Aliexpress support service in Russian. How to write and file a complaint on the seller on Aliexpress in Russian: Step-by-step instructions

Published by B. Aliexpress
12 Nov 2016.

In this article we will analyze how to work with online support for the site. Aliexpress, as well as how to write a complaint on the seller.

At the market Aliexpressonline customer support is working around the clock. Many users have a completely reasonable question - where is it and how to use it? Let's analyze these questions.

If you are just starting to use the site and did not have time to register, then our article will help you. "How to register for Aliexpress?"Or you can take advantage of the official instructions for self-study. here.

Entrance to the Russian-language Chat online Support AlExpress

To go into a chat with a Russian-speaking support service:

  • Choose at the top of the page "Help"
  • Further "Help Center"

Center for help


Online help

Support works, only, from 9 to 18 hours Moscow time.

How to use online support for Aliexpress?

So, now we are in a chat, where you will be displayed with a proposal to log in. Here you have three options:

  1. Chat with a robot Eva-Virtual Agent. To do this, ignore the authorization request and close the window.
  2. Enter your authorization data.
  3. In the absence of a profile or reluctance to enter account, click on "I am not a member".

Authorization window in online Chat Aliexpress

  • Chat opens and search for a free operator.
  • If the appeals are currently too much, then you will be in line, what the appropriate inscription will be displayed.
  • As practice shows, waiting is no more than two minutes. About the beginning of the conversation you will be notified by calling. After that, you will see a greeting of the operator and the invitation to hold your questions.
  • The screenshot presents the functions in the chat.

Online Chat Functions AlExpress

  • To complete the conversation, select "END SESSION".
  • The conversation will be completed and you will be offered to evaluate the quality of service on the service.

If you have a conflict with the seller, and the dispute and online chat is not enough, then you need to send a complaint. How to do it, read further.

How to file a complaint on the seller aliexpress?

You can do this in two methods:

  • Opening a dispute
  • Submission of the complaint of the Aliexpress administration

The first option can be used if the goods you have not received and the protection of the transaction has not expired. Read more about how to do this, our article will tell. How to open an argument on AliExpress | Aliexpress if the goods did not come? How to deal with aliexpress | Aliexpress: step by step instructions.

  • To start the process of filing a complaint at the top of the page click on "Help" And further "Make a complaint".

Make a complaint

  • A window will open to select a suitable option - a dispute or complaint.
  • We choose, respectively, the complaint - SUBMIT A COMPLAINT.


  • On the new page you need to write a link that leads to a page with a commodity.

Link to the product

This process is considered by the example of the thing that is not exhibited in its category.


Invalid category

  • Clearly describe the situation.

All complaints on the site are five species:

  1. Counterfeit Products. - Sale Contafakta
  2. Restricted or persohibited Products - Implementation of prohibited goods
  3. Search Exposure Cheating - Creation in deception of search engines
  4. Influencing Toward Off-Line Trading - the seller proposes to carry out a transaction directly
  5. Publishing False Information - About the product contains false information
  • IN ours situation this is third linefurther search engines.
  • Put mark and click on the «Report«.
  • IN next window choose concrete cause complaints.
  • IN this situation this is the thirdparagraph.

Cheating search engines

  • Below in string « Description.» describe problem naughty in words.


  • Everything data indicate on the english language. For transfer can use onlinetranslator. Yet can attach photo for necessity.
  • Further confirm feed complaints, press «Submint.«.

Completion Complaints

What to do when the complaint is sent?

After shipping complaints periodically come in in cabinet «Center complaints» and see status your his appeals.Besides togo, ob all changes you will be to come alerts on the mail. By this cause Aliexpressadvises more check its own electronic mail box.

What if a complaint is filed?

See which complaint about you is filed in "Complaints Center". To resolve the problem, submit evidence of your innocence. It can be a correspondence with the seller, photo, video, and so on. If you do not respond, it can lead to the application of sanctions right up to the eternal blocking of the account.

Video: How to file a complaint on the seller of the site aliexpress?

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