Smart CICRET bracelet with hand projection: review. How much does Cicret bracelet cost on Aliexpress?

Published by B. Android
Oct 8 2016.

An article about the wristing bracelet smart with the functions of the gadget. Appeared for the first time this bracelet on Aliexpress.

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What is bracelet Cicret. or Smart? New in the sea of \u200b\u200bgadgets. Wrist bracelet performing system device functions AndroidSupporting Mobile Application Platform Google.

Smart, smart bracelet with a "highlight".

Smart, intellectual, projection equipment that can be worn on hand.


Wrist bracelet Smart with android gadget functions

The composition of the device

The product includes the following blocks:

  • accelerometer used for GPS. Navigation
  • microcardine system system ROM
  • vibration device used for alarm, call
  • USB -Port for charging the device or connect it to the gadget
  • sensory device as a screen
  • bluetooth - communication network network system with gadgets, Internet login
  • light bulb for highlighting
  • device on / off button
  • touch display
  • pico Projector (Camera)

Structural scheme of smart bracelet

Eating device

  • touch interface for system users Android
  • the presence of the technical characteristics used to enable the system Android
  • it has built-in memory processor, imaging projector, Wi-Fi, modular device
    Built-in battery to power the device
  • specialized application for Android in Google Player

Functions available to the device

  • high degree of security of personal data on social networks
  • ability to delete or change the message text
  • ability to download video, images, audio records, documentation volumes
  • ability to use the "Invisible" mode to enter the application or social network

We add that visually, the device looks like a small, transparent, wrist bracelet and can be successfully selected for the accessory to clothing. The cost of the product includes all modern system functions Android, from 32 000 rubles.You can buy a wonderful bracelet on the website of the store Aliexpress, having come in link.

We hope that a smart, interesting gadget will be useful to you!

Video: Overview Smart Bracelet

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