Confirm this action. We receive a message from the system about reinstalling

  • turning advertising removed

We told you about the ways to remove advertising from two popular browsers. Chromium and Yandex.
Communicate, work, relax in your favorite browsers without corporate advertising!

Video: How to remove obsessive advertising?

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