Technosila - return of goods and money under warranty and check: Conditions. Technosila: Return of goods of good quality: Conditions

Published in Useful tips
Mar 9, 2017

The article tells how to return the goods in the Technolars store.

Shopping mall " Technosila"Belongs to one of the most famous stores of household and digital technology in Russia, along with their twinths such as" M Video" And " El Dorado". Shop " Technosila»Provides to its customers many services in the form of various sales for sales with discounts.

To the types of services from " Technosils»There may be various convenient opportunities for buyers. In this article, we will talk about the conditions for the return or exchange of goods of proper quality in " Technosile».

Return and exchange of goods within two months in the Technolars store


Technosila - return of goods and money under warranty and check conditions. Technosila Return of goods of good quality conditions

Shop " Technosila»Considers that it is often difficult for the buyer to make the right choice when looking for the product he needs. Also, it is not rare to make a mistake to make a mistake and spend the money not quite that he would like.

Moreover, errors can occur in various cases. Even if you carefully study the characteristics, for example, of any gadget, read the pile of positive reviews and comments on it, you may not like this product anyway.

It also happens that, for example, the TV you purchased was in the interior of your apartment not quite the same as it was in the store and delighted your eyes. And the purchased cradle left your baby indifferent, who preferred to sleep with his mother. As a result, you stay with your product unnecessary and with a check indicating the money spent in vain.

Shop " Technosila»Gives the opportunity to exchange (to another product) and return (with the return of money to you) an unnecessary product of proper quality within 60 days. Why 60 days? Administration " Technosils»He believes that during this time you can already decide on which product you should change your purchase, or just return your money.

If you want to draw up documents for a return or exchange of your purchase in the store " Technosila", Then:

In any case, an employee will answer you " Technosils"And consider your request.

The conditions for the exchange and return of goods in the Technolars store on the cashier's check


Technosila - return of goods and money under warranty and check conditions. Technosila Return of goods of good quality conditions

If you want to exchange goods, early purchased in the store " Technosila", Then this can be done according to a special action -" " Bought! Changed your mind? Change!". Or you can just return the goods and get money back.

As already noted above, you can exchange or return goods of good quality within two months from the date of your purchase. At the same time, it does not matter where you bought goods-in an online store or a street shopping center. The exchange itself occurs only once for goods of equal cost, or higher. The conditions for exchange or return are as follows:

  • The goods you bought by the product should be of good quality (not used, not connected, and so on).
  • The packaging should not be damaged
  • All the properties of the goods must be preserved - it must have a presentation and all consumer properties.
  • All documents should be saved: a commodity check, a warranty card, all the instructions attached to the product, and so on, including a loan agreement (if you purchased the goods on credit).
  • All factory seals and labels should be preserved
  • This product was bought in retail by an individual
  • The exchange of the goods that you were taken on credit can be produced only for goods from a similar category (phone on the phone, coffee maker for a coffee maker, and so on).
  • The exchange will not be carried out if your product was paid by the calculation account
  • The exchange will not be carried out if it is taken on credit through the online store

Video: a competent approach to the return of equipment

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